Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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I mean it’s just mRNA most things are computer generated. Models are created on computers then successful models are then rendered and created and ran. I have some med school before I went for my computer science degree lol.
Lol and its just put out by publicly traded companies i mean their not in it for the money and cant be persuaded with say 400 million dollars from a government or bill gates cepi foundation or anything that u know the greediest people in the world with the most access to cyber information and technology their just in it for the greater good of humanity im sure ... lol.
There will be many who choose not to get it. Nobody will hold a person down and force it on them, it is all choice. I walk through covid filled wings of the 3 hospitals I cover every day, I am going to take the chance even though I am not sure what it could harm. The fact is that I see every day first hand what Covid can do and I am willing to risk it to try to get this thing under control. It's a decision everyone needs to make themselves. I hope people choose wisely for everyone's sake.

The possible side-effects from Covid are way worse than what it can be from any of these new vaccines. I'm 66 with mild COPD and don't expect to be offered a jab until summer at the earliest. I'm good with that as it will let me see any bad side-effects that haven't shown up yet.

Let all the Covidiots die and enrich the gene pool!

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The possible side-effects from Covid are way worse than what it can be from any of these new vaccines. I'm 66 with mild COPD and don't expect to be offered a jab until summer at the earliest. I'm good with that as it will let me see any bad side-effects that haven't shown up yet.

Let all the Covidiots die and enrich the gene pool!

Yeah, I am on the short list as my main hospital where my office is has been chosen as a distribution point for the vaccine. While I am not as confident there could be no side effects down the road that have not been discovered I can clearly see what Covid can do. For the sake of all those I know I will roll up my sleeve even thought I don't fully trust it. It feels like the logical choice to me but hey, that's just my opinion. I hope others will do the same.
This contains the false premise that computer code can be molecularized and then used on biological humans.
One single well-placed violation of logic builds the whole conspiracist universe.
Univ of washington has entire paper on exactly what you say is impossible you know they already have nanotechnology motors? You know they are creating nanotechnology that can go around vaccine rendering them useless and infect the masses. Its not really conspiracy its the future of warfare i just prefer to read up before deciding what to believe i guess to each his own if you feel its fake then its fake to you doesnt bother me to each his own.
Univ of washington has entire paper on exactly what you say is impossible you know they already have nanotechnology motors? You know they are creating nanotechnology that can go around vaccine rendering them useless and infect the masses. Its not really conspiracy its the future of warfare i just prefer to read up before deciding what to believe i guess to each his own if you feel its fake then its fake to you doesnt bother me to each his own.
The possible side-effects from Covid are way worse than what it can be from any of these new vaccines. I'm 66 with mild COPD and don't expect to be offered a jab until summer at the earliest. I'm good with that as it will let me see any bad side-effects that haven't shown up yet.

Let all the Covidiots die and enrich the gene pool!

