Creepy Uncle?

It is clear at this point you are just a propaganda troll. No matter how good of an explanation given, you'll just ignore the parts that prove what is being said, flash some link to your garbage propaganda websites, talk some shit and move on to continue to spam your propaganda.

All because Trump invited you all in to mess with our citizens. Picking out the vulnerable and placing everyone into categories to pump your made up shit into. All to keep Dear Leader president through voter suppression in areas that benefit him, all with the help of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda that is the Republican party.

While the cat fishing you trolls do may not be prosecutable, breaking into the DNC computers was.

View attachment 4394400
The 3 million tweets the Russians did, and the more than 120 million people that they reached on Facebook paid off well for their cause of messing with our democracy.

If you are an American, this should piss you off regardless of your political views.
Wow this document had a title this time. You guys are getting closer and closer to having real evidence, this is great!
Wow this document had a title this time. You guys are getting closer and closer to having real evidence, this is great!

It is not like there is not several legal documents/hearings that information can be found in. Brad Parscale and his foreign troll army is having to work overtime to dupe people just enough in key areas to hopefully get Trump reelected with the senate so they all don't go to jail for working with foreign governments to win the 2016 election.
Unlike you, I do not repeat whatever the neo Nazis are saying and I do not advocate for raping children

Hey that reminds me.

If you heard of a guy that went to a "legally licensed" prostitute and the prostitute said she didn't want to serve (have sex for money) the guy because of his race you would ,

a) be fine with the man going for police assistance to force the prostitute to serve him

b) watch the whole thing unfold with one hand down your pants

c) a and b
Hey that reminds me.

If you heard of a guy that went to a "legally licensed" prostitute and the prostitute said she didn't want to serve (have sex for money) the guy because of his race you would ,

a) be fine with the man going for police assistance to force the prostitute to serve him

b) watch the whole thing unfold with one hand down your pants

c) a and b
You repeat everything neo nazis say and advocate for raping 12 year old children
You repeat everything neo nazis say and advocate for raping 12 year old children

Yer an asshole and a fucking psycho traitor Grimmie, Quote that!

Amazingly persuasive.

Everyone reading this will be completely convinced of your logic.


You've been melting down ever since he got here because he won't lick Clinton's toes.

You're as closed minded and intolerant as a Trumper.

Amazingly persuasive.

Everyone reading this will be completely convinced of your logic.


You've been melting down ever since he got here because he won't lick Clinton's toes.

You're as closed minded and intolerant as a Trumper.
All that is required for him and you too, but I don't figure yer a real psycho like Grimmie, yer more on the sociopathic side, an antisocial personality. There lot's of flavors and everybody with the pathology is an individual and must be treated as such.

What I do is up front and personal, I gotta eyeball ya, not read between the lines like here. If you meet me in person it would be real intense and uncomfortable for you, that's just me.

Amazingly persuasive.

Everyone reading this will be completely convinced of your logic.


You've been melting down ever since he got here because he won't lick Clinton's toes.

You're as closed minded and intolerant as a Trumper.
Rollitup is here, watch all my posts disappear...

Because he can't stand dissenting views.

How does that make you any different than a Trumper?

Tongue punch my fart box, sweet cheeks.


Clinton's toes? Scram, you dumb fucking irrelevant fool.
Why are you so scared of Joe?

Would you feel better if Bernie's campaign wasn't stillborn?
Good point. They take it personally when we point out the truth.

If Bernie's campaign were doing better, I don't think I'd spend much time dwelling on it.

Bernie is OK. Like Biden, Bernie is insufficient but I can vote for him in the general election.

What Bernie's babies don't seem to understand is we are are explaining why he's sucking this election cycle, not personally attacking him. They should benefit from this. Instead, they are retreating deeper into mental illness.