Crunky's CFL/LED Scrog!


Well-Known Member
Good point, I think I will wait until they are absolutely showing that they're done.

I guess the only way for me to do that is wait until the remaining pistils start turning. I noticed both plants have an orange hue to the buds. I've also noticed that people on here with less wattage have more crystally buds. So I think my next grow will be with some kinda med strain, or something a little more potent. I have no doubts my plants will be good, I just don't know HOW good.

Always room to improve ;)


Active Member
Crystals aren't everything though, they are just for looks. One of my strains doesn't have much in the way of trichome production, but she is POTENT! You have to have some crystals though, but I think it is more for looks. I have come by some weed that had a TON of crystals, yet it was a very weak potency. Wait and see if you have a good smoke to determine. I know it can be tough, lol! I don't smoke, so it's even tougher for me. I grow for my gf. She tells me what she likes/dislikes and I try to cater to that.

I will say that the two batches of weed we got our bagseed from were both some fire though. The frosty stuff that I am growing, we have yet to get good bud from. This will be the first grow that didn't have a problem. I'll let you know the report in about 3 weeks


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reaffirmation scrumpy ;)
I have used a 5-3-3 all organic fertilizer at the beginning of flowering, and a little midway, but I'm sure any traces of it are gone, there's no way they didn't absorb it by now.

Otherwise I have used no nutes at all. I'm not sure if I want to either, they seem to be going good and I don't want any problems this late in flower. And on top of that I wouldn't be able to flush either plant, as they're in fairly big pots and grown into the screen. I'm sure I could get them out if I HAD to, but I don't think I'll need to. When I transplanted the big one into her pot now, she weighed like 20 lbs with all the soil and new pot and whatnot. I bet she's pretty heavy now with all the bud weight packed on.

She hasn't lost hardly any leaves, and the ones she did lose weren't all flaky and brown, they were just green and dry. I have seen NO yellowing at all this entire grow, and I'd like to keep it that way ;)

@luckyskindaguy - I'm not sure if both cases are the same here. :P The bud this plant came from wasn't very potent at all. It got the job done so to speak, but it took a few bowls if one was THC tolerant any. At the time we didn't like that it had seeds in it, but now that I look back and see of all the seeds that came from it there was only one male. My buddy is growing out 2 plants from the same strain, both females.

In hindsight those bags were more valuable than they were at the time, so they definitely paid themselves off...that being said, I think for sure next strain will be 'name-brand'.. I'm sitting on some fem beans and I'm going to pop them as soon as this grow is about finished. I got rocklock, chocolope, la woman, sharksbreath, and a few other freebies. I was thinking about the chocolope, but I'm hesitant now since I know it's a 95% sativa and will take at least 9 weeks to flower.

I'm eager to see your lovely looking plants finish as well, and your gf's smoke report ;)


Well-Known Member
In hindsight those bags were more valuable than they were at the time, so they definitely paid themselves off...that being said, I think for sure next strain will be 'name-brand'.. I'm sitting on some fem beans and I'm going to pop them as soon as this grow is about finished. I got rocklock, chocolope, la woman, sharksbreath, and a few other freebies. I was thinking about the chocolope, but I'm hesitant now since I know it's a 95% sativa and will take at least 9 weeks to flower.

I'm eager to see your lovely looking plants finish as well, and your gf's smoke report ;)[/QUOTE]

HAHA I got sharksbreath rocklock and coletrain as freebies. I'm looking forward to having enough room to grow them. A guy sent me a pic of the sharksbreath fan leaf it looked like a saw blade.


Well-Known Member
@chainseeker - Post up a pic of it :) I'd be eager to see, looks like an interesting strain from the genetic standpoint. It's GWS x Jamaican Lambsbread, says the flowering time is long...hmm, guess that one's off the list for now. It looks like an indy/sativa cross, but I'm willing to bet that it's got the really thin leaves from being a sativa. Long flowering period could be affected as well if you get a sativa pheno. Looks like it stays relatively short though, so that could be good. With some good lighting and nice internode spacing, I'm sure this plant is crazy! Going to have to strain research the other beans I got now ;)

@luckys - Your new pics are pretty damn nice, all those crystals all over the place! Idk if this has any relevance or not, but it seems to me that my plant that is off in the corner by itself(sativa dom) takes up more light from the LEDs, and she's a bit more crystally. Who knows ;) I wasn't able to find the thread that you're talking about there. Got a link? :)


Active Member
I just had pics that didn't have the names next to them. I wanted to see if people could guess the right strain and then I would give them rep points, but never say in the thread if they were right or wrong. Go have a go at it! :)


Well-Known Member
Harvest Day! for indica dom plant, Day #56 for the sativa dom.

