crossing fingers for 1st "cfl grow"


Well-Known Member
looks like if i'm lucky i'll looz just 1 plant...seems as if the flushing did the others good except 1....saggy will be missed.....what i'm gonna try to do is keep her alive till i get better soil then take a couple clones from some new growthcuz i'd luv to see how she turns out fully grown.

flushed 4 last nite & have 4 more but gonna hold off on flushing cuz they don't seem to be having the same prob, at least not as bad, not yet...or do you guys think i should flush anyway cuz the others started off this way & they all were getting the same feedings ?


Well-Known Member
plants are all diff bro,the other plants could eat the food diff,idk,my seeds about to get planted tonight hopeully,the little stem is poking its little head out,not long enough yet,its just cracked


Well-Known Member
well, got no input from these so called "exsperts", i figured i'd flush, hell, couldn't hurt rite ?

but i do have another question....if i have no real good growth on the sides, is it possible to take a clone frome the very top of the plant...saggy keeps growing, its just by the time the leaves get the size of, lets say, a 5 year old kids hand the problems start with the burning & yellowing & curling.

so can i snip like rite under the second set of new grow for a clone....i have to have this cuz i just looked in close under all those big leaves to find that the main stalk is about the size of my pinky, "thickness"

some 1 asked about that plant on here yesterday...questioning it being bag seed cuz it was so thick, compact & full. yup, just bag seed but good bag seed so i want to keep her ! & she seems to be the only 1 of her kind in



Well-Known Member
idk,but i got another bag of hypnoex soil ijust opened bitch didnt even fill mypot,i planted the seed going to get new soil soon,and hmm thats an interesting question,maybe u can clone the top but idk,and maybe u should of dont a little lst or stil do it?tie down some branches so the light hits the main stem more


Well-Known Member
are you still using the 8-7-6 nutes? or did you stop, go the grow faq and look up plant really helps your plants if you use nutes, they obviously can grow naturally but they help alot cuz your soil probably doesnt have nutes in it like natural soil had nutes but your plant probably used it all...and if your problem is overwatering, flushing it did not help, especially not repeatedly...your roots need oxygen, and if there is too much water they get no oxygen and your plant can get diseases or very first plant looked just like yours, going great then all the branches collapsed and it died, i didn't have one big problem, i had a lot of little ones that combined to kill it


Well-Known Member
ya,mine was going fine to until i added nutrient spikes,thats the only thing! but yea me and him both used the same shitty soil and its HORRIBLE!


Well-Known Member
it is definetly good to have perilite in the soil, but also make sure your drainage holes are fully draining, i almost lost one cuz the wholes got clogged, water had no where to go, my roots got oxygen deprived, stopped taking in phosporus got purple stems and almost died, cleared the clogs and now it's back and starting to flower


Well-Known Member
HEY, I HEAR YALL, I THOUGHT ABOUT OVERWATERING BUT I WAS WATERING EVERY 3 DAYS & MY SOIL WAS DRY AS HELL AFTER THE 1ST..see, the soil was so shyty that after the 1st watering it got so hard & tight...i noticed this so when i transplanted i added plenty of much in certain pots that they dry out fast...for example...2 that i flushed needed to be watered 24 hours later, i mean the soil was bone dry, some were still kinda damp. so i don't think its over watering.

i think 1 BIG part of it is the soil & i'm gonna correct that 2morrow !


Well-Known Member
hey yall, check out the second pic...i think i femmed a plant by mistake, was just trying to top couldn't do it again if i tried...lmao


Well-Known Member
damn, pics & all & not 1 response...its all good, i smoke alone-i'll grow alone, lol...i'll still keep my journal for my own reference & learn by trial & error.


Well-Known Member
sorry man been busy,good job on topping lol,and even if u did FIM the plant so what!! lol keep me informed,im sticking here for u bro!


Well-Known Member
Looking good. I just started my own little setup only with 2 plants. Btw the neighbor bitch called me, i think im back in :) If you are who i think you are ull get that


Well-Known Member
ok people, its been a few days & bout a week since i flushed & things seem to bee looking up...all but saggy....but anyway, i really need a lil help here...i'm in my 3rd week of flowering & i have a few things going on here & i need to know if these are guys or arent the best but i tried...let me know which 1's yall feel are male or female pleeeeeeze !



Active Member
idk man your thread is decent no posts tho ><
If you take more clear pictures at the nodes people will be able to tell better if there showing anything :P


Well-Known Member
the 3rd, 6th, and 7th kinda look male to me...Especially if those little balls are sitting on top of a little stem.


Well-Known Member
whats up bro ! yea, i think they are. 1 has been outside since sunday to make sure they others didn't get "INFECTED" if you put up some more shots 2morrow nite so check in if you can to see the additions to my grow & a see some full shots of my babies.


Well-Known Member
yes they def look male,the pic was hard to tell for me but it looks like they got some BIG SAGGY BALLS,kind of like our grandpas ehh?lol im sry if they r males bro,keep it up,dont worry im following ur thread,and i will till the end!


Well-Known Member
yea its all good. got home 2day & i belive i see 2 females, gonna wait till i get home 2morrow to take pics, might be showing a lil better.