
This is cool and all, but only compares the Pfizer vaccine and even it is comparing from early in vaccine trials.
This link (below) may be better ammunition for your argument, but another thing to consider is that the death and hospitalization rate among the unvaccinated is monumentally higher than among the vaccinated.

So, if you don’t believe in taking medicine to fight off infection, please do the rest of us a favor and don’t go to the hospital when you get terribly ill- my Uncle nearly died because he couldn’t get admitted to the ER quick enough due to unvaxxed and anti-mask assholes with Covid clogging up the system.
Ok. I’m already aware of that study. Ive been aware since it was first published. Keep up.My stepdad nearly died after receiving the Pfizer vaccine and my aunt became severely ill after she got the Pfizer vaccine. See? I can do the anecdotes as well. I had covid already and did not become terribly ill. Never required hospitalization for the flu either. Surprise! Also, people being hospitalized within the first 14 days after receiving the jab are being classified as “unvaccinated”. Coincidentally most severe adverse reactions happen within the first 14 days after being jabbed. I believe in keeping a strong, healthy immune system by way of diet, exercise, and supplemental minerals, vitamins, and certain amino acids. I believe people who feel safer with the jab should get it. That’s their right. I don’t believe that anybody should be forced or coerced into taking anything at all. Where there is risk there must be choice. That’s all.

I’ll take my chances. 2B045140-718A-4D81-97AD-959AF59C3011.png
M.D.s seem conspicuously absent. That would be most interesting, and perhaps most relevant.
That's because over 96% of us are vaccinated, probably more now. But hey someone has to graduate at the bottom of their class.

I found this tidbit of information explanatory; "Generally, COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy was higher among the young (ages 18-24), non-Asian people and less educated (high school diploma or less) adults, and those with Ph.D.s, with a history of a positive COVID-19 test, not worried about serious illness from COVID-19 and living in regions with greater support for Donald Trump in the 2020 election."
M.D.s seem conspicuously absent. That would be most interesting, and perhaps most relevant.
"CHICAGO — The American Medical Association (AMA) today released a new survey (PDF) among practicing physicians that shows more than 96 percent of surveyed U.S. physicians have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, with no significant difference in vaccination rates across regions. Of the physicians who are not yet vaccinated, an additional 45 percent do plan to get vaccinated."
M.D.s seem conspicuously absent. That would be most interesting, and perhaps most relevant.
That's true, but I think in the context of the study it wouldn't be relevant as MD is not an education level per se. A PhD or even a Master's degree is not required for a MD, although many do hold those degrees.
"CHICAGO — The American Medical Association (AMA) today released a new survey (PDF) among practicing physicians that shows more than 96 percent of surveyed U.S. physicians have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19, with no significant difference in vaccination rates across regions. Of the physicians who are not yet vaccinated, an additional 45 percent do plan to get vaccinated."
I've seen that study before, it isn't new, check the date. Sample size = 301. It's a laugh at best. Talk about cherry-picking.
Ok. I’m already aware of that study. Ive been aware since it was first published. Keep up.My stepdad nearly died after receiving the Pfizer vaccine and my aunt became severely ill after she got the Pfizer vaccine. See? I can do the anecdotes as well. I had covid already and did not become terribly ill. Never required hospitalization for the flu either. Surprise! Also, people being hospitalized within the first 14 days after receiving the jab are being classified as “unvaccinated”. Coincidentally most severe adverse reactions happen within the first 14 days after being jabbed. I believe in keeping a strong, healthy immune system by way of diet, exercise, and supplemental minerals, vitamins, and certain amino acids. I believe people who feel safer with the jab should get it. That’s their right. I don’t believe that anybody should be forced or coerced into taking anything at all. Where there is risk there must be choice. That’s all.

I’ll take my chances. View attachment 5000432
Just please wear a mask in public spaces and if you do get sick don’t go to the hospital. Wouldn’t want them to give you anything that would compromise your healthy immune system.
It’s your choice to distrust the jab, but unfortunately the hippocratic oath doesn’t allow medical practitioners to give preference to patients that trust their profession.
Just please wear a mask in public spaces and if you do get sick don’t go to the hospital. Wouldn’t want them to give you anything that would compromise your healthy immune system.
It’s your choice to distrust the jab, but unfortunately the hippocratic oath doesn’t allow medical practitioners to give preference to patients that trust their profession.
Lol cope harder.
So which vaccines are you saying don’t work or are dangerous and what’s your research on all vaccines for covid.
All of them are potentially dangerous. They’re not as effective as they’re being touted unless they have lowered the standards of what an effective vaccine means. Antibody dependent enhancement is a significant risk with these new modified mRNA vaccines. These vaccines were rushed. According to Dr. Fauci in October of 2019 “a vaccine for a novel virus takes at LEAST 10 years to develop and that’s if everything goes perfect.” I’m paraphrasing. But yeah, I really don’t care if other people get the vaccines. People have the right to try any drugs they want imo. Just like they have the right to refuse any drugs. I just think people should not be mandated to be injected with an experimental drug that still hasn’t completed long-term safety trials and doesn’t sterilize the virus. People shouldn’t be mandated to take any drugs at all. It goes against human rights and human dignity. Vaccine rollouts have been stopped for less deaths than have been reported so far. I can’t remember the last time we’ve mass vaccinated during a pandemic. It seems a little sketchy. Especially using imperfect vaccines. There’s a reason flu shots we’re never mandated for the general population. Nothing is one size fits all. People are having bad reactions and dying as a result of mandates. Who will be held liable?


Dr. Fauci October 2019
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During 15 months of the nearly 19-month COVID-19 pandemic, more than 120,000 U.S. children lost a parent or grandparent who was a primary provider of financial support and care, the study found. Another 22,000 children experienced the death of a secondary caregiver - for example, a grandparent who provided housing but not a child's other basic needs.
In California, 67% of the children who lost primary caregivers were Hispanic. In Mississippi, 57% of the children who lost primary caregivers were Black, the study found.