CSI humboldt thread

Dude nice looking girl. How does she grow? Any issues or hiccups. I heard the lemon tree was notoriously finicky
Not so much outdoors, this is my second time running her, first outdoors. Indoors I had a hard time but I've been battling spider mites among other issues and had to shut down my indoor, so I can't really comment on it. Seems to be a bit on the heavier side for feeding. Will say it has a mouth watering sweet lemonade smell and gets you toasted, longer spear shaped dense collas. In my top 3 I've grown for sure
Not so much outdoors, this is my second time running her, first outdoors. Indoors I had a hard time but I've been battling spider mites among other issues and had to shut down my indoor, so I can't really comment on it. Seems to be a bit on the heavier side for feeding. Will say it has a mouth watering sweet lemonade smell and gets you toasted, longer spear shaped dense collas. In my top 3 I've grown for sure
What date did it trigger flowering and what day u think it will finish
What date did it trigger flowering and what day u think it will finish
Hard to say, I don't really keep track of that stuff, I'm more of a it's done when it's done type of guy. Plus I always start my outdoor very late to keep my plants smaller, temps cooler and humidity down, just what works for me. If I was to guess, I'd say it will be finishing up late mid November to early December, but anybody's guess
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