COVIID-19 / Part 2


Well-Known Member
It seems that COVID-19 has mutated & evolved into a new strain, one that is more contagious than it's predecessor
They are calling the UK Strain.
U.S. Officials Urge Calm Over New Covid-19 Strain Abroad (
The new strain was first detected in England in September and was identified last week. The European Centers for Disease Control said Sunday that a few cases of the new strain had been reported in Denmark, the Netherlands and possibly in Belgium. A similar mutation has appeared in South Africa, scientists said.
Some countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy, raced to ban travel from the U.K. after it announced new shutdowns Saturday, but here, in Trump World the top U.S. official overseeing coronavirus testing said he didn’t foresee a quick U.S. ban on travel with the U.K (Why not, let's just let this clown act run it's course, right?)
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, on a call with reporters Sunday, slammed U.S. health officials for not taking a stronger stance against U.K. travel, saying the U.S. should consider a ban on flights or, at minimum, require travelers be tested for the virus. He called it a repeat of the spring when flights from China were halted before flights from Europe.
“Other people are banning people coming in from the U.K.; we have six flights a day coming in from the U.K. and we are doing absolutely nothing,” said Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat. “Today, that variant is getting on a plane and landing at JFK. How many times in life do you have to make the same mistake?”
In the Trump Administration, every fucking moment it seems.
The governor said that the possibility the new virus may already be here “kept me up last night.”
And just when it seemed that life/existence couldn't possibly get any fucking worse, it does.
It's God's Will?
There is a just God?
A kind/benevolent/caring one?
What more proof do you fucking need that God is simply a fantastic myth, a fucking nightmare actually, one that has actually caused the deaths of Billions upon Billions of individuals over the centuries/millenniums
I just want to say to all of you that believe in a Higher Power/a Benevolent Being & are awaiting the Rapture or the return of the Lord fucking Jesus Christ or Whomever/Whatever you believe in, your insane & delusional & your a detriment to an advanced & civilized society.
Signed by me, a one time Catholic Alter boy, who can still say the Roman Catholic Mass in Latin (much better than the Greek/Russian/Episcopalian versions, they're pussy versions & aren't nearly as Holy/directly connected to God as the Vatican's)
Peace out/wear a mask/stay safe :)
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'how could we have known?'

what's really fvcked up is Congress got their know the people who refused to recognize the Trump Plague and Essential Workers? refuse to negotiate the Heroes Act even though the exact same people voted earlier this year for CARES Act?

and we're not going to get anything else after Heroes even though they are 'vowing' once Biden is in.

all of these people disgust me.

Colorado went maroon on the death map 'because i have to do what's right for me' and i still see people without masks WTF has to happen for them to get it other than a close death? then they will say (see sentence #1) :finger:
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Virus's always mutate. Doesn't give a shit who's in office. Cuomo is now worried about where he can pollute with a new virus when he sent the last one into nursing homes...this virus is making idiots out of our so-called leaders and fools out of us for electing them........
Virus's always mutate. Doesn't give a shit who's in office. Cuomo is now worried about where he can pollute with a new virus when he sent the last one into nursing homes...this virus is making idiots out of our so-called leaders and fools out of us for electing them........


The main driver of new cases in nursing homes is the transmission rate in the community around them. Seems that Colorado, Ohio, Indiana, Rhode Island and Kentucky are in deep shit right now. Why you talking about Cuomo? New York is doing pretty good compared to the Midwest and more 2/3 of the states in this country at this time.

Seems to me that Cuomo is doing the right thing for his electorate by preparing for the rise in cases that will inevitably find its way into nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Not sure what your beef is on this.

"Virus's (sic) always mutate". Duh. This is true and no one is surprised by this. Still, though, I'll tip my cap to your ability to string some words together that describe something factual. A lot of Retrumplicans can't do that.
Christian Drosten, a leading German virologist, said he expected the new strain was already in circulation in Germany, but added that he was “everything but worried” about the viral mutation at the moment.”

I’ll start worrying when the experts do and when it’s no longer mere speculation that it transmits faster.

Mutation. The word naturally conjures fears of unexpected and freakish changes. Ill-informed discussions of mutations thrive during virus outbreaks, including the ongoing spread of SARS-CoV-2. In reality, mutations are a natural part of the virus life cycle and rarely impact outbreaks dramatically.”