I had a couple of options when I was looking at this whole thing, I could harvest the top half which was clearly ready, and let the other bottom half fill out more. In the process of doing that I realized there would be no realistic way to tie the bottom branches together to raise them towards the light. Some of them were over 1.5 ft long on the bottom, so it would have been pretty tough to train them up into the screen. So I said fuck it, I'm just gonna harvest the whole thing. I also decided to use the screen for a drying rack, so the other plant now has no screen. She's also got 327w all to herself now :) when before she only had 2 LED panels and a little light from the 26w bulb. The other plant was hogging all of the other light from the CFL fixture, so I'm sure she'll fill out better now.

I just wanna say, this plant was MASSIVE! She was 3 feet tall and about 4 feet in diameter, she really filled out like a bush would. Also, this was the plant I used an air pump in the roots for. All I can say is.. this rootmass was the biggest I've ever seen in ANY plant thus far. Some of the roots were easily 3 feet long, and they did not branch out. A couple of inches underneath the main stem there were very thick roots, like maybe half an inch thick. From those roots there were very very long stringy roots. They ran throughout the whole pot, and they did not circle like I have seen them to previously. I think having an air pump underneath the roots really helps the plant more than without a pump. From this day forward I will be using an air pump in the roots, it really works.

As far as trimming goes, I did not trim every set of leaves on the plants. I only plucked the fan leaves off. This shit was so sticky even on the undeveloped buds that it was hard to work with! Higher level gripe I suppose :) So there is still a lot of leaf weight and stem weight in my weight measurements. According to our scale, I pulled about 330g wet weight off this one plant. I'm hoping for 3 or 4 ounces total weight once dried and the leaves trimmed off. This is also just 1 plant. Still got another with 3-4 weeks left. For 327w of light used, I'm hoping for .5g/w. The other plant(sat) was nearly as heavy as this plant(ind) was when I was moving them around, so I'm sure I'm likely to get the same results from the other plant. As you can see in the pics, I've got 8 tops on the top of this plant, and even more underneath.

There was a total of 17 branches, about 5 of them were the best, and were positioned on top. The 3 best branches weighed out to 31g, 31g, and 27g. They look to be about a quarter or maybe more. I'll take more pictures once they're dry and going into the jars. For now there's pretty much only overview pictures.

Without more BS, here's the money shots ;)


Well-Known Member
And here's the sativa that is left:

The last pic is a clone of her that my brotha is growing out, she smells just like her momma! ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh it is :) already had a little sample, wasn't dry but it did its job well. There was also a few branches on the sativa plant that had snapped some while ago and I just didn't notice it. There was like 6 beans on the stem of the one that snapped, but it looks like it was an isolated thing, as there were no seeds otherwise. Good tasting stuff though!


Well-Known Member
Finally, at long last I have returned for the ever popular smoke report :)

Well where to start..I guess I should start off with wet weight.
330g for the indica plant, and 156g for the sativa plant. As far as dry weight goes, sorry guys I don't have a personal scale yet. If I would have to guess I would say I got about 4 oz total.

I have only smoked the indica plant as of yet, the sativa is too good for me to let go without a proper cure! Each has a VERY distinct smell. The indica smells like straight up skunk butt. The leaves haven't quite dried out but it's quite obvious. As for the more sativa dom, she smells like a bowl of fruit loops. Very very sweet smelling. She's definitely a lot more potent too, I can see a TON more crystals on her buds. Her drying pistils are also very very orange, pics will show how orange they are.

The indica plant is potent too, the high is much more body than mind. To put it in perspective, last night I took 2 tokes before passing out. After waking up 9 hours later(haha I sleep a lot) I could still feel the effects in my body. Not so much in my brain but I could definitely feel a buzz going on in my body. The high lasts about 3-4 hours otherwise. It seems to last a lot longer without degrading like the med bud I've had recently.

I want to point out that I've given out probably 15-20g in dry weight to my family. They have rightful claims for helping me out during their entire life.

I have 3 of the large jars which contain the sativa plant, and I have 4 of the smaller jars with the more dry indica plant.

These pictures are a little dated, but they should show exactly what I mean. :)

Here they are:
1st picture: Indica bud on CD
2nd-5th pics: Sativa plant before chop, and during ;)
6th: Sativa bud on laptop, mouse for comparison
7th: Sativa bud jar while it dries a little.
8th: 3 large jars sativa occupy, 4 of those little ones with indica

Will post a pic of all jars later on.
Any questions/comments? Enjoy :)


Well-Known Member
It's a wonderful feeling I can't describe :)

I do not actually, I am in construction for my stealth dresser. You can check up on my DIY LED panel thread if you'd like to see the progress(if you can call it that! haha)

It will be likely a month or more before I can get another grow going, we'll see how fast I can get this thing together.