Covid vaccine not so safe? Video of nurse passing out.

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He was fully vaxxed.
This disease is not playing. This news means that even Rog & DIY aren't safe... (edit and I statistically have a MUCH higher chance of survival! GL Boys! :P )
Gen. Powell was a robust man with connections you & I will never have - C-19 didn't care.

I'm vaxxed + natural antibodies. More importantly, I eat right and live a VERY healthy lifestyle - even moving more towards edibles than smoking or vaping weed now.
(though I do like to listen to the Native American theory that weed is an expectorant - but that's just me trying to justify a habit)

General health is something people too often ignore - not for long.

Take care of yourselves, and love those around you.
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Israeli Study: Chance of Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccine Extremely Rare
Researchers at Beilinson Hospital and the Clalit Health Insurance Fund published on Wednesday the findings of a large-scale study that includes data from two and a half million vaccinated Israelis, which shows that the risk of myocarditis after receiving a Pfizer-developed vaccination is extremely rare and does not cause significant muscle damage in the short and medium-term.

The incidence of myocarditis is 2.13 cases per 100,000 vaccinated, with 98% of them having a mild to moderate disease without any impairment of heart function.
One person suffered from a serious illness that required hospitalization, after which he recovered. The rare side effect occurred more after the second vaccine dose, 69% more than after the first, in men more than in women, and more between the ages of 16 and 29.
Dr. Guy Whitberg, Cardiologist at Beilinson Hospital, said that “this study is the first to reliably assess the incidence of myocarditis, the main side effect that was found to be related to the corona vaccine.”
The study’s findings show that it is a relatively rare side effect even in the population group at the highest risk, young men.
Furthermore, the study findings show that “in the vast majority of cases, it is a mild disease with a benign course that does not significantly affect cardiac function in the short term and is not expected to affect patients’ health in the long term,” he noted.
Professor Ran Kornowski, director of the cardiology department at Beilinson Hospital, noted that these are “significant results and that researchers hope they will enable informed decisions about the enormous and proven benefit of the vaccine’s high efficacy, and the importance of preventing viral morbidity, relative to the side effect of myocarditis.”
Israeli Study: Chance of Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccine Extremely Rare
Researchers at Beilinson Hospital and the Clalit Health Insurance Fund published on Wednesday the findings of a large-scale study that includes data from two and a half million vaccinated Israelis, which shows that the risk of myocarditis after receiving a Pfizer-developed vaccination is extremely rare and does not cause significant muscle damage in the short and medium-term.

The incidence of myocarditis is 2.13 cases per 100,000 vaccinated, with 98% of them having a mild to moderate disease without any impairment of heart function.
One person suffered from a serious illness that required hospitalization, after which he recovered. The rare side effect occurred more after the second vaccine dose, 69% more than after the first, in men more than in women, and more between the ages of 16 and 29.
Dr. Guy Whitberg, Cardiologist at Beilinson Hospital, said that “this study is the first to reliably assess the incidence of myocarditis, the main side effect that was found to be related to the corona vaccine.”
The study’s findings show that it is a relatively rare side effect even in the population group at the highest risk, young men.
Furthermore, the study findings show that “in the vast majority of cases, it is a mild disease with a benign course that does not significantly affect cardiac function in the short term and is not expected to affect patients’ health in the long term,” he noted.
Professor Ran Kornowski, director of the cardiology department at Beilinson Hospital, noted that these are “significant results and that researchers hope they will enable informed decisions about the enormous and proven benefit of the vaccine’s high efficacy, and the importance of preventing viral morbidity, relative to the side effect of myocarditis.”

Quite a difference between Israel and the U.S. studies/conclusions.
You're saying that the link you just posted is correct?
yes, they posted information that wasn't accurate, which antivaxxers immediately pounced on to prove a point that didn't exist, then the report was retracted because the authors are ethical and did the right thing...their first findings indicated that 1 person in 1000 on average was experiencing vary degrees of myopericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium) but after they re-examined their date, they realized it was more on the order of 1 in 25000 people
yes, they posted information that wasn't accurate, which antivaxxers immediately pounced on to prove a point that didn't exist, then the report was retracted because the authors are ethical and did the right thing...their first findings indicated that 1 person in 1000 on average was experiencing vary degrees of myopericarditis (inflammation of the pericardium) but after they re-examined their date, they realized it was more on the order of 1 in 25000 people
Where's the revised link?
Not arguing with you bro, but where did you come up with 1 in 25,000?
its in the link...
Editors Note: While the data about total doses were publicly available, the researchers failed to accurately measure the number of vaccinations given during that two-month period, and the figure was astronomically higher than they had estimated. In June and July, Ottawa Public Health provided over 800,000 shots, not 32,379, as the initial paper suggested. Therefore, the true rate of side effects is closer to 1 in 25,000 - not 1 in 1,000.
A flawed study on Covid-19 vaccine side effects went viral

A team of Canadian researchers unwittingly spewed gasoline on the dumpster fire of anti-vax propaganda earlier this month when they published a non-peer-reviewed study on Covid-19 vaccine side effects.
The problem? A major statistical error.
In the paper, CBC news reports, the scientists claimed that the incidence of heart inflammation seen in patients as a side effect of Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccination was 1 in 1,000. In reality, that number was closer to 1 in 25,000, which is more aligned with previously reported figures.

