Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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....never fucking happen...the whole thing is repulsive to me. the idea that we should let a very vocal, stupid minority given to violence have any kind of voice in the choices we make as a nation makes me want to vomit. the idea that we should let them go unprotected from a contagious disease that kills people in a horrible way to protect their "rights", while they infect people around them who have taken all the steps available to protect themselves, or who can't take those steps because of pre-existing conditions, or are too young to take the makes me ashamed to be the same species as them. when does it stop being a personal choice and become a menace to the common good? about a year ago, that's when.
Situation: I live remotely. Little to no human contact (other than going on vacation once a year),The friends we do gather with at our homes are also not vaxxed. I order almost everything online. I've had Covid. Im healthy. Why WOULD I get the vax with better chances of not getting it again, and knowing that getting side effects are eliminated? My work is 17 steps away from my house. Just asking.
Situation: I live remotely. Little to no human contact (other than going on vacation once a year),The friends we do gather with at our homes are also not vaxxed. I order almost everything online. I've had Covid. Im healthy. Why WOULD I get the vax with better chances of not getting it again, and knowing that getting side effects are eliminated? My work is 17 steps away from my house. Just asking.
what do you mean better chance of not getting it again?

i could link 20 more stories that say the same thing...but you'll just rationalize it till you can look at yourself in the mirror and not feel any shame.

and precisely what side effects are you talking about? do you see daily stories of the horrors of vaccination? do you see any kind of stories about side effects anywhere except white trash racist misinformation websites? a few people had bad reactions, less than have a reaction to the flu virus every year. three people died, from blood clots and one from a rare blood disease...three out of millions...but you'll call up vaers and say thousands have died, no matter that you've already been shown that that simply isn't true. you'll make it true in your mind, because again, then, you can look at yourself with no shame...
do not look for absolution here...we all did our part to stop this disease, while you and people like you did nothing, in fact, you impeded progress.
no one here is going to pat you on the shoulder and tell you it's alright, you're choice is more important than the lives of those who died because they were infected by you or someone like you when you had the virus...
I suppose you could say that about everything, and nobody is going to change your mind about it. I've only had one Flu shot in my entire 53 years, and got the Flue that same year. Everybody has different experiences that change thier minds. Im not looking for a pat on the back for anything.. Just trying to have a discussion, and try to understand what fuels peoples anger about this subject so much. Im certainly not going to change your mind. There are studies out there that show the vaxxed can spread (shed) the virus as well. Does that make them irresponsible?, or do you think the unvaxxed/previously infected have a better chance of spreading it?
Already there Herbs - ditched FB, Insta & Twit a looong time ago and outside of forums that I use to learn from - I pretty much avoid the "Screen & Snack" crowd.

Before my vax, I asked about a dozen doctors more than you did, as well as Nurses and Research Fellows - including my personal Dr.
When the ER Docs got their shots, I went with them for mine. I relied on EDUCATED OPINIONS.

I do know my Dr.'s affiliation - he's a progressive that wanted Buttigieg in office. --- WHY DOES THAT MATTER????
- WTF does politics have to do with medicine? (NOTHING should be the answer...)

I don't do any social media outside of a few forums that I go to for information. I'm much more interested in the REAL world than I am in a contrived, digital "place" called FakeBook.
I much prefer getting into the actual world, where actions speak louder than the bullshit online.

it is so sweet to sit back and watch them self immolate...they don't want the vaccine? ok...i'm past my only wish is that they get sick and die so quickly that they don't have a chance to tie up hospital beds that people who are actually productive members of society need for pre existing conditions, and by people who are vaccinated but get a breakthrough infection, probably caused by an unvaccinated trumptard incubator...

If you were past caring - you wouldn't be so shrill - son.
Second shot this afternoon - that will boost my existing natural immunity exactly when "Covid Season" is at its height this year much better than a vax or nat. immunity alone would have - I will have much stronger immunity than most. :bigjoint:
I'm gonna live through this so that you mofos have someone other than yourselves to hate. :razz:

BTW --- Despite some of you making clear statements hoping to hasten my death --- I don't wish ill to any of you - even my new bestie Roger.

To me, that kind of thinking (or lack thereof) - and going as far as to state the same in print - is a sure sign of severe emotional immaturity or disability. Physical violence is usually close behind the verbal violence in people who demonstrate little to no emotional control.

