
I'm shocked. I didn't realize LOTS of summer camps actually opened. What idiocy....

82 test positive for COVID-19 after attending Missouri summer camp

That's why it's so important that we open all the schools as soon as possible. Time to get back to normal. We can't let Covid-19 effect the bottom line. Get those schools open! Get those businesses open! Everyone should go out to dinner at a crowded restaurant. Get those sports arena's filled back up. Start crowding those malls. The economy is the most important thing. People should be willing to make sacrifices to keep the economy strong! The dollar is more important than lives! It's the American way. Wearing a mask is not. We should even stop testing for Covid-19. It's going to just disappear. Time to move on nothing to see here. It's like a common cold.

end sarcasm...
I'm shocked. I didn't realize LOTS of summer camps actually opened. What idiocy....

82 test positive for COVID-19 after attending Missouri summer camp

Was running up a creek a couple weeks ago exploring Table Rock Lake and my wife said “Look at all those people onshore not distancing or wearing masks.” Turns out that was that Kanakuk Kamp, couple hundred teens and counselors right there and on a floating dock. She said “That don’t look good at all.”
I'm trying to think when there was a mess this bad in my lifetime.

Nothing comes to mind yet. Totally unique.

You couldn't have written a movie script about this 20 years ago. People would say bullshit, too unbelievable. No way would people argue over if it's real or not or if the situation is improving or not.

I'm reading The End of October, if you could mash that with 1984 you'd have a good screenplay for this mess.

I'm not being political, just a casual observers thoughts. There's been a seismic shift in America in the last 70 years. You had the Greatest Generation that was able to pull together as a country and endure great sacrifices to defeat fascism and transform America into the largest superpower in the world. America can achieve practically anything if the collective weight of the country is working together. Watching the news now it seems that at least one third of the population only cares about themselves. All you hear when watching the news is my rights, my freedoms, my choices. These people are so selfish to refuse to make even the smallest sacrifice for their fellow man. And it's astounding to me that these people have the nerve to call themselves patriots. They cling to statues of America's enemies saying that it's not about racism but history while ignoring the history of a generation that actually came together and made America exceptional.

To borrow a line from trump... sad.
Was running up a creek a couple weeks ago exploring Table Rock Lake and my wife said “Look at all those people onshore not distancing or wearing masks.” Turns out that was that Kanakuk Kamp, couple hundred teens and counselors right there and on a floating dock. She said “That don’t look good at all.”
You've been very outspoken here and in politics about your thoughts regarding the pandemic. Cool.

But it's only after this Kamp event recently made the news, that you suddenly announce you and wifey personally witnessed hundreds of kids not socially distancing or wearing masks. At that precise Kamp. And you never uttered a peep about it at the time. And yet you were screaming from the rooftops about the pandemic here.

I'm not saying you made up this nice story about you and wifey. You included quotes and everything about what was said in real time so it must be true.

I just find it . . . odd.

But I totally believe you.
You've been very outspoken here and in politics about your thoughts regarding the pandemic. Cool.

But it's only after this Kamp event recently made the news, that you suddenly announce you and wifey personally witnessed hundreds of kids not socially distancing or wearing masks. At that precise Kamp. And you never uttered a peep about it at the time. And yet you were screaming from the rooftops about the pandemic here.

I'm not saying you made up this nice story about you and wifey. You included quotes and everything about what was said in real time so it must be true.

I just find it . . . odd.

But I totally believe you.

Thought it was funny I went to see the camps page on covid.
I'm reading The End of October, if you could mash that with 1984 you'd have a good screenplay for this mess.

I'm not being political, just a casual observers thoughts. There's been a seismic shift in America in the last 70 years. You had the Greatest Generation that was able to pull together as a country and endure great sacrifices to defeat fascism and transform America into the largest superpower in the world. America can achieve practically anything if the collective weight of the country is working together. Watching the news now it seems that at least one third of the population only cares about themselves. All you hear when watching the news is my rights, my freedoms, my choices. These people are so selfish to refuse to make even the smallest sacrifice for their fellow man. And it's astounding to me that these people have the nerve to call themselves patriots. They cling to statues of America's enemies saying that it's not about racism but history while ignoring the history of a generation that actually came together and made America exceptional.

