
I was reloading 440 G H/C F/N G/C @ max velocity.
I figured it would get me a "through and through" even if it had to break big bones to get there.

Not sure what I need it for now - when does Tyrannosaurus season open anyway?
I remember 34 years ago reading in GunnDigest that Holland and Holland made a .700 double called the Saurian. It was cool in the same way a Hummer with nitrous is.
Something like that would have made the odds more even in Jurassic Park.
Edit: Love the name!
I remember a day at the range where this guy was shooting a .475 Nitro Express double. That gun reared back like he was taking a hard-swung baseball bat to the shoulder. I’m ok with heavy recoil in handguns, but my .270 was past my limit for long arms.
I have always wanted a side-by-side double rifle. But they tend to be chambered for dangerous game.
I've got one of these babies I picked up 20 years ago.
.58 but with safari flip up rear sight & dub bbl.
Never shot anything with it - was hoping to take a buffalo the right way.
It still might happen.

Well we are in our sixth lockdown or is it seventh. Good news is they are releasing AstraZeneca to under 39 year olds, mainly because that’s all they have left. Bad news the astra jab has killed a few people from blood clots. But I’m going to get it anyways fuck it.
You're too mean to kill, but your wife otoh.

Seriously before getting the vaccine get a CBC and see if you have Thrombocytopenia. Almost all deaths were in people with low platelets (Thrombocytopenia) speak with your doctor.
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It's just hard to imagine they could not comprehend something and ended up at the wrong building.
Well if they keep it up we should be free of them in a year or so. Unfortunately for us it means we are going to be in respirators for a very long time.