Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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I was told today my hospital is one of the first places chosen here in Canada to be pumping out this stuff so I will be asked to take one long before most of the public. I have no interest in this vaccine and have concerns about what it could do down the road. That said I will still get it. I worry more about those I might kill giving them covid than I am about the vaccine. I still don't want it mind you but will take it for the greater good. It just sucks that we are all in this position now.
I was told today my hospital is one of the first places chosen here in Canada to be pumping out this stuff so I will be asked to take one long before most of the public. I have no interest in this vaccine and have concerns about what it could do down the road. That said I will still get it. I worry more about those I might kill giving them covid than I am about the vaccine. I still don't want it mind you but will take it for the greater good. It just sucks that we are all in this position now.
They can't even release video game consoles that are 100% lol
Nope nanotechnology vaccine you know made by a computer like no other vaccine in human history. Guess what each bottle has a bar code im sure its safe ill be the guy saying i told those guys it wasnt safe or ill be the guy dying from a chinese produced virus to screw western economies i dunno which death is better lol. Imagine what that can put in those vaccines individual coding with a bar coded bottle and a record who took it? thats the next warfare nanotechnology just do a bit of research before you sheeple into the drs office.
Nope nanotechnology vaccine you know made by a computer like no other vaccine in human history. Guess what each bottle has a bar code im sure its safe ill be the guy saying i told those guys it wasnt safe or ill be the guy dying from a chinese produced virus to screw western economies i dunno which death is better lol. Imagine what that can put in those vaccines individual coding with a bar coded bottle and a record who took it? thats the next warfare nanotechnology just do a bit of research before you sheeple into the drs office.
Lol, I work in the Dr's office so I won't be sheepling into anywhere. People will have their choice.
I actually know a dr whos not going to take it either
There will be many who choose not to get it. Nobody will hold a person down and force it on them, it is all choice. I walk through covid filled wings of the 3 hospitals I cover every day, I am going to take the chance even though I am not sure what it could harm. The fact is that I see every day first hand what Covid can do and I am willing to risk it to try to get this thing under control. It's a decision everyone needs to make themselves. I hope people choose wisely for everyone's sake.
There will be many who choose not to get it. Nobody will hold a person down and force it on them, it is all choice. I walk through covid filled wings of the 3 hospitals I cover every day, I am going to take the chance even though I am not sure what it could harm. The fact is that I see every day first hand what Covid can do and I am willing to risk it to try to get this thing under control. It's a decision everyone needs to make themselves. I hope people choose wisely for everyone's sake.
Ya i understand that side too its terrible i lost two good friends from it already!! Like any disease we die from just like in the animal kingdom plagues kill i think the world has too many people too connected i doubt this is the last one we’ll see i think this is just the start as the rogue nations see a way to cripple the world now if they cant nuke em infect em im sure their working on weapons strains right now.
Nope nanotechnology vaccine you know made by a computer like no other vaccine in human history. Guess what each bottle has a bar code im sure its safe ill be the guy saying i told those guys it wasnt safe or ill be the guy dying from a chinese produced virus to screw western economies i dunno which death is better lol. Imagine what that can put in those vaccines individual coding with a bar coded bottle and a record who took it? thats the next warfare nanotechnology just do a bit of research before you sheeple into the drs office.
Lol are you a anti vaxxer.
Lol no im a anti untested vaxxer i even got the hep b vax but this aint your normal vaccine its computer made what a great opportunity to force gene code the world lol
I mean it’s just mRNA most things are computer generated. Models are created on computers then successful models are then rendered and created and ran. I have some med school before I went for my computer science degree lol.
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