Critique my notes :D


Active Member
I've been compiling a notepad with various information I've learned here at RIU about growing marijuana. I know there is a lot of contradicting info around these parts so please let me know what you would change and what is good. Thanks everyone :D

My Stuff (should be here by the 11th!! :mrgreen:)
ss (2012-09-07 at 11.43.25).jpg


LST (low stress training):
***use string with drilled holes on pots' sides for low stress training.
***or use tape method

***use the grow bulbs in veg. when you switch to flower you use 6 bloom bulbs and 2 grow bulbs in your 8 bulbs fixture.
like this
***B B G B B G B B
as opposed to
***G G G G G G G G
***then mount the blacklights on the back wall evenly up the height of your plants.
***then just rotate your plants reguallrly
in bloom you can run 6 bloom bulbs and 2 grow bulbs for a better spectrum

***keep the bulbs in blacklights. only use in flower. uv light. good for trichome production. keep black lights on back wall.
***keep lights 4" above top of plants

***grow = veg
***bloom = flowering


***seal half closet with carboard and tape and/or black and white poly sheeting. duct tape to seal edges
***tarp over closet doors in order to prevent light leaks
***if it get's too hot on the plants you buy a $10 4 inch axial fan.
then get two 4 inch pvc elbows and stick them together to make an "S". you blow air from the other side of the closet under the tarp and into your
grow. the "S" keeps light out.
***Tape down any tarp that has been lifted up from the S pvc pipe method ^^^)


***thermometer/hygrometer is necessary
***humidity levels = %50
***temperature = as low as 65 with lights off and as high as 78 with lights on
***while room lights on, blow air from other side of closet into grow side (if temps require) (use S pvc pipe method)


***small humidifier if necessary (like $100)
***60-65 percent durin veg (humidity)
***40 percent durin flower (humidity)


***420scope for trichomes
***color of trichomes:
***harvest 90% and flip your lights back to 24/0



***hang buds with string to air dry for 4-6 days.
***let dry until stem bends, (can crack as well) but does not break. also until the outside of the bud is dry.

(alternative to perfect cure method):
***put dried bud into mason jars or bell jars, (with cap on) then take caps off after 12 hours.
***if bud feels damp after 12 hours (like fresh harvested bud) you need to air dry them for a few more days.
***leave the jars with their lids off for 2-4 hours.
^^^put the lids on and repeat the cycle. ^^^
***cure for 2-3 weeks

***water when pots are almost completely dry
***start nutes at 1/4 recommended strength
***I just lift the pot, if it feels light then it needs water. Of just stick your finger down the edge of the pot and soil to the second knuckle (when in five gallon pots). If dirt sticks to your finger, the soil is still pretty moist.

***Let plants dry out for a few days, turn upside down, tap until plant falls out into hands

***more light = more bud, if temperature levels remain ideal
***flat white paint reflects light well
***spray plants with coilodal silver when seeding
***for mite/thrip problems use $8 bottle of neem oil
***cut off leaves that lack potential to be substantially productive in order to save energy for the guuuuuud leaves
***earlier chop = more head high rather than body stone
***slow dry bud in darkness
***ec meter
***aquarium water


Well-Known Member
LST includes every method of low stress training (super cropping, scrogging, lollypopping, fimming, topping, etc..) Not just tying your plants down


Well-Known Member
Tie hell. I use wire hooks and hang weights on side branches until they level out. Immediate change and no need to tie anything. Big steel paper clips, fender washers, horse shoes (seriously) or anything else affected by gravity.


Well-Known Member
On that order sheet, you may want to skip the 9x0 pots and jump to the next size up, or were you intending to go from about a 1 gal. to a 2 gal. then larger? Or stay in a 2 gal.?


Active Member
On that order sheet, you may want to skip the 9x0 pots and jump to the next size up, or were you intending to go from about a 1 gal. to a 2 gal. then larger? Or stay in a 2 gal.?
I don't have much space so I suppose I will stay small for now. This is only my first grow. I can go bigger as I learn.


Well-Known Member
I don't have much space so I suppose I will stay small for now. This is only my first grow. I can go bigger as I learn.
Then, if you have limited space, you might consider fewer, but larger pots so you don't end up root bound.
You don't want your first grow limited by small pots :)
It's easy enough to control height if that is an issue, but if you don't have the roots.......... Well, need I say it?