To borrow a line from trump... sad.

You have people marching and waving the nazi salute calling themselves patriots. Patriots defeated the nazi's they didn't idolize them.

And then when you have a crappy reality show getting the top ratings for a Friday night it's apparent that the dumbing down of America is in full swing. While the rest of the world is moving forward America is going backwards.

This is what America has become. Highest ratings. It's pathetic.

Brought that up because recent headlines but I mentioned masks and distancing and nearby conditions. It is now pretty much th3 course of things like that Tulsa rally. We actually are pretty much at home since 2/29. Don’t see many folks and pick up groceries only anymore. A few more masks all the time but not enough and I see a lot of White haired Harley Davidson bikers wi5h no distancing and a mask or two.
Oh, there was an outbreak no doubt. It's "the rest of the story" that is a head scratcher.

What's a headscratcher? A bunch of ignorant morons listened to the moron saying covid is like the common cold and will just disappear. They ignorantly decided to congregate in a large group and quickly spread the virus among themselves. These are the dumbest of the dumb. The science deniers, etc... They make up a significant percentage of the American population. That's why this country is in so much trouble. Morons listening to a moron instead of people that know what they're talking about. It's sickening to watch and as an American it's embarrassing to see what this great nation is becoming.
Brought that up because recent headlines but I mentioned masks and distancing and nearby conditions. It is now pretty much th3 course of things like that Tulsa rally. We actually are pretty much at home since 2/29. Don’t see many folks and pick up groceries only anymore. A few more masks all the time but not enough and I see a lot of White haired Harley Davidson bikers wi5h no distancing and a mask or two.
Oh, I get it. I see why (given how outspoken you've been) you kept mum about it until today. Makes sense.
I'm reading The End of October, if you could mash that with 1984 you'd have a good screenplay for this mess.

I'm not being political, just a casual observers thoughts. There's been a seismic shift in America in the last 70 years. You had the Greatest Generation that was able to pull together as a country and endure great sacrifices to defeat fascism and transform America into the largest superpower in the world. America can achieve practically anything if the collective weight of the country is working together. Watching the news now it seems that at least one third of the population only cares about themselves. All you hear when watching the news is my rights, my freedoms, my choices. These people are so selfish to refuse to make even the smallest sacrifice for their fellow man. And it's astounding to me that these people have the nerve to call themselves patriots. They cling to statues of America's enemies saying that it's not about racism but history while ignoring the history of a generation that actually came together and made America exceptional.

To borrow a line from trump... sad.
Yeah, I hear ya.

I sometimes wonder if the Greatest Generation will ever have any serious competition?

They went through the double hell of the depression and WW II and largely stuck together, and then the post war America had all the manufacturing work and jobs and an economic boom because the rest of the world was bombed out.

They weren't perfect, they didn't treat Japanese Americans fairly during the war, they didn't treat minorities farily especially down south, but they were the generation in power that passed the Civil Rights Act 20 years later. So they evolved and did the right things over time.

I see that seismic shift being a little shorter, more like maybe 30 or 40 years. Before that, I believe you could track steady improvement. After that, many things start to get worse, and a lot if it can be traced to the internet. A lot of it can be traced to job losses. The factory companies that survived modernized and modern equipment always cuts jobs. I worked summers for a company for four years, later became permanent. They invested in the company and it dropped the number of jobs there from 1800 to 500 over 44 years. Others moved off shore where it is cheaper to run sweat shops, but not very patriotic or moral. But money is money and companies are solely driven by it now. They used to have a degree of compassion. That is definitely long gone. And foreign companies destroyed in WWII rebuilt and began to compete.

Today you can't even get people to agree there's a problem with covid-19.

So historically, you have two sides of an issue. The two sides compromise and come up with a solution.

So we have a pandemic. There may be those too cautiously worried and think we're all going to get sick and there may be those who say, 'fuck it, it's not that bad' while they down play the infection and death tolls. I'm not sure there can accurately be two sides of a pandemic. It exists, people are dying.

And we really don't know how bad it's going to get because it's really in the hands of the people. And if they're going to not follow simple things like wearing masks in public, keep your hands clean and avoid large clusters of people it will continue to get worse. I see that as simple common ground mitigation efforts. But it's been politicized, like it or not, accept it or not.

