CSI humboldt thread

Looks like he has some1 doing his emails bc Caleb is known for keeping lineages correct so i dnt know what to tell ya. The female is always listed first then the male or pollen donor for fems
If it wasn’t him, whoever it was must know him very well because he referenced personal things that happened with my uncle 11 years ago. I don’t care one way or the other, he could spell the strain names backwards and I would still run his gear. All I care about is the finished product.
Well thats how shit gets confusing when people dnt care and just throw shit out there. I just purchased some CSI gear myself never said he wasnt good. Just said u were writing it down wrong
Serious question: what difference does it make here when you're talking about these fem crosses? Either way, both parents have the same genotypes so it shouldn't matter which one was the pollen donor, right?
it is, you can see the layout and exhibitor list on the site. I contemplated getting a booth to show off some flower, give samples of edibles ive been working on, pass out business cards and shake some hands, but at $1700-$3000 per spot im goood lol. I guess i can still do all that without a real booth. Hopefully a 3rd party has some CSI gear. I wouldnt be caught dead buying flower and extracts at a state sanctioned dispensary or event for $65 an 8th or $70 a g for shatter/live resin lmao.....Ill stick to the many referral only events that have been happening throughout the city for years with everything they have at dispensaries and more for normal prices. Illinois treated this legal cannabis like a bunch of crooks lol. All a cash grab.

To this day I've never purchased anything from a dispensary. I've had my medical card for almost a decade now.
I will never permit any money I spend on cannabis to go to a state (or the federal) gov't until both that state and federal gov't release all non-violent cannabis offenders, expunge their records and apologize. Until then I will not support legal cannabis
To this day I've never purchased anything from a dispensary. I've had my medical card for almost a decade now.
I will never permit any money I spend on cannabis to go to a state (or the federal) gov't until both that state and federal gov't release all non-violent cannabis offenders, expunge their records and apologize. Until then I will not support legal cannabis
Not only that, but the price gouging and taxation is ridiculous. I had some triangle kush from a dispo that i would have without a doubt said had some sort of mold/mildew on it. i KNOW that smell.
Not only that, but the price gouging and taxation is ridiculous. I had some triangle kush from a dispo that i would have without a doubt said had some sort of mold/mildew on it. i KNOW that smell.

Right? I've smoked a bunch of dispensary bud friends of mine have bought over the years. A couple times it was decent, nothing crazy. Mostly it's been mediocre or worse. Once you know that PM smell, it's obvious. I'd rather throw it in the garbage than smoke it. But they are still gouging people and selling us tainted flower. Makes it pretty easy for me to not to patronize them! I would however stop in for edibles sometimes just for the convenience factor. But like I said... still waiting for those 'reparations.' Unfortunately I'll probably never spend a dime in a dispensary
I still feel like the cops are waiting behind a door Chris Hansen style anytime I go to a dispensary here in Oklahoma, which isn’t often. What’s crazy is 15 years ago they were trying to give me 10 years in prison for my first offense, I was still a baby, 7.5g of pot. They charged me with possession with intent to distribute because , at the time at least, anything over 7g could be charged possession with intent here. My bail was $100,000 and when I got my sheet with my charges it said my crime carries a possible sentence of 2-life. In other words, they could do whatever tf they wanted with me. First offer was 10 years if plead guilty, second was 5 in 5 out. Ended up beating it, but it’s enough to make you paranoid. One of my best friends got 15 years, violent time, because he had a gun in the house when he got arrested for weed. Nowhere near the weed, on the other side of the house locked in a safe, but they still threw on “possession of firearm in commission of a felony.”
I still feel like the cops are waiting behind a door Chris Hansen style anytime I go to a dispensary here in Oklahoma, which isn’t often. What’s crazy is 15 years ago they were trying to give me 10 years in prison for my first offense, I was still a baby, 7.5g of pot. They charged me with possession with intent to distribute because , at the time at least, anything over 7g could be charged possession with intent here. My bail was $100,000 and when I got my sheet with my charges it said my crime carries a possible sentence of 2-life. In other words, they could do whatever tf they wanted with me. First offer was 10 years if plead guilty, second was 5 in 5 out. Ended up beating it, but it’s enough to make you paranoid. One of my best friends got 15 years, violent time, because he had a gun in the house when he got arrested for weed. Nowhere near the weed, on the other side of the house locked in a safe, but they still threw on “possession of firearm in commission of a felony.”
Good ole bible thumping justice. Them people scare me
Good ole bible thumping justice. Them people scare me
No kidding. I had just moved here from the Seattle area, where we had just passed medical marijuana, and even before it was passed, marijuana use was pretty much tolerated. Then I get arrested for it in Oklahoma and found out that they view it the same as Heroin. It was just another schedule 1 CDS to them. Funny how things turn around, we now have one of the most relaxed medical programs in the country.
I still feel like the cops are waiting behind a door Chris Hansen style anytime I go to a dispensary here in Oklahoma, which isn’t often. What’s crazy is 15 years ago they were trying to give me 10 years in prison for my first offense, I was still a baby, 7.5g of pot. They charged me with possession with intent to distribute because , at the time at least, anything over 7g could be charged possession with intent here. My bail was $100,000 and when I got my sheet with my charges it said my crime carries a possible sentence of 2-life. In other words, they could do whatever tf they wanted with me. First offer was 10 years if plead guilty, second was 5 in 5 out. Ended up beating it, but it’s enough to make you paranoid. One of my best friends got 15 years, violent time, because he had a gun in the house when he got arrested for weed. Nowhere near the weed, on the other side of the house locked in a safe, but they still threw on “possession of firearm in commission of a felony.”
That's scary shit.
In Alaska before legalized rec.
I got popped with 50 clones, and 15 lbs (mostly shake) and I "shit a brick" when they wanted to lock me up for 90 days - half off with good time and a 2 year Suspended Imposition of Sentence!
We got the search warrant nullified and I skated a wiser man.