I'm nowhere near perfect - pretty sure I've thrown my share of verbal elbows in this thread - mea culpa.
I try - but I'm just as human as you are.
Peace. :joint:
I suppose you could say that about everything, and nobody is going to change your mind about it. I've only had one Flu shot in my entire 53 years, and got the Flue that same year. Everybody has different experiences that change thier minds. Im not looking for a pat on the back for anything.. Just trying to have a discussion, and try to understand what fuels peoples anger about this subject so much. Im certainly not going to change your mind. There are studies out there that show the vaxxed can spread (shed) the virus as well. Does that make them irresponsible?, or do you think the unvaxxed/previously infected have a better chance of spreading it?
well, i'll be honest with's not just this subject, it's a few, taken's mass stupidity and's all coming to a head.
first off, a lying, thieving, scumbag piece of shit got elected president...and a fair portion of the country follows the fuck bag asshole like he's a new messiah come to lift them to a heaven they don't even fucking come close to deserving.
then the fuck bag piece of shit tries to stage a coup so he can become leader for life...that's a motherfucking traitor right there, and i would feel fully justified hanging him for it. he fomented insurrection, and some fucking dumbass morons became guilty of sedition, treason, attempted murder...because of trump, the fucking piece of shit.
next, the country has been under cyber attack by russia for years, and they have actively tried to not only sway, but directly manipulate our me, and many others, that's an act of war...but no one has the fucking balls to get in their face and knock a few teeth some of us feel that we're not being allowed to defend the honor of our country...which is more than frustrating.
then there is the virus, and people's response to it. mass stupidity again, mass hysteria, people listening to the misinformation and propaganda of foreign agents, and domestic fucking liars...including our own president...but by now, we should be aware that the truth has never come out of trump's mouth unless it benefitted him more than any lie he could think up...but peoples selfishness has been highlighted like no other time in my's MY choice...even though your choice effects EVERYONE you come in contact with, AND everyone they come in contact with....every day...Oh, i can't be bothered to wear a mask, i'll just hack and wheeze my way through the rest of the world, while they try desperately to not stand in the cloud of sickness i may or may not being dragging with me everywhere i go...the idea that the government is trying to use EVERY FUCKING THING THAT HAPPENS as some form of mind control is starting to get fucking was cell phone, they'll turn you into zombies...then it was windmills will make you sterile, now it's 5g will give you cancer...just how much stupidity can you take? how do you reconcile the fact that at least 20% of the country seem to be racist, homophobic, ignorant conspiracy theorists who can ignore all the facts you want to present them, in favor of lies from a con man with a 4th grade mentality?
so if i seem like i'm a little too upset...i'm not, if anything, i should be more upset
well, i'll be honest with's not just this subject, it's a few, taken's mass stupidity and's all coming to a head.
first off, a lying, thieving, scumbag piece of shit got elected president...and a fair portion of the country follows the fuck bag asshole like he's a new messiah come to lift them to a heaven they don't even fucking come close to deserving.
then the fuck bag piece of shit tries to stage a coup so he can become leader for life...that's a motherfucking traitor right there, and i would feel fully justified hanging him for it. he fomented insurrection, and some fucking dumbass morons became guilty of sedition, treason, attempted murder...because of trump, the fucking piece of shit.
next, the country has been under cyber attack by russia for years, and they have actively tried to not only sway, but directly manipulate our me, and many others, that's an act of war...but no one has the fucking balls to get in their face and knock a few teeth some of us feel that we're not being allowed to defend the honor of our country...which is more than frustrating.
then there is the virus, and people's response to it. mass stupidity again, mass hysteria, people listening to the misinformation and propaganda of foreign agents, and domestic fucking liars...including our own president...but by now, we should be aware that the truth has never come out of trump's mouth unless it benefitted him more than any lie he could think up...but peoples selfishness has been highlighted like no other time in my's MY choice...even though your choice effects EVERYONE you come in contact with, AND everyone they come in contact with....every day...Oh, i can't be bothered to wear a mask, i'll just hack and wheeze my way through the rest of the world, while they try desperately to not stand in the cloud of sickness i may or may not being dragging with me everywhere i go...the idea that the government is trying to use EVERY FUCKING THING THAT HAPPENS as some form of mind control is starting to get fucking was cell phone, they'll turn you into zombies...then it was windmills will make you sterile, now it's 5g will give you cancer...just how much stupidity can you take? how do you reconcile the fact that at least 20% of the country seem to be racist, homophobic, ignorant conspiracy theorists who can ignore all the facts you want to present them, in favor of lies from a con man with a 4th grade mentality?
so if i seem like i'm a little too upset...i'm not, if anything, i should be more upset
I'll agree with most of that. While yes, I did vote for Trump twice... because I just didn't want Killary or Bidum to win. I don't care for politics, or the way they manipulate the gen pop to fit thier own agendas. Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I a "Trumpster".. I was just choosing the better of the 2 evils. You got a point there about Social Media, the internet, instant news feeds, information, misinformation, etc. Makes me wonder how the World would be right now if non of this technology ever got developed. We still read the newspaper, sent a letter, watched the evening news and Johnny Carson till the National Anthem played and then went to static. But,.. it's too late for that. We are here, and it's fucked up.

goob...that says breakthrough deaths...not people dying from the vaccine, people who died EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD BEEN VACCINATED...usually from a variant that had bred in an unvaccinated person...
My bad.. I thought they had said breakthrough case deaths..but, still shitty numbers ... and some of this shit, we will never know the truth.
I'll agree with most of that. While yes, I did vote for Trump twice... because I just didn't want Killary or Bidum to win. I don't care for politics, or the way they manipulate the gen pop to fit thier own agendas. Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I a "Trumpster".. I was just choosing the better of the 2 evils. You got a point there about Social Media, the internet, instant news feeds, information, misinformation, etc. Makes me wonder how the World would be right now if non of this technology ever got developed. We still read the newspaper, sent a letter, watched the evening news and Johnny Carson till the National Anthem played and then went to static. But,.. it's too late for that. We are here, and it's fucked up.

My bad.. I thought they had said breakthrough case deaths..but, still shitty numbers ... and some of this shit, we will never know the truth.
Archie Bunker was disdained even by the actor who portrayed him
Evolution is real
Ya i understand that side too its terrible i lost two good friends from it already!! Like any disease we die from just like in the animal kingdom plagues kill i think the world has too many people too connected i doubt this is the last one we’ll see i think this is just the start as the rogue nations see a way to cripple the world now if they cant nuke em infect em im sure their working on weapons strains right now.

Rogue Nations Like CHINA perhaps who released it for economic reasons.
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