New York is doing pretty good compared to the Midwest
I live right next door to New York in Connecticut, around 75 miles from NYC.
We/they got fucking nailed at the begining of Trump's Virus, then saw a drop off & now it's coming fucking back big time in the tri-state area.
The Midwest is just now experiencing what NY/NJ/CT dealt with in April/May.
They, the Red States apparently thought/imagined that they were impervious/immune to this so-called "nothing worse than the flu" thing & that their leader swore to them that it "would just disappear" & they bought into it. & drank the Kool Aid.
I'm torn between feeling/thinking that those states that flouted CDC guidelines/masks should deserve what's happening to them right now with the massive infection/death rates.
On one side I feel anger that they were so fucking stupid & on the other side I feel pity.
Ah, fuck it.
They deserve it
Tough shit
Michigan comrades, there's an app I just found out about and downloaded from Google play store MI COVID-19 , I believe Apple has the app too for iPhone.

I'm sorry I don't have the patience to describe the app in it's entirety, but it's an exposure alert app. Google and Apple use the BLE (bluetooth low energy) API framework for this app, I think this a great tool for us to have access to. It's anonymous no personal data or tracking. The app does rely on people self reporting if they have tested positive, so let's hope that people use the app and report in.

Now I'll be able to know immediately if I've been exposed or within close proximity to someone who tested positive, and I can go get a test and self quarantine if I have to

@Herb & Suds
I live right next door to New York in Connecticut, around 75 miles from NYC.
We/they got fucking nailed at the begining of Trump's Virus, then saw a drop off & now it's coming fucking back big time in the tri-state area.
The Midwest is just now experiencing what NY/NJ/CT dealt with in April/May.
They, the Red States apparently thought/imagined that they were impervious/immune to this so-called "nothing worse than the flu" thing & that their leader swore to them that it "would just disappear" & they bought into it. & drank the Kool Aid.
I'm torn between feeling/thinking that those states that flouted CDC guidelines/masks should deserve what's happening to them right now with the massive infection/death rates.
On one side I feel anger that they were so fucking stupid & on the other side I feel pity.
Ah, fuck it.
They deserve it
Tough shit
The only thing that lasts forever is a big lie.

Despite the high rates in red states. Despite the crisis going in in hospitals in affected areas. Despite the need for refrigerated trailers/temporary morgues. Retrumplicans claim it's all a hoax. Or, as they say in this NPR article, they are tougher than we are because they "aren't scared".

No one appears to be wearing a mask, which is just fine with parents such as Cassandra Folkman.

"I don't make them wear 'em anywhere we go," Folkman says. "I don't wear one and they don't."

She's sitting in her idling pickup waiting to pick up her kindergartner and second-grader.

"I'm not scared of the virus, I guess," she adds. "It seems like it's just another string of the flu."

It's not. COVID-19 has killed more than 1,200 Idahoans so far this year, six times more than the flu has annually in recent seasons.
It seems that COVID-19 has mutated & evolved into a new strain, one that is more contagious than it's predecessor
They are calling the UK Strain.
U.S. Officials Urge Calm Over New Covid-19 Strain Abroad (
The new strain was first detected in England in September and was identified last week. The European Centers for Disease Control said Sunday that a few cases of the new strain had been reported in Denmark, the Netherlands and possibly in Belgium. A similar mutation has appeared in South Africa, scientists said.
Some countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy, raced to ban travel from the U.K. after it announced new shutdowns Saturday, but here, in Trump World the top U.S. official overseeing coronavirus testing said he didn’t foresee a quick U.S. ban on travel with the U.K (Why not, let's just let this clown act run it's course, right?)
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, on a call with reporters Sunday, slammed U.S. health officials for not taking a stronger stance against U.K. travel, saying the U.S. should consider a ban on flights or, at minimum, require travelers be tested for the virus. He called it a repeat of the spring when flights from China were halted before flights from Europe.
“Other people are banning people coming in from the U.K.; we have six flights a day coming in from the U.K. and we are doing absolutely nothing,” said Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat. “Today, that variant is getting on a plane and landing at JFK. How many times in life do you have to make the same mistake?”
In the Trump Administration, every fucking moment it seems.
The governor said that the possibility the new virus may already be here “kept me up last night.”
And just when it seemed that life/existence couldn't possibly get any fucking worse, it does.
It's God's Will?
There is a just God?
A kind/benevolent/caring one?
What more proof do you fucking need that God is simply a fantastic myth, a fucking nightmare actually, one that has actually caused the deaths of Billions upon Billions of individuals over the centuries/millenniums
I just want to say to all of you that believe in a Higher Power/a Benevolent Being & are awaiting the Rapture or the return of the Lord fucking Jesus Christ or Whomever/Whatever you believe in, your insane & delusional & your a detriment to an advanced & civilized society.
Signed by me, a one time Catholic Alter boy, who can still say the Roman Catholic Mass in Latin (much better than the Greek/Russian/Episcopalian versions, they're pussy versions & aren't nearly as Holy/directly connected to God as the Vatican's)
Peace out/wear a mask/stay safe :)
Damn dude you’re talking about me :eyesmoke: