Crimes against Humanity?


Well-Known Member
is that kinda like how living in the bay area was supposed to make me racist?

because i've spent time in new york and it didn't make me a raging anti-semite like you.
I thought living in the Bay Area makes you queer...


Well-Known Member
Am I antisemitic?
Am I against all Jews?

Am I antizionist?
Am I against the formation of a jewish state in palestine
Yes , but I don't believe you can reverse this

At this point I accept Israel at its agreed borders pre 1967

They have to give the land they stole back
Ike made them give it back in 1956 but had to threaten them.
after the 1967 war which Israel started, Johnson the political asshole that he was let them keep the land that they stole.

Anybody who thinks Israel is right in stealing and then keeping these lands are the people I have a problem with, be it christian or jew or whatever.

So no that is not antisemitism that is anti israeli expansion into what is palestian land

but if you want to call me antisemitic that fine


Well-Known Member
Am I antisemitic?
Am I against all Jews?

Am I antizionist?
Am I against the formation of a jewish state in palestine
Yes , but I don't believe you can reverse this

At this point I accept Israel at its agreed borders pre 1967

They have to give the land they stole back
Ike made them give it back in 1956 but had to threaten them.
after the 1967 war which Israel started, Johnson the political asshole that he was let them keep the land that they stole.

Anybody who thinks Israel is right in stealing and then keeping these lands are the people I have a problem with, be it christian or jew or whatever.

So no that is not antisemitism that is anti israeli expansion into what is palestian land

but if you want to call me antisemitic that fine

It was a war.

They won the war.

As part of the peace process the neighboring states GAVE the land to Israel by treaty...

You dont get to rewrite history because you are butthurt over it...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, cause in 1967 all their neighbors tried to kill them and havent stopped since... Damn oppressors....
Let me suggest you learn everything you can about the attack on the USS Liberty
maybe you might be interested on what a BUNCH of US Navy Vets have to say about our buddy and most trusted ally in the middle east Israel
but then they are probably all antisemites, all those antisemite Navy veterans


Well-Known Member
Did you ever go down to the diamond district, and haggle over a parking space? I actually hate Irish bars in the Bronx too. Loud, arrogant off the boat micks, that all they want to do is fight, drink and fuck, and actually in that order. What I know is that if you want to get the best deal on a electronic item, or a diamond, go shopping on a Saturday, because all the crooks are closed then.
Uncle, I basically grew up in Westchester, NY, if I wasn't in Ireland, the stereotypical land of the drunk. I grew up amongst thieves ( connected Italians), cheap as dirt (Jews), lying wastes of time and energy ( Blacks) outright sexual deviants (Puerto Ricans) and shit carpenters (Polacks), and my family, half of them raging drunks (good in a fight though) So, you see I pretty much dislike most of the inhabitants of the world, Dr. Keynes and myself especially.( and especially Zionists). I like you though, even if you have hardly a tooth left in your head, because you are so fucking old (I'm right, right?)
my dad, a polack union carpenter, actually worked on many of the schools and hospitals there.

hell, he even helped build brendan byrne arena.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Well, you know what Dr. Keynes, (you egomaniacal cunt ), I ain't going away, and I will never stop posting about the transgressions of Israel and the US in regards to the Palestinian people, so be prepared to read some more FACTS about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. In regards to your using that anti-Semitism shit to defend yourself, or Jews in general, that pulls ZERO weight with me personally, and it seems to be true to most others on this planet that are goy ( read the world wide opinions on Israel and their treatment of the Palestinians, not the Jerusalem Post's viewpoint.) So, basically what you are saying is that Israel can do what ever it needs to do to eliminate the Palestinians,(WHICH IN YOUR FUCKED UP BRAIN DON'T EVEN EXIST) It doesn't matter that almost the entire UN voted, except for Australia and the US, to side with the Palestinians. The EU is a done deal as far as recognition of a State of Palestine is concerned. So it seems that I am not the only anti-Semite on this planet, seeing that your definition of an anti-Semite is one being against any actions of Israel against the State of Palestine, and it's population. Palestine, which is being recognized by more nations daily (that must really hurt your cunt), is an entity that no matter what the US and Israel do, will not go away, and cannot be bombed, starved, marginalized out of existence. The world is sick and tired of the Jews fucking with the Palestinians ( I would use the term Israelis, but the Jews in Israel seem to like being called Jews, which actually makes sense, seeing as they are Jewish, Am I also an anti Semite to call a Jew a Jew?) Anyway, I look forward to your next line of absolute shit, which will probably state that I hate Jews (only you, really), and Israel is above reproach (not anymore thanks to Netanyahu). Shalom, motherfucker.
nope, no substance, just slurs, blood libel, racism bigotry, bullshit and fallacies galore.

at least your spelling is getting better.

maybe in your next reply you could leave out all the grammar and just post page after page of the word "Jew".

it would have a lot more gravitas than your usual brand of wild raving.

but heres a few actual facts for you:

map of states that recognize "the palestinian authority" as a state

looks like it aint just israel the US and canada dunnit?

what you fail to accept is that the "Palestinan Authority" is made up of two groups in the main, Hamas and Fatah.
both Hamas and Fatah claim "palestine" as their state which includes the land of the state of israel.

if hamas and fatah get their wet dream, israel will cease to exist

hamas and fatah both express the fervent and unashamed intent to eliminate the ENTIRE JEWISH RACE not just from the levant, but FROM THE WORLD (and you can read that for yourself here

Hamas charter:

wow, nationalism, socialism, world domination, a crazy state religion based on unsupportable claims and racial identity?
sounds like germany ~1938

Fatah (the PLO) charter (as of 2007)
their current charter is meaningless

so yeah. chew on that for a while.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Yea, I REALLY don't like Israel and China. That's about it. Turks are sort of up there, oh, I also have no use for Guatemalans and Russians, at all.
Jews, Chinese, Irish, Catholics, Slavs, Turks, Chicanos, italians, Poles, Blacks, Puerto Ricans...

Looks like sometimes "Anti-Zionist" really means Anti-Everybody

by all means, keep digging that hole.

but at least you havent quoted a Peer Reviewed published scientific paper written by a deceased canadian psychologist.

that would be racist.


Well-Known Member
nope, no substance, just slurs, blood libel, racism bigotry, bullshit and fallacies galore.

at least your spelling is getting better.

maybe in your next reply you could leave out all the grammar and just post page after page of the word "Jew".

it would have a lot more gravitas than your usual brand of wild raving.

but heres a few actual facts for you:

map of states that recognize "the palestinian authority" as a state

looks like it aint just israel the US and canada dunnit?

what you fail to accept is that the "Palestinan Authority" is made up of two groups in the main, Hamas and Fatah.
both Hamas and Fatah claim "palestine" as their state which includes the land of the state of israel.

if hamas and fatah get their wet dream, israel will cease to exist

hamas and fatah both express the fervent and unashamed intent to eliminate the ENTIRE JEWISH RACE not just from the levant, but FROM THE WORLD (and you can read that for yourself here

Hamas charter:

wow, nationalism, socialism, world domination, a crazy state religion based on unsupportable claims and racial identity?
sounds like germany ~1938

Fatah (the PLO) charter (as of 2007)
their current charter is meaningless

so yeah. chew on that for a while.
As far as your map is concerned, how old is that? It seems to be missing Spain, Ireland and Norway, France ( Great Britain and Germany on the fence), as far as EU countries that recognize a State of Palestine. And for you to comment on spelling and grammar, that is really fucking funny considering the cryptic (did you eve do acid, no? well you should have) thoughts that seem to me be the ravings of a crack addict, or someone doing a bad imitation of Hunter Thompson. What the fuck, think before you type. Do you ever proofread?


Well-Known Member
Jews, Chinese, Irish, Catholics, Slavs, Turks, Chicanos, italians, Poles, Blacks, Puerto Ricans...

Looks like sometimes "Anti-Zionist" really means Anti-Everybody

by all means, keep digging that hole.

but at least you havent quoted a Peer Reviewed published scientific paper written by a deceased canadian psychologist.

that would be racist.
Yea, I pretty much hate the whole human fucking race, especially you. I do like my parrot and my cat though, so that makes my life worthwhile.


Well-Known Member
Well, you know what Dr. Keynes, (you egomaniacal cunt ), I ain't going away, and I will never stop posting about the transgressions of Israel and the US in regards to the Palestinian people, so be prepared to read some more FACTS about what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. In regards to your using that anti-Semitism shit to defend yourself, or Jews in general, that pulls ZERO weight with me personally, and it seems to be true to most others on this planet that are goy ( read the world wide opinions on Israel and their treatment of the Palestinians, not the Jerusalem Post's viewpoint.) So, basically what you are saying is that Israel can do what ever it needs to do to eliminate the Palestinians,(WHICH IN YOUR FUCKED UP BRAIN DON'T EVEN EXIST) It doesn't matter that almost the entire UN voted, except for Australia and the US, to side with the Palestinians. The EU is a done deal as far as recognition of a State of Palestine is concerned. So it seems that I am not the only anti-Semite on this planet, seeing that your definition of an anti-Semite is one being against any actions of Israel against the State of Palestine, and it's population. Palestine, which is being recognized by more nations daily (that must really hurt your cunt), is an entity that no matter what the US and Israel do, will not go away, and cannot be bombed, starved, marginalized out of existence. The world is sick and tired of the Jews fucking with the Palestinians ( I would use the term Israelis, but the Jews in Israel seem to like being called Jews, which actually makes sense, seeing as they are Jewish, Am I also an anti Semite to call a Jew a Jew?) Anyway, I look forward to your next line of absolute shit, which will probably state that I hate Jews (only you, really), and Israel is above reproach (not anymore thanks to Netanyahu). Shalom, motherfucker.
Hard to take anyone seriously when they talk about the"State of Palestine", an entity that doesn't exist.


Well-Known Member
Because they STOLE THE FUCKING LAND. How many Jews in PALISTINE in 1948? How many in 1950 on land giving to the Jews by the UN (USA), and there is a serious discussion as to why the surrounding Arab nations hate Israel, and by association the US? Wake up, please, and forget that bullshit. The Arabs hate ISRAEL, not the Jew, because they walked in and started colonizing land they had no right to. Period. Kind of like why the US is hated around the world, for their "Manifest Destiny" mantra that they used to fuck millions of people around the globe. Want a list? Read American history, from 1776 to the present day.
So why does their media exhort their children to kill the Jooos? "Manifest Destiny" had nothing to do with any part of the world that is not currently part of the US. I don't think you have any understanding of history that is not based on your hatred. Sad little bigot, railing against the world.


Well-Known Member
Did you ever go down to the diamond district, and haggle over a parking space? I actually hate Irish bars in the Bronx too. Loud, arrogant off the boat micks, that all they want to do is fight, drink and fuck, and actually in that order. What I know is that if you want to get the best deal on a electronic item, or a diamond, go shopping on a Saturday, because all the crooks are closed then.
Uncle, I basically grew up in Westchester, NY, if I wasn't in Ireland, the stereotypical land of the drunk. I grew up amongst thieves ( connected Italians), cheap as dirt (Jews), lying wastes of time and energy ( Blacks) outright sexual deviants (Puerto Ricans) and shit carpenters (Polacks), and my family, half of them raging drunks (good in a fight though) So, you see I pretty much dislike most of the inhabitants of the world, Dr. Keynes and myself especially.( and especially Zionists). I like you though, even if you have hardly a tooth left in your head, because you are so fucking old (I'm right, right?)
You're not even intelligible.


Well-Known Member
Sweden and Ireland come to mind
The various indigenous tribes of Ireland and Sweden were slaughtered off or enslaved while the victors took over. Every place on Earth has changed hands over and over. This is the nature of war. The middle east sided with Nazi Germany in their genocidal war. They lost. That we allowed them to live was more than they deserved.


Well-Known Member
Am I antisemitic?
Am I against all Jews?

Am I antizionist?
Am I against the formation of a jewish state in palestine
Yes , but I don't believe you can reverse this

At this point I accept Israel at its agreed borders pre 1967

They have to give the land they stole back
Ike made them give it back in 1956 but had to threaten them.
after the 1967 war which Israel started, Johnson the political asshole that he was let them keep the land that they stole.

Anybody who thinks Israel is right in stealing and then keeping these lands are the people I have a problem with, be it christian or jew or whatever.

So no that is not antisemitism that is anti israeli expansion into what is palestian land

but if you want to call me antisemitic that fine
Israel didn't start the 1967 war. They did, however, finish it


Well-Known Member
The middle east sided with Nazi Germany in their genocidal war. They lost. That we allowed them to live was more than they deserved.
not really, but good job on endorsing genocide a mere two words after condemning it.

stick to slaughtering your own family and let others worry about genocide, red.