How did the supposed rates of myocarditis and pericarditis get inflated?
The faulty number was apparently the result of incomplete data and rushed work. The study authors, from the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, collected data on diagnoses of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of heart’s outer lining) that were identified as likely side effects of mRNA vaccines administered in June and July. They found 32 cases of the side effects, which they initially said occurred among 32,000 administered vaccine doses in Ottawa. In fact, Ottawa Public Health had provided over 800,000 doses in that period.
That higher, accurate number was publicly available. When explaining how the mistake was made, Peter Liu, a co-author and the scientific director of the Ottawa Heart Institute, told the CBC that the scientists were working “on the run.”
Soon after the paper appeared on medRxiv on Sept. 16, its authors heard from peers who pointed out their mistake. The scientists officially withdrew the paper on Sept 26.
Unfortunately, the alarming false statistic was already running free in the world, being shared online, particularly by anti-vaxxers and dubious influencers with large followings. It has been tweeted more than 15,000 times.
The risk of developing myocarditis from a Covid-19 vaccine is very low
Scientists are still studying the slight risk of myocarditis as a side effect of Covid-19 vaccines, and emphasize that the odds of getting the heart condition as part of a Covid-19 infection is far greater than the chance you’ll get it after being inoculated.
On its website, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains that heart inflammation has been reported as a rare side effect of the Pfizer and Modern shots “especially in male adolescents and young adults,” and more often after the second dose. When inflammation occurs, it usually happens within several days of vaccination. “Most patients with myocarditis or pericarditis who received care responded well to medicine and rest and felt better quickly,” according to the CDC.
So, the benefits of being fully vaccinated outweigh the slight risk of experiencing heart inflammation afterward. However, the mildly elevated risk of myocarditis is also one reason healthy adults under age 65 do not need Covid-19 boosters, according to the US Food and Drug Administration.
The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked a surge in the number of preprints published and shared
The mishap in Ottawa highlights the dangers of sharing scientific studies that have not been peer-reviewed—known as “preprints”—in general, but especially during a pandemic when public officials are battling an invigorated anti-science movement and conspiracy theories.
Proponents of sharing preprints on open-access websites say that the practice allows scientists around the world to share knowledge quickly during a crisis. There is no evidence, they argue, that preprint science is of lower quality than the research published by established peer-review journals.
Others believe that preprints are here to stay, so the question scientists need to address is how to deal with them. Amid a surge of preprint submissions during Covid-19, the platforms that publish the papers have begun screening pitches more carefully.
Fortunately, the Ottawa Heart Institute study didn’t attract mainstream press coverage, another common complication of the preprint boom. But that didn’t stop it from going viral. Now, anyone who encounters the 1 in 1,000 number online will also need to stumble into tweets and articles about the study’s correction to know that the frightening figure is totally inaccurate—unless they are the type of news readers who routinely check for original sources and examine them carefully.
For its part, the institute has apologized for the glaring mistake. “We are sorry this error led to misinformation about the incidence of post-vaccine myocarditis,” the Ottawa Heart Institute said in a statement about the flawed preprint. “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and have been proven effective against the disease. We invite anyone who has not yet received the shot to please get vaccinated.”
its in the link...
Editors Note: While the data about total doses were publicly available, the researchers failed to accurately measure the number of vaccinations given during that two-month period, and the figure was astronomically higher than they had estimated. In June and July, Ottawa Public Health provided over 800,000 shots, not 32,379, as the initial paper suggested. Therefore, the true rate of side effects is closer to 1 in 25,000 - not 1 in 1,000.
Ahhh... missed that. Thanks.
There are three types of Immunity status that should be recognized: 1. Natural immunity 2. Vaccinated immunity 3. No known immunity. The CDC only pushes the narrative of VAX vs UNVAX and suppresses credible NI data. Because they know NI is stronger then vax. This is about social control and bureaucratic box checking, not public health.
Now they're coming out with vaccines to stop the effects of opioids. What's next a vaccine that will stop happiness, or a vaccine designed to stop critical thinking so everyone thinks the same and know one questions the government. Maybe a vaccine to suppress the chemistry in our body's created when we love, so people don't get heartbroken. The covid vaccine is just the start of massive government mandated vaccines, the ability for the government to inject anything they want into our bodies and reprogram us.
Your microwave is watching you
Cool story bro
Now they're coming out with vaccines to stop the effects of opioids. What's next a vaccine that will stop happiness, or a vaccine designed to stop critical thinking so everyone thinks the same and know one questions the government. Maybe a vaccine to suppress the chemistry in our body's created when we love, so people don't get heartbroken. The covid vaccine is just the start of massive government mandated vaccines, the ability for the government to inject anything they want into our bodies and reprogram us.
they've always had that ability, they could have done it any time they wanted, and we would have had no idea. they can put anything they want into the water supplies of any cities they want, they can spray whatever they want from aircraft, from mosquito fogging trucks...they can send out letters that have been dosed with whatever they'd like that lends itself to that kind of transmission...the point of this being...why the fuck would they go to this much trouble to pull of an elaborate ruse, when all they have to do is drive up to a reservoir and dump whatever they want to in it, and whose going to say shit about it? all they have to do is be in a city or county vehicle and tell you whatever they want
the answer is, they didn''re a fucking frootloop...
they've always had that ability, they could have done it any time they wanted, and we would have had no idea. they can put anything they want into the water supplies of any cities they want, they can spray whatever they want from aircraft, from mosquito fogging trucks...they can send out letters that have been dosed with whatever they'd like that lends itself to that kind of transmission...the point of this being...why the fuck would they go to this much trouble to pull of an elaborate ruse, when all they have to do is drive up to a reservoir and dump whatever they want to in it, and whose going to say shit about it? all they have to do is be in a city or county vehicle and tell you whatever they want
the answer is, they didn''re a fucking frootloop...
True story!^^^^^^^^^^^^
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