Crimes against Humanity?


Well-Known Member
Israel didn't start the 1967 war. They did, however, finish it

, Israel launched a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields on June 5 1967 that was the start of the 6 day war

The Israelis tried to finish off our guys on the USS Liberty in 1967 that is for sure, but they survived and are telling the truth about what happened

Israel is not our friend


Well-Known Member
Red brought this all on himself. Even today I did not direct one post to him...until he started with the stupid shit.
How the hell can you get mad at the next man for wanting his daughter to marry a good decent man ? Well Red sure found a way to begin the negative, so if you defending Red FUCK YOU AS WELL.
I suggest if you want to help Red you become a fire man.
Yes, I completely understand that Red caused you and UB and all of the cronies around here to become completely shitty individuals because someone somewhere did it first.

Which is a glaring example of how you lack any character whatsoever.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I wish we used all the money we sent to Israel on the United States, we could actually pay to get our buildings back up to code and the homeless off the street. Instead we leave the homeless there as a reminder to be a good citizen or this is what can happen.
Hello King.

I think you may be mistaken. Regulations CAUSED homelessness, they do not prevent it.

I do agree that one gang in the USA stealing money and sending it to another gang in Israel is wrong.