Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

After reading the recipe I notice it doesn’t say about decarboxylation cannabis
A lab out in Framingham Mass. did testing to find the optimum temp for decarbing. It was something around 215 deg F. The higher you went the more CBD. They had youtubes but I guess got shutdown. Haven't been able to find them again.
A lab out in Framingham Mass. did testing to find the optimum temp for decarbing. It was something around 215 deg F. The higher you went the more CBD. They had youtubes but I guess got shutdown. Haven't been able to find them again.

Any idea on what the 'ideal time' for doing it at 215 is?

I've been doing the mason jar in the oven method and doing it @250f for 50m (figuring that it takes about 15-20min just to heat the air in the jar up to temp, means it's 30-35m of decarb.
i preheat the oven to 250, fold my kief in a packet of foil, lay it on the top oven rack, and take it out 30 minutes later, ready to use. if i was going to go lower heat, like 215, i'd probably let it stay in for....50 minutes? maybe an hour
A couple of my patients have asked me how to make cannabutter. One patient has mobility issues and they can stand only for short periods. While this method takes longer than some, it is absolutely reliable and very easy for most people to master. So... here we go!

We need a Crock Pot, butter (real butter is best), trim or bud, and water. Later you will also need a large pot, strainer, cheese cloth, and storage container.

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I usually cook with trim and use the ratio of 1oz of trim to 1lb butter. When using bud, I use 1/4oz bud to 1lb butter. For this batch I'm using 2oz of trim and 2lb butter. Your results will vary depending on how strong your trim or bud is, and you can only dial it in through experimentation. Final product too strong? Dilute by melting in a pot with more butter. To weak? Run it again with more trim / bud. You can't really screw it up.

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This photo is very important. Notice how fine the trim is ground up. The first part of the chemistry is releasing the trichomes from the trim / bud. You will release more of the active ingredients in the marijuana if the bud is finely ground and all of the trichomes are exposed. You can dry out your trim / bud until it's crispy, then put it in a ziploc bag and crunch it up. If it's not crispy dry, you can freeze it in a ziploc bag and then crunch it up. Just crunch it up, that's the message.

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So here is our starting mash. I put all eight sticks of butter in the bottom of the pot, add the 2oz of trim, then add 2.5 quarts of water. The amount of water isn't really important, but you want enough to top off your Crock Pot and wet all of your trim / bud. Mix it a bit to make sure everything is wet, then put on the cover and turn your crock pot on low.

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Here is our mash after an hour or so. Notice that the butter has melted and is blending with the water and trim / bud. Stir once in a while, but don't go crazy. The crock pot does its best work with time, the lid on, and the power on low. I probably only stir the mash three or four times over the whole process. Not quite "set it and forget it", but close.

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Here is our mash the next day. Yeah, the next DAY. I usually cook for 24 hours. The simplified chemistry is as follows: The active ingredients in marijuana are fat soluable, not water soluable. The butter will absorb the active ingredients released from the marijuana, which is broken down by the water mash mix. So now we have our potent butter, how do we seperate it from the water and mash?

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Position a large pot and strainer over each other.

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Drape cheese cloth (available at your grocery store with baking or canning supplies) across the strainer. This is optional, but if you don't strain really well you may have a bitter, weedy taste to your butter.

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Strain. I start by using a ladel to get most of the mash out of the crock pot. Once you have all of the mash in the strainer and all of the liquid out of the crock pot, just let it sit for 15 - 30 minutes. Every drop that drains out is precious! USE CAUTION, the mash will be VERY HOT!! After you have waited to let the strainer drain, gather the edges of the cheese cloth and squeeze out any remaining liquid. It will be mostly butter as the trim / bud and butter LOVE each other. Trash or compost your trim / bud mash. It is completely spent at this point.

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Here is the pot with our water / butter mix. Notice the bubbles seem to be looking at me...

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Put the mix in your refrigerator overnight. The butter is lighter than the water and will float to the top and solidify. I didn't show the lid to the pot. If you don't cover the pot, your whole fridge will smell like bong water. At least that's what my wife told me, lol.

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So here we are the next morning. The butter is on top and solid, the water is on the bottom. Cut the butter up with a sharp knife and remove it.

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This is optional, but I usually melt the chunks of butter and pour them into a smaller container. Notice the butter is starting to melt. It looks brown when melted but will return to the familiar green color when solid.

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I poured the melted butter into a tupperware style container and will put it back in the refridgerator or freezer. It will stay good for a couple of months in the refridgerator (like regular butter). It will stay good and just as potent nearly forever if left in the freezer. I just defrosted some from two years ago and baked with it, no potency loss.

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Using this method, the butter comes out very smooth tasting. Here are some sugar cookies made with this butter. They look, smell, and taste like any other sugar cookie and the marijuana is completely imperceptable... until an hour or so after eating!

Thanks for the lesson. I will definitely be doing this!
O.k. it appears I was wrong about the temp and time.
Drugs and aging will do that.
I found the video. Move up to about 20 minutes. She is honing in on 100 to 110 Celcius and the quality of what is used to decarb.
I hope this helps.

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So if you watched the previous video it just shows that you lose a lot of what your paying for.
Basically paying for some kickass 25% then smoking it your lucky if your getting 18.
So by decarbing properly you get more and.......don't get behind the wheel and drive.
how does 1/2 oz of buds to 1 lb of butter8-)
I e always done 1/4 is bud I to 1 stick of butter or 1 oz trim into 1 stick and they always smaaaaaack. Been doing it this way since about 2014.

Honestly, should tone it down a bit so I can eat more than 1/4 to 1/2 a cookie at a time haha but they last a very long time

I ate a whole one around 2016 and legit saw what looked like merry go round figures going up and down with a forest / woods type dark background when I closed my eyes… couldn’t sleep well that night and vowed to never eat a whole cookie again haha

perhaps I should add more butter going forward but just made a batch last night - 1oz trim to 1 stick butter lol. I always throw in an extra tablespoon or two for transfer loss as you never quite get all of it.