Creepy Uncle?

The quote is also sometimes attributed to Benjamin Franklin, Mark Twain and a Chinese Proverb.

You're citing an article that says someone heard someone say that at an Al Anon meeting in Tennessee in 1981. I heard it in math class in Atlanta in 1978 attributed to Einstein.

How about reconcile that one for me.
I love it when people use that "the definition of insanity..." crap. Maybe choosing cute aphorisms from a 1970s Alchoholics Anonymous book isn't the political death blow they think it is.

"Hang in there baby!" and "Keep on Truckin' ".
Everyone knows that the first sign of insanity is talking to yourself, check out the new thread, 2 pages one contributor.

Omfg repeating misquotes attributed to geniuses is infradig.
Kinda sounds like bragging about a quid pro quo Ukrainian deal is out of favor. Not sure Joe should have done that. Bad optics.
Are you all worked up over a youtube video still?

I mean, some people are really retarded and do that sort of thing. @GreatwhiteNorth once spent years claiming Obama was a secret Kenyan Muslim based on a youtube video. But that guy is a grade A moron and complete hopeless racist

Surely you are smarter than that, right?
that picture of Ivanka is fucking priceless
Oh well, not like anyone was fired up for Joe anyway. Clearly past his prime. Maybe Castro can pull off some of his supporters?