As long as you have either common people or politicians saying things are under control while the infection curve soars almost vertically, then you have an obvious problem.

I guess it's everyone for themselves right now. How else could you define it?

The greatest generation never worked like that, they were much more of a team than we are now. It makes me appreciate them even more over time.
Yeah, I hear ya.

I sometimes wonder if the Greatest Generation will ever have any serious competition?

They went through the double hell of the depression and WW II and largely stuck together, and then the post war America had all the manufacturing work and jobs and an economic boom because the rest of the world was bombed out.

They weren't perfect, they didn't treat Japanese Americans fairly during the war, they didn't treat minorities farily especially down south, but they were the generation in power that passed the Civil Rights Act 20 years later. So they evolved and did the right things over time.

I see that seismic shift being a little shorter, more like maybe 30 or 40 years. Before that, I believe you could track steady improvement. After that, many things start to get worse, and a lot if it can be traced to the internet. A lot of it can be traced to job losses. The factory companies that survived modernized and modern equipment always cuts jobs. I worked summers for a company for four years, later became permanent. They invested in the company and it dropped the number of jobs there from 1800 to 500 over 44 years. Others moved off shore where it is cheaper to run sweat shops, but not very patriotic or moral. But money is money and companies are solely driven by it now. They used to have a degree of compassion. That is definitely long gone. And foreign companies destroyed in WWII rebuilt and began to compete.

Today you can't even get people to agree there's a problem with covid-19.

So historically, you have two sides of an issue. The two sides compromise and come up with a solution.

So we have a pandemic. There may be those too cautiously worried and think we're all going to get sick and there may be those who say, 'fuck it, it's not that bad' while they down play the infection and death tolls. I'm not sure there can accurately be two sides of a pandemic. It exists, people are dying.

And we really don't know how bad it's going to get because it's really in the hands of the people. And if they're going to not follow simple things like wearing masks in public, keep your hands clean and avoid large clusters of people it will continue to get worse. I see that as simple common ground mitigation efforts. But it's been politicized, like it or not, accept it or not.

As long as you have either common people or politicians saying things are under control while the infection curve soars almost vertically, then you have an obvious problem.

I guess it's everyone for themselves right now. How else could you define it?

The greatest generation never worked like that, they were much more of a team than we are now. It makes me appreciate them even more over time.
I'm reading The End of October, if you could mash that with 1984 you'd have a good screenplay for this mess.

I'm not being political, just a casual observers thoughts. There's been a seismic shift in America in the last 70 years. You had the Greatest Generation that was able to pull together as a country and endure great sacrifices to defeat fascism and transform America into the largest superpower in the world. America can achieve practically anything if the collective weight of the country is working together. Watching the news now it seems that at least one third of the population only cares about themselves. All you hear when watching the news is my rights, my freedoms, my choices. These people are so selfish to refuse to make even the smallest sacrifice for their fellow man. And it's astounding to me that these people have the nerve to call themselves patriots. They cling to statues of America's enemies saying that it's not about racism but history while ignoring the history of a generation that actually came together and made America exceptional.

To borrow a line from trump... sad.

I grew up during vietnam and watergate, the killing jfk and rfk, mlk, and so many others, kent state, the chicago convention, lynchings, charles manson, the la riots, etc.

This is MUCH more f'd up than it was then. Even with all that bs going on, our leaders were not advocating civil war, disenfranchisement of voters or stealing trillions from the treasury right out in the open. Life went on if you didn't get dragged into it directly.
I grew up during vietnam and watergate, the killing jfk and rfk, mlk, and so many others, kent state, the chicago convention, lynchings, charles manson, the la riots, etc.

This is MUCH more f'd up than it was then. Even with all that bs going on, our leaders were not advocating civil war, disenfranchisement of voters or stealing trillions from the treasury right out in the open. Life went on if you didn't get dragged into it directly.
I'd be concerned about the inexplicable need for 10,000 ventilators in TX right now. Because facts.
Big change began with Ronald Reagan Zapp, since then we have hatetalk radio, Limbaugh, all the “send your seed money” televangelists and Fux News, Newsmax, American Enterprise Institute, constant line of shit for 30 years.