Cows. Is there any way to grow in harmony with these things?


Or are they going to tear my babies apart?

I have an excellent area to do some serious guerilla growing on 100 acres, the only thing is there are only a handful of cattle on this stretch that graze randomly... and they get everywhere.

Anybody had any luck growing around them? Any tips or tricks on deterring them? I read Nel's post about the Irish Spring and mothballs, definitely going to use that. But cattle are domesticated and I'm not sure what would work.

Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
I'll tell ya what I would do. I would gracefully approach each cow individually and ask them politely "not eat my weed, and in return I will not come back and swipe your shrooms next year" it will work trust me!


hit up the hydroponic store for some wolf urine might keep em away
Out of all the ideas I've come across, this might actually work. + rep Zero

Hic, funny you say that because I actually thought about bringing a nice bag of sticky up to them and seeing how they took it. I might have to sacrifice a nugget or two but it'll let me test the waters.


Well-Known Member
get some posts and some 30lb test fishing line use the green spectra fiber its strong as kevlar and its hard to see. make a fence around they start to bud cows will not touch them they like young shoots not resinous buds. thc is natures deterant to alot of animals and pests.


Active Member
Oh They'll eat it for sure. Just wait till august when all the pasture is drying up and there's this big juicy green funky smelling plant, lunch time. If it's your property build a fence, if its not you have 0% chance, either cattle will eat it or the farmer will rip it out. Find land outside the fence line and you'd have a better chance


Well-Known Member
Do you have a friend that works at a zoo?

True story:

Twenty years ago a friend called me with a problem. It was mid season and a farmer had turned his cattle into a previously unused pasture that had a willow grove along one edge.

My friend's grow was in the willows. At that point, the cows had only eaten a couple six foot plants.

I'd heard many years previously about using predator poop as a deterrent. I mentioned it and my buddy got excited. An old girl friend of his was an assistant zoo keeper.

He got lion and tiger poop every few weeks through the rest of that summer. With fresh applications every couple of weeks, the cows stayed out of the willows!

Cows seem to have a pretty good idea what will eat raw cow.

My friend only did this once, choosing to buy inner tubes and floating 30 gallon peat pots in them, in subsequent years. Worked like a charm, until he moved up to Trinity, and stealthier conditions.


Active Member
Not sure this will work on cows, but for over 25 years, here in Colorado, we have kept deer from eating weed plants, as well as our veggies, by having male family members engage in a nice beer bash in the spring, and piss a perimeter around our gardens. it seems, at least with wildlife, that they respect this marking of territory. From what i understand, it only works with male urine, but again, I must say I never tried it on cows.


Active Member
Cattle are not a wild animal like deer, they're extremely curious. That lion and tiger shit is the only thing that MIGHT work for a deterent but I still wouldn't risk it. If they don't eat your plant they will walk all over it and trample it to the ground


Well-Known Member
A lot of dairy farms in the southern part of Australia used to have large amounts of rogue marijuana trees growing and the cows on some farms ate so much there was a significant amount of THC in there milk, they got apeshit for the stuff (and anything green and juicy, do everything in your power to keep them away.


30lb green sprectra fiber.... check. Thanks Soda!

Ziggin, the property is mine but I'm using bags and can move if necessary and the cows share a certain part..... the most secluded of course. I have access to an immense portion of land that is owned by people who live out of state but it's covered in snakes. I was checkin a few spots out there and as soon as I climbed an embankment a water moccasin is less than a foot away. Thought about going through with a crate of mothballs and just chunkin them.

Veggie, sounds like a killer idea but I'm afraid I don't have a "hookup" at my zoo. Going to go along with Deno on the piss..... start a urinal storage. I doubt the cows will care but it will keep the other critters away.

Thanks for all the input guys!