
Here's some fun info for the day..

Merck has a new covid drug in testing, you may have heard about:

I was interested in the action of this drug, so I did a bit of research..

I'll be honest to say that I was not surprised at all to see how the drug works, and frankly it was exactly what I was expecting to find. In short, the drug interacts with the RdRp enzyme to prevent replication of the virus once infected..

Screenshot (11).png

RdRP, eh? That sounds familiar you might say. Well yes, that's because i mentioned it previously in this very thread:

In short, basically this new drug targets the exact same enzyme (RdRP), which other experimental covid-therapeutics (zinc + an ionophore (such as quercetin or hydroxychloroquine), or ivermectin) also share the same mechanics of.
Wow you three should hang out more often! With the combined wit of you three, you could likely take on a half-wit!