I remember in the 90's, High Times wrote about a guy that went to prison for life in Oklahoma for getting his 3rd strike on a felony weed charge of some seeds, stem and leaf pulled out of the carpet shag.
Things in Oklahoma seem to have changed light years, since then.
That's scary shit.
In Alaska before legalized rec.
I got popped with 50 clones, and 15 lbs (mostly shake) and I "shit a brick" when they wanted to lock me up for 90 days - half off with good time and a 2 year Suspended Imposition of Sentence!
We got the search warrant nullified and I skated a wiser man.

I remember in the 90's, High Times wrote about a guy that went to prison for life in Oklahoma for getting his 3rd strike on a felony weed charge of some seeds, stem and leaf pulled out of the carpet shag.
Things in Oklahoma seem to have changed light years, since then.
Yeah man, it was insane to me when I learned how serious they took shit. I got lucky in that my best friends dad was the public defender, and I hired him as my private attorney. Since they just basically hand people over to the DA all day long, they’re able to pull strings if they ever need to. I got accepted into drug court, which is supposed to be only for people with prior drug felonies and no intent to distribute or distribution charges. After 2 years of BS and over $30,000, I got the charges dropped. But I sat in jail for 4 months before I was able to get into drug court.

things have definitely changed quite a bit. Dispensaries on every corner now and even without a card, if you can state a medical reason, up to an Oz I believe is just a ticket. Recreational is on the ballot but I pray to god it doesn’t pass, it’s a terrible bill. Those that are behind the rec bill, they’re a marijuana investment company that openly admit they’re “big THC” (their words, not mine” and that they want to see corporate cannabis in Oklahoma.
Yeah man, it was insane to me when I learned how serious they took shit. I got lucky in that my best friends dad was the public defender, and I hired him as my private attorney. Since they just basically hand people over to the DA all day long, they’re able to pull strings if they ever need to. I got accepted into drug court, which is supposed to be only for people with prior drug felonies and no intent to distribute or distribution charges. After 2 years of BS and over $30,000, I got the charges dropped. But I sat in jail for 4 months before I was able to get into drug court.

things have definitely changed quite a bit. Dispensaries on every corner now and even without a card, if you can state a medical reason, up to an Oz I believe is just a ticket. Recreational is on the ballot but I pray to god it doesn’t pass, it’s a terrible bill. Those that are behind the rec bill, they’re a marijuana investment company that openly admit they’re “big THC” (their words, not mine” and that they want to see corporate cannabis in Oklahoma.
The midwest is nuts like that, huge alcoholics though.