Active Member
apologies to OP for straying of topic here. Totally baked and a bottle of JD later. It bring a smile to my face when a new grower pops up with all the enthusiasm and research / science based plans, ready to smash this growing lark. I am not slamming anyone here, I am reminising about having the balls to take the plunge and crack a seed. The excitement, the anticipation, the confidence that you are going to hit a decent yield because you have read everything there is to know.... kinda.

I probably should have posted in 'toke n talk' but when I read OP's opening post it all came flooding back and started typing. Good luck darkndank, enjoy the ride and soak up the good times and the bad. Try to feel your plants and not just apply science.


Well-Known Member
I did this sorta thing when I started, but nowadays I just know what to do and when to do it. Once you know the plant well enough, you don't need to be so anal about every little thing. You will know what he plant wants and when it wants it. Soon you'll just realize you don't need that anymore. Unless it helps keep you from getting lazy, then keep it up.


Active Member
Then, if you have limited space, you might consider fewer, but larger pots so you don't end up root bound.
You don't want your first grow limited by small pots :)
It's easy enough to control height if that is an issue, but if you don't have the roots.......... Well, need I say it?
Well I suppose I'll see how the first batch of plants do in these pots. Then I'll go ahead and upgrade :p By then I'll probably be buying new lights and other equipment anyways sooo :mrgreen:

I did this sorta thing when I started, but nowadays I just know what to do and when to do it. Once you know the plant well enough, you don't need to be so anal about every little thing. You will know what he plant wants and when it wants it. Soon you'll just realize you don't need that anymore. Unless it helps keep you from getting lazy, then keep it up.
Yeah I'm sure I'll get a feel for it as I go along. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right so I figured compiling a notepad like this would be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
i would take this:
  • more amber trichromes = more stoned high​

off your random notes. i have personally found this to be a myth, more of a making yourself believe it type of thing...
you have it right in your harvesthing section, with amber being too late.
better to not even have that in there, so to not get confused.

i have distributed both, and everyone always loves the cloudy harvests better.

when it comes to watering. you want just the top inch tops to be dry before you water.
but instead of relying on that fact. you can either do the weight test (lift the pots) or just start a watering schedule that you build over a few weeks testing.

i personally water every other day.

everything else looks great.


Well-Known Member
These are primarily just observations. Most of them spot on.

One thing I noticed right away is that you plan on using a black light for enhanced uv spectrum? I see you have a misconception about uv and cannabis. UV-b actually degrades thc. The whole purpose of thc on the plant is to protect it from uv exposure during flowering. (some people think the trichs are there to catch pollen, which is wrong) The trichomes refract light away from the surface of the plant, similar to how water drops disperse and refract light when resting on an object.

You will learn that light in fact degrades thc all around. This is why many people do an extra dark period before harvest. The thc is acctually produced in the twilight hours before sunrise, to protect itself from the intense uv that will come during the day.

"The Stichting Institute of Medical marijuana (SIMM), the first company to sell marijuana through the pharmacies of Holland, has been investigating the medical possibilities of cannabis, together with TNO laboratories and the University of Leiden.

One of their discoveries has been that to keep the ripe plants in the dark before harvesting could increase their potency.SIMM’s growers separated a crop of mature plants, harvested half of them and kept the other half in absolute darkness for 72 hours before cutting and drying. Analysis of the resulting dried buds showed that some varieties had seen an increase of THC of up to 30%, while CBD and CBN remained the same. However, the increase varies between strains, one showing as little as 2% increased production.


Active Member
i would take this:
  • more amber trichromes = more stoned high​

off your random notes. i have personally found this to be a myth, more of a making yourself believe it type of thing...
you have it right in your harvesthing section, with amber being too late.
better to not even have that in there, so to not get confused.

i have distributed both, and everyone always loves the cloudy harvests better.

when it comes to watering. you want just the top inch tops to be dry before you water.
but instead of relying on that fact. you can either do the weight test (lift the pots) or just start a watering schedule that you build over a few weeks testing.

i personally water every other day.

everything else looks great.
Thanks man taking em off now. I'll probably end up doing the weight test for watering. I'll just get better and better at getting a feel for my plants, and knowing what they need and when they need it.

These are primarily just observations. Most of them spot on.