Ya i get it your 66 not having children anymore deff immune compromised. If you get vaccinated youll be safe for a couple months for sure as they dont know how long vaccine will work for but what about in 10 years when it kills everyyone what will people say then o the covidiots all lived and vaccinated are dead i dunno and neither do you i wish there was no covid but im not going to be a trial patient if i die from covid i guess better than from cancer or heart attack or stroke nobody wants to die but every year 54 mil do so its gonna happen. Nobodys getting out alive just how you going is the question lol.
Ya i get it your 66 not having children anymore deff immune compromised. If you get vaccinated youll be safe for a couple months for sure as they dont know how long vaccine will work for but what about in 10 years when it kills everyyone what will people say then o the covidiots all lived and vaccinated are dead i dunno and neither do you i wish there was no covid but im not going to be a trial patient if i die from covid i guess better than from cancer or heart attack or stroke nobody wants to die but every year 54 mil do so its gonna happen. Nobodys getting out alive just how you going is the question lol.
I think the big issue some have is that Covid is a guaranteed threat that kills people and spreads like wildfire. There is no debate about that, I see it every day. Now those who choose to ignore a real treat for fear of a possible threat are hard to deal with. The concept of risking your life and everyone's around you due to a very real threat for fear that a vaccine might cause an issue down the road is mind boggling. You are right, nobody knows what could happen down the road from this vaccine and it is a very real concern. It is clearly not as threatening as Covid. You don't walk through the gang of hooligans because you are worried their might be someone around the corner if you turn another way.
I think the big issue some have is that Covid is a guaranteed threat that kills people and spreads like wildfire. There is no debate about that, I see it every day. Now those who choose to ignore a real treat for fear of a possible threat are hard to deal with. The concept of risking your life and everyone's around you due to a very real threat for fear that a vaccine might cause an issue down the road is mind boggling. You are right, nobody knows what could happen down the road from this vaccine and it is a very real concern. It is clearly not as threatening as Covid. You don't walk through the gang of hooligans because you are worried their might be someone around the corner if you turn another way.
Ok fair enough im not on the front lines like you. Im happy you will sacrifice unknowns for others i hope it works out we all want this gone. Im not trying to undermine how you see it i just see ulterior motives that this opportunity provides evil people in power i wear my mask wash my hands dont go shopping unless absoluty have too just sticking my arm with some unknown to save myself? I have no parents to see here no old or immune compromised people around me i actually think i already had it in feb. I guess well see how it unfolds but i think this is a trial that the world is failing i guess is how i see it and if (which i doubt ) ends is like a horror movie.
Univ of washington has entire paper on exactly what you say is impossible you know they already have nanotechnology motors? You know they are creating nanotechnology that can go around vaccine rendering them useless and infect the masses. Its not really conspiracy its the future of warfare i just prefer to read up before deciding what to believe i guess to each his own if you feel its fake then its fake to you doesnt bother me to each his own.
Links for that paper?

I’m severely immunocompromised and I’m BRAVE. I’ll take that shit right away. It’s for myself and the rest of the world.
Univ of washington has entire paper on exactly what you say is impossible you know they already have nanotechnology motors? You know they are creating nanotechnology that can go around vaccine rendering them useless and infect the masses. Its not really conspiracy its the future of warfare i just prefer to read up before deciding what to believe i guess to each his own if you feel its fake then its fake to you doesnt bother me to each his own.
Yes smart dust is a thing it’s been around for a minute. However it’s ready to be used in this arena yet. They don’t have the ability however to render vaccines useless or create anything from your cells. big government doesn’t need to inject with junk to track you or anything. Everyone in the world pretty much has a computer in their pocket that has a million times more processing power that the computers we used to send ppl to the moon in the 60’s. The capability of these devices far exceed what experimental Nano machines will be able to do. Not to mention the vast amount of server and network needs to control and entire world full of robots is well beyond what any current network infrastructure could handle along with everyone streaming porn and Netflix .
Links for that paper?

I’m severely immunocompromised and I’m BRAVE. I’ll take that shit right away. It’s for myself and the rest of the world.
Links for that paper?

I’m severely immunocompromised and I’m BRAVE. I’ll take that shit right away. It’s for myself and the rest of the world.
Its actually really opened my eyes i laughed when my dr friend said hes not taking the vaccine because its nanotechnology seriously laughed at him. Later that night i was bored thought i would research it and im like wow i had no idea how advanced it is. I was told by a ex intelligence guy 5 years ago they had listening devices the size of a grain of salt i didnt believe him either but now i see this is far beyond listening.
Its actually really opened my eyes i laughed when my dr friend said hes not taking the vaccine because its nanotechnology seriously laughed at him. Later that night i was bored thought i would research it and im like wow i had no idea how advanced it is. I was told by a ex intelligence guy 5 years ago they had listening devices the size of a grain of salt i didnt believe him either but now i see this is far beyond listening.
I would lol at my dr/drs if anyone of them said that to me. THEN I would find a new one.
Good luck to you.
Hes able to think freely as with everyone else hes my friend not dr but just cause the gov says its safe makes it safe. Kinda like agent orange lol
How long ago, with the agent orange, I mean?

I’m a pharmaceutical engineer. I’ve worked with the fda many times.

Last place I worked was Sanofi. I’m actually educated in the realm of pharmaceuticals and I’m going to take it.

And I’m a free thinker, trust me.
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