Years ago in Illinois a coworker got pulled over in Freeport Il and his passenger had a warrant out. So the cops decide to search the car, no reason other than dude had a warrant. Cops found an empty pipe in glovebox but no weed.

Pipes only got you a ticket so what does Barney Fife do? Dumps out the ashtray into a plastic baggie and tests the ashes. Of course it tested positive for thc and the cops arrests the coworker for possession of less than an ounce!

I told that stupid mofo to get a lawyer and he cheaped out. He got a year probation, drug tested every month at his expense $70, had to drive and hour or so for each of those drug test and probation meetings and had to pay like $1k as a fine, aka his public defender lmao.
Yeah man, it was insane to me when I learned how serious they took shit. I got lucky in that my best friends dad was the public defender, and I hired him as my private attorney. Since they just basically hand people over to the DA all day long, they’re able to pull strings if they ever need to. I got accepted into drug court, which is supposed to be only for people with prior drug felonies and no intent to distribute or distribution charges. After 2 years of BS and over $30,000, I got the charges dropped. But I sat in jail for 4 months before I was able to get into drug court.

things have definitely changed quite a bit. Dispensaries on every corner now and even without a card, if you can state a medical reason, up to an Oz I believe is just a ticket. Recreational is on the ballot but I pray to god it doesn’t pass, it’s a terrible bill. Those that are behind the rec bill, they’re a marijuana investment company that openly admit they’re “big THC” (their words, not mine” and that they want to see corporate cannabis in Oklahoma.
I went through drug court, that shit was no joke!
I went through drug court, that shit was no joke!
Yeah, it was a lot of work. I lived on the edge of Rogers County and the courthouse & treatment centers were all in the seat of the county, a town named Claremore, which was roughly 20 miles one way. I got arrested a month after turning 18, didn’t have a license yet, and they seized my car, requiring me to show that I bought it using legitimate funds, and I hadn’t. So to avoid going back to jail, I was riding back and forth to Claremore, 40 mile round trip, on a bicycle in the Oklahoma summer nearly every day. It only took a couple of months for me to get my license and a car, that shit was terrible. And I did end up going back to jail a couple times for curfew violation or missed UA’s, even tho I only missed Saturday UAs because they closed at noon and I worked 11pm-11am.

I’ll be honest though, it did end up having a positive effect in the long run. I was involved in a lot of shady stuff when I was younger, and had no ambition, was a high school dropout.Drug court made me get my GED, and gave me the motivation to go to college. Plus it gave me a great work ethic. still wish I could have learned all that without the BS, but who knows where I’d be if I hadn’t gone through it.
Yeah, it was a lot of work. I lived on the edge of Rogers County and the courthouse & treatment centers were all in the seat of the county, a town named Claremore, which was roughly 20 miles one way. I got arrested a month after turning 18, didn’t have a license yet, and they seized my car, requiring me to show that I bought it using legitimate funds, and I hadn’t. So to avoid going back to jail, I was riding back and forth to Claremore, 40 mile round trip, on a bicycle in the Oklahoma summer nearly every day. It only took a couple of months for me to get my license and a car, that shit was terrible. And I did end up going back to jail a couple times for curfew violation or missed UA’s, even tho I only missed Saturday UAs because they closed at noon and I worked 11pm-11am.

I’ll be honest though, it did end up having a positive effect in the long run. I was involved in a lot of shady stuff when I was younger, and had no ambition, was a high school dropout.Drug court made me get my GED, and gave me the motivation to go to college. Plus it gave me a great work ethic. still wish I could have learned all that without the BS, but who knows where I’d be if I hadn’t gone through it.
I can honestly say it straightened my ass up, I had no idea what I was in for when I took that shit. Soooo strict! With everything we had to do you didn’t have no time to get into trouble, and if you looked at them wrong they would lock you down for 48 hrs. I’m lucky I made it through, I seen so many get sent down for stupid little shit, like forging their AA cards and shit.
Looks like my Sour Diesel x TK is a full blown male

CSI must have mixed seeds up or was an accidental pollination cause this is definitely a male...no lady parts at all,no white hairs/pre flower nothing

just balls everywhere at every site

i separated it from the rest but im letting it grow because I like the structure and vigor

im pissed though.It was the nicest looking plant in the tent