One thing I noticed right away is that you plan on using a black light for enhanced uv spectrum? I see you have a misconception about uv and cannabis. UV-b actually degrades thc. The whole purpose of thc on the plant is to protect it from uv exposure during flowering. (some people think the trichs are there to catch pollen, which is wrong) The trichomes refract light away from the surface of the plant, similar to how water drops disperse and refract light when resting on an object.

You will learn that light in fact degrades thc all around. This is why many people do an extra dark period before harvest. The thc is acctually produced in the twilight hours before sunrise, to protect itself from the intense uv that will come during the day.

"The Stichting Institute of Medical marijuana (SIMM), the first company to sell marijuana through the pharmacies of Holland, has been investigating the medical possibilities of cannabis, together with TNO laboratories and the University of Leiden.

One of their discoveries has been that to keep the ripe plants in the dark before harvesting could increase their potency.SIMM’s growers separated a crop of mature plants, harvested half of them and kept the other half in absolute darkness for 72 hours before cutting and drying. Analysis of the resulting dried buds showed that some varieties had seen an increase of THC of up to 30%, while CBD and CBN remained the same. However, the increase varies between strains, one showing as little as 2% increased production.
Yeah I've actually been reading about leaving the plants in darkness 2-3 days before harvest. Posts like your's make me want to implement this method to my grow even more than I had wanted to before. Thank you for the black light information. If it isn't going to help, and actually is going to hurt, then I definitely don't wan't to waste the extra electricity to support black lights lol.

Thanks to everyone for the responses. Keep em' coming. There's always something I can learn. I really want to produce some high quality smoke for my friends and I. Maybe even make a little cash on the side to support my new hobby and a few habbits :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I also agree with the watering on the above post. I just lift the pot, if it feels light then it needs water. Of just stick your finger down the edge of the pot and soil to the second knuckle (when in five gallon pots). If dirt sticks to your finger, the soil is still pretty moist.


Active Member
I also agree with the watering on the above post. I just lift the pot, if it feels light then it needs water. Of just stick your finger down the edge of the pot and soil to the second knuckle (when in five gallon pots). If dirt sticks to your finger, the soil is still pretty moist.
Oo I like that trick. I'll most likely end up upgrading to 5 gallon pots. Definitely when I open up the other side of my closet for growing :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
It's the best hobby EVAR! You will find you will acctually do most of your learning once you start getting your hands dirty. Your first grow you will learn a ton. Don't be too disappointed if your first harvest isn't super dank, it's more about learning. But tons of people learn they got a green thumb right away! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
As for pot size I go from clone or seed into 4x4inch square planters. Then upgrade to 1 gallon pots once you can see roots in the drain holes. Then you COULD finish in that real quick for some small girls. OR you could upgrade to five gallons a few weeks later and veg a little longer and flower in that. Just like more light equals more bud, more roots have he same affect. Remember feed the roots, not the plant! Closet grows are really good, I do one too.
closer grow
Hindu kush


Active Member
It's the best hobby EVAR! You will find you will acctually do most of your learning once you start getting your hands dirty. Your first grow you will learn a ton. Don't be too disappointed if your first harvest isn't super dank, it's more about learning. But tons of people learn they got a green thumb right away! Good luck!
Yeah I've been expecting to learn a fuck load on my first grow. Experience is everything lol. I'm sure my grow won't be the dank of the dank but hopefully I can pull off a good yield with some nice quality. Especially with that perfect curing thread. That looks very promising. I better have that green thumb! Only thing I've ever planted was a cactus..and It's been alive since I was in kindergarden. Survived probably 10 moves n she's still kickin! lmao :mrgreen:

As for pot size I go from clone or seed into 4x4inch square planters. Then upgrade to 1 gallon pots once you can see roots in the drain holes. Then you COULD finish in that real quick for some small girls. OR you could upgrade to five gallons a few weeks later and veg a little longer and flower in that. Just like more light equals more bud, more roots have he same affect. Remember feed the roots, not the plant! Closet grows are really good, I do one too.
closer grow
Hindu kush
Can you explain the cloning process a bit in-depth please? I'm very curious about that. And those buds looking fucking tasty.


Well-Known Member
Remove a lower branch (has more hormones that help produce roots than higher branches) with a razor blade, cut at 45 degree angle. Place emidiatley into cloning gel/powder then into preferred growing medium. Tons of videos on YouTube im sure.