
Politics or basic science?

Health official: Trump rally ‘likely’ source of virus surge

I understand where the political BS is coming from - we all see it on any media we choose to view.
My point is, we are inundated with the political spectrum of this through everywhere else, can we not just focus on the medical facts of "here's what you need to know & do" info that might help?

Just my take.

That would be something that would be helpful.

In 1955-1960-1965-1970-1975, maybe deep into the 1980s and 1990s even. Back when you basically had 3 networks along with PBS, all of whom reported the same news each day on TV.

But now, politics is completely out of control. It influences things that it should have limited or no control over. And now with the internet and ridiculous conspiracy theories, it's easy to lie and get a percentage of people to buy into it.

I was born into a world where they were just developing a vaccine for polio. I remember seeing other slightly older kids in wheelchairs, leg braces, etc. who were born a few years too early that contracted that virus and suffered. Virtually every parent wanted their kids to get that vaccine.

When/if they come up with a covid-19 vaccine, what percentage of people will reject it because of political or conspiracy theory beliefs?

I agree, politics belongs in politics. And I'm not talking about forums here as much as I'm talking about life in general.

But politics has forced itself into the covid-19 response with mixed messages coming from government officials with an agenda in an election year.

I don't recall mixed messages about about polio or smallpox vaccines. If you went to public schools they were required. There was virtually little or no resistance by people with political agendas. Just a very tiny percentage of fools back then. And kids who went to Catholic schools and other private schools got the same vaccinations.

We're in some trouble here with an unprecedented situation. It would be 100X more effective to have a unified approach. I believe we would have had a unified approach in 1960-1970-1980-1990. Instead of 60,000 new cases a day, there could be just 600.

So the big giant elephant in the room is why the fuck not? How hard can it be to put lives first?

Apparently pretty hard. If everyone wore masks in public indoor spaces and avoided large clusters of people in the same space, we would be on our way to success.

Don't hold your breath, no pun intended.
Of course they are only warning against one maker - from mexico. Several cheap brands in the US have also been found to be using wood alcohol.

FDA warns against using two dozen hand sanitizers that could contain toxic wood alcohol

One of my coworkers got calls from 2 different people that he partied with on 2 separate occasions that tested positive. He took a test last night. They said up to a week to know results! The county sent him an email stating he has to quarantine until he gets the results or they'll throw him in a facility for 30 days. So… if he tests positive I guess I need to get a test. We don't work together but I have been in the same room with him. What a mess. A 1/3 of our service department is now gone. Not sure how we're going to weather this storm. What a mess.
One of my coworkers got calls from 2 different people that he partied with on 2 separate occasions that tested positive. He took a test last night. They said up to a week to know results! The county sent him an email stating he has to quarantine until he gets the results or they'll throw him in a facility for 30 days. So… if he tests positive I guess I need to get a test. We don't work together but I have been in the same room with him. What a mess. A 1/3 of our service department is now gone. Not sure how we're going to weather this storm. What a mess.

do you have any symptoms?
That’s crazy. It’s disincentivizing people from getting tested.
I'm trying to think when there was a mess this bad in my lifetime.

Nothing comes to mind yet. Totally unique.

You couldn't have written a movie script about this 20 years ago. People would say bullshit, too unbelievable. No way would people argue over if it's real or not or if the situation is improving or not.
Well this is a sad story. Only 34 years old and dies from Covid-19. I'm sure some on this site knew the man as he was in sales for Hawthorne Gardening the largest hydroponics distributor in North America.

Condolences to his family and those that knew him.

Danh’s professional career included 10 years at Sunlight Supply & the Hawthorne Gardening Company. He joined the company in January 2010 in shipping and receiving, and moved upwards quickly into sales positions, most recently serving the Pacific Northwest territory.

Deep dive stats on TX hospital loads, cases, deaths, etc. If you scroll down to the charts of new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, the charts are nearly logarithmic. It isn't slowing down in the least. One big question for me is where did they come up with nearly 10,000 available ventilators?
