Creepy Uncle?

Oh well, not like anyone was fired up for Joe anyway. Clearly past his prime. Maybe Castro can pull off some of his supporters?
The really sad part Bug is your a racist traitor babble of yours, old George would run your kind through in a heartbeat.

A dishonorable racist liar, a coward who can't keep up with the brown folks. Driven dam near to delusion as Trump, cause ya got yer nose so far up his ass son ya can taste the fucking cheeseburger. Don't imagine we'll see much of you in the near future ,as ya run like a yellow dog form the truth.

Racism is a character defect fool. Here look at what a fucking man of honor and integrity looks like, loser, a courageous leader who did something you an't got the guts to do. Your lack of character makes your blather even more stupid to decent people. You don't even have the brains to shut the fuck up and stop hurting others. Socially and emotionally retarded, look at this guy's life, you can't even make it as a white man. Lucky we're not in the same room when you speak garbage, you'd be held accountable. Malcolm would have beat the shit out of ya and ran circles around ya, he knew a loser when he saw one too. Here's what a man looks like boy. Come over tho the morals page and get some and we'll have a chat. I've got methods for dealing with asshole traitors and those who support them. Ya fight evil where ever ya find it and you'll do just fucking fine snowflake, though yer pretty fucking stupid too

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Oh well, not like anyone was fired up for Joe anyway. Clearly past his prime. Maybe Castro can pull off some of his supporters?
The emotional support you morons give each other with transactional likes makes morons easy to spot around here, those who like ya get the stink of pig on em real quick. looks like yer emotional needs in a hostile environment over ruled yer common sense, there ain't to many of you losers around here to have fun with, pot smokers aren't usually that stupid, ya must be liquor pigs too, that would explain a lot, don't come here drunk!

Buck don't talk like a fool and I don't figure he drinks, how about you? something is Turning ya into an idiot. Did yer daddy raise ya with nor morals or brains?
The really sad part Bug is your a racist traitor babble of yours, old George would run your kind through in a heartbeat.

A dishonorable racist liar, a coward who can't keep up with the brown folks. Driven dam near to delusion as Trump, cause ya got yer nose so far up his ass son ya can taste the fucking cheeseburger. Don't imagine we'll see much of you in the near future ,as ya run like a yellow dog form the truth.

Racism is a character defect fool. Here look at what a fucking man of honor and integrity looks like, loser, a courageous leader who did something you an't got the guts to do. Your lack of character makes your blather even more stupid to decent people. You don't even have the brains to shut the fuck up and stop hurting others. Socially and emotionally retarded, look at this guy's life, you can't even make it as a white man. Lucky we're not in the same room when you speak garbage, you'd be held accountable. Malcolm would have beat the shit out of ya and ran circles around ya, he knew a loser when he saw one too. Here's what a man looks like boy. Come over tho the morals page and get some and we'll have a chat. I've got methods for dealing with asshole traitors and those who support them. Ya fight evil where ever ya find it and you'll do just fucking fine snowflake, though yer pretty fucking stupid too

Nice story. Tell me another.
Watching the news Ari Melber on MSNBC "Fake news" the Ukrainian incident

My opinion

It sure looks like ole Rudy has cognitive problems that might be exacerbated by alcohol. His brains are apparently running out of his ears, figger he'll die in prison or before from stress. Rudy never had much of a moral compass and was driven by greed, lust and plain old fashioned stupidity!

Is it any wonder these two clowns are in shit?

Donald's cognitive issues are easy to see, his lack of social and emotional skills are obvious to any body with eyes, he is impulsive, has no morals or ethics, uses deceitful manipulative behavior, is a fabulist and a compulsive liar, whose volume of lies increases with his stress level. Donald has neurolinguistic difficulties, he has no empathy and therefore no compassion and has no conscience and therefore no internal brakes on his emotional control, he rages in private and inside is a most unhappy sociopath. Nothing is sacred to such a man and others are mere objects for their selfish desires, the constitution is as meaningless to him as the law or the rights of others. A man with out a friend in the world, alone in the wilderness, scarred and scared, he is terrified about the future. He knows that the tribe is hunting him down and will kill him for antisocial acts. He is a criminal, an abuser, a rapist, con artist, thief, racist, a traitor...... Get the idea.

What do you think this guy is gonna do in court?

Who the fuck would vote for someone like that?

Would a patriot vote for such a creature?

Would a patriot vote for such a creature?

Feel free to copy and post this any where ya like on the internet, no copy right on that, no surprise either for those with hearts and brains and aren't stupid enough to use them.
All I see is controlled establishment candidates. Bernie was my guy in 2016... but hmm... and Biden? The guy is a nutcase.


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Once again the Bernie supporter chooses Trump. Then wonders why Bernie bros are tarred as racist and misogynist.

I didn't choose Trump. I tried my best to advocate and campaign for Bernie in my state. I live in the Bible Belt and one of the most corrupt states in America. Being the establishment figure, when primaries happened and Hillary won by 0.44 of a percent out of half a million votes I knew the fix was in. That's when I knew the DNC rigged against Bernie from the beginning. I swore never to get involved in politics again and saddened to see Trump win, but satisfied that Hillary lost. It wouldn't have mattered anyway as in my state Trump beat Hillary 70% to 26%. There were literally Trumpers riding around in the back of trucks knocking peoples garbage cans over and destroying Hillary signs in peoples front yards. In some cases people would mysteriously get fired from their job if they supported Hillary. It was madness.
I didn't choose Trump. I tried my best to advocate and campaign for Bernie in my state. I live in the Bible Belt and one of the most corrupt states in America. Being the establishment figure, when primaries happened and Hillary won by 0.44 of a percent out of half a million votes I knew the fix was in. That's when I knew the DNC rigged against Bernie from the beginning. I swore never to get involved in politics again and saddened to see Trump win, but satisfied that Hillary lost. It wouldn't have mattered anyway as in my state Trump beat Hillary 70% to 26%. There were literally Trumpers riding around in the back of trucks knocking peoples garbage cans over and destroying Hillary signs in peoples front yards. In some cases people would mysteriously get fired from their job if they supported Hillary. It was madness.
What are you talking about, 0.44%? Bernie lost to Clinton in the primary by a whopping large margin. Then you assbites stayed home. Not a lot but just enough to make a difference in some very close elections in November.

In the primary, Bernie lost to Clinton by 12% margin. 3-million more people voted for Clinton than for Bernie in the Democratic Primary. The only group of Democratic primary voters that gave Bernie a majority of their vote were white men. 80% of Africans Americans voted for Clinton, 70% of Hispanics voted for Clinton, 55% of all women voted for Clinton. What you are saying it the Democratic Primary was invalid because it included everybody's votes. What you are saying is only white men should be voting. This is what bothers me about your Bernie forever types. You can't accept the most fundamental aspect of Democracy which is the majority rules.

Trump is a minority president because of the Electoral College. It gives Republicans an advantage that shouldn't exist but that's the challenge for Democrats to overcome until it is made moot by legal means.. Yet there you Bernie babies sit, crying your eyes out and doing all you can to make sure we all suffer because your tiny minority of white men couldn't tell the majority what to do. Bernie doesn't have a chance this cycle but Warren does. But oh noes, Warren actually gets things done in Washington. "We can't have a real progressive, we want one who is pure,, one who doesn't work with others. One who in 12 years as a Senator has done nothing. Instead Bernie's babies are planning to stay home and not vote again.

I'll tell you what, Bernie Baby, don't vote. Don't expect your concerns to be heard either.

If you want your policies to ever see the light of day, vote Democrats in.