Craziest places you have found weed...


Well-Known Member
Worked on grounds crew at an upstate NY college for a summer in the ‘70s. Kids threw their seeds out their dorm windows. Flower beds around the shrubs were full of plants in late May that we’d come back at night to transplant beyond the ballfields. Males, females? :spew:

Rufus T. Firefly

Well-Known Member
I found about a 1/4 in a VRBO kitchen drawer once.

I have hidden a bunch of weed over the years mostly at the end of vacations when I didn’t want to schlep it home.


Well-Known Member

A group of us traveled from eastern Canada to Vermont for a ski trip, we could take no weed with us,

Last day three of us take some final runs and the others cleaned out my friends car for paying for the trip. Under the seats they found a bag of weed and over a dozen shotgun and high powered rifle shells.

If they had been checked on the way into the US they'd still be guests of the ole USA.


Rufus T. Firefly

Well-Known Member
what's a vrbo?
Vacation rental by owner. Virtually the same thing as an Airbnb.

Usually more expensive than renting one hotel room but if you find yourself needing more than one, like traveling with a group, they are great options and offer a superior experience/convenience IMHO...kitchens, washers and dryers and an added level of privacy.


Well-Known Member
On a pelvic xray. I was whacked on oxy and stashed my 1/2 O in my drawers to hide it for my visit. I frantically flushed it after xrays. Then was presented with my pelvic xray with big white circular blurs censoring my images to hide the bag. And I thought they called the police. Just took extra time altering the images. LOL. I was released that day with an extended prescription. Careful folks. You may be the crazy location.

Horselover fat

Well-Known Member
We were walking well outside the city and sat down on a weathered tree trunk. It was a nice location to smoke a joint and look at scenery. As I was putting out the joint I noticed there was a small pot plant growing in a small hole on the tree trunk.


Well-Known Member
Back in the day i was Walking in to a 7-11 one night and there were 3 po-po cars in the parking lot. But i looked down and there was a nice sack laying on the ground right in front of the two front doors i reached down snatched it and told my mate who was going in the store with me to just grab me some cigs, or something like that. Leo’s never came out, it was our lucky night. Was dry as hell at the time if I remember correctly and it was well deserved score!


Well-Known Member
Working maintenance and cleaning for military housing, cleaning out cupboards and trash I found a 1 g nug in a bitty ziplock. Popped it in my pocket to check later. Got home and it was super dank Hydro. Very little taste but packed one hell of a punch.


Active Member
I've found joints and roaches in empty cig packs being a bartender for years but thats not really that crazy..thought you guys maybe have some stories to share about crazy places you found a sack of weed or whatevs
I've found joints and roaches in empty cig packs being a bartender for years but thats not really that crazy..thought you guys maybe have some stories to share about crazy places you found a sack of weed or whatevs
I found money before. I found like 50$ I think I found 150 one time or something might’ve just been that one time I found 50 I’m thinking of in a bush lol on the side of the road. Bought weed with it. Pineapple Express right when the movie came out. Probably found mid grade before I forget
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Well-Known Member
Not my find and sorry for the quality of the screenshot...

Facebook post from our neighborhood facebook page....

Person posting is an ex-cop.

Lots of people offered to take it off his hands :-D:-D:-D


Side ways Onion

Well-Known Member
Not exactly found but still a Fuuuuuuck moment.
A mate and I worked in Saudi about 30 years ago. After he came back from vacation and our driver brought him from Dhahran Airport to our compound, he realised he had just gone through Saudi customs unknowingly with a joint in his jacket inside pocket. Needless to say we got high..........


Well-Known Member
My Son found a Bag in Coke Machine one time . Brought it to me.

To teach him well we took it to the local Law.

Stupid a Cop started giving me grief. WTF

Next time pay attention Son because Dad is going to show you how to roll one.


Well-Known Member
I was working in Monterey, Mexico . It was the time to pack up , get cleaned up, " dress-up "........suit and tie, or sport coats/dress pants.......that clown show ( back in the 70's and 80's).
Anyway it was time to checkout ! I'm loaded up and ready to go.........." oh, wait one fucking minute ..........where the fuck is that nice chunk of hash go........what did I do with.......shit ! , fuck, shit-fuck ........not f'ing now !" Surely did not want to leave that shit in my hotel room in Mexico . An hour later I found that chunk of heaven in a cuff on the pants I was wearing.