
So what? This is about this pussy grabber.

You sound disappointed he got caught.

not at all; just considering how long we''ve known about Trump with NOT A FVCKING THING DONE and this guy was crucified rather quickly..i know, i know if he's not incumbent we've got drooling hounds at the door who need to file papers.

wonder if they'd jump in his grave so quickly?
but did he ever 'move on anyone like a bitch?' 'grab anyone by the pussy?'

talk about a crock of shit..if he was overstepping his bounds any of those women could have said so at any time..the word is "stop!' it's when men don't respect that, is the issue.

now men are always complaining about being wrongly accused of sexual discourse and this may just be the case. Cuomo is an older single shouldn't shit where you eat but often in work situations people do. If he was flirting (and people do flirt at work all the time so let's not pretend we're Mother Theresa here)'s when it goes past that..the grabbing, the raping.

it didn't go past that and if you want more, then we should be hermetically sealed by Funk and Wagnalls in a mayonnaise jar..or better yet wear bubble suits..hell we can't get people to wear a mask.

fvck those women; martyrs they're not!:finger:
Never mind the abuse by him, how about all the elderly he sentenced to death.
Never mind the abuse by him, how about all the elderly he sentenced to death.
You mean during the pandemic that Trump was too busy buzzing NASCAR for his 'victory' (after being impeached for the first time when he strong armed a vulnerable ally to get dirt manufactured on his political opponent) to actually put together a strong response to the pandemic?

If Trump wouldn't have cut the program Obama had set up to get us ready for global pandemics in real time, hundreds of thousands of people would not have had to die of this virus.
You mean during the pandemic that Trump was too busy buzzing NASCAR for his 'victory' (after being impeached for the first time when he strong armed a vulnerable ally to get dirt manufactured on his political opponent) to actually put together a strong response to the pandemic?

If Trump wouldn't have cut the program Obama had set up to get us ready for global pandemics in real time, hundreds of thousands of people would not have had to die of this virus.

sure they would've..the whole point was to get as many minorities to die as possible..few things backfired on him.

'just say it was corrupt and i'll take care of the rest with R Congress.'

Well facts are that Trump NEVER grabbed any pussy, what he said was " grab them by the pussy. you can do anything" I hate defending orange man but some of you are relentless.
No joke, defending a man for bragging about an attempted rape.

And you are wrong, pretty sure he got sued for pulling that move on a airplane. You are just mixing up the two of the skeeze moves he pulled.
sure they would've..the whole point was to get as many minorities to die as possible..few things backfired on him.
See? Stuff like this, LOL If you or anyone believes that you have issues, BIG issues....

No joke, defending a man for bragging about an attempted rape.
LOL, You're delusional or just bat shit crazy. But I know you know want I ment...

That's why I don't post much here. You folks try to distort and paint with a wide brush. Facts mean nada. Boggles me how many of you spend so much time here talking bout orange man rent free.

Have at it ladies and gents.
LOL, You're delusional or just bat shit crazy. But I know you know want I ment...
lol you have a point, I was just using your post as a way to point out that yeah, he is bragging about an attempted rape. I don't know what you would call it when a woman says no when he 'moved on her hard' and she kept denying him.

That's why I don't post much here. You folks try to distort and paint with a wide brush. Facts mean nada. Boggles me how many of you spend so much time here talking bout orange man rent free.

Have at it ladies and gents.
No worries you have a good night. I am not sure which person you are saying I painted with a wide brush, but it wasn't intentionally you.
I have to say it’s comforting to see other Democrats calling for Cuomo’s resignation.

Something we don’t see from Republicans.

Yeah but the dems go at it with religious-like zealotry. I bet they'd like nothing better than to crucify him. ;)

Purge the sinner from their midst instead of drawing him in to be saved. A lot of vote grabbing theatrics going on here along with a lot of praying in closets that fingers don't start pointing their way I'd wager and win too.

Nobody more pious than a sinner with secrets. :)

It's just felony sexual assault, jeez hannimal enough with the rape hyperbole.

Plus, it's not like a little rape is a window into your soul. There are good people on both sides of a raping.
I would consider that if he would have eventually had sex with the woman that 'he couldn't get there' even though he moved on her 'like a bitch', and she kept saying no, it would have been rape then right?

So why was what he did not considered an attempted rape I am not sure isn't because some white men sometime were involved in the law writing got spooked thinking about the shit they did and didn't want to consider it as an attempted rape.
Yeah but the dems go at it with religious-like zealotry. I bet they'd like nothing better than to crucify him. ;)

Purge the sinner from their midst instead of drawing him in to be saved. A lot of vote grabbing theatrics going on here along with a lot of praying in closets that fingers don't start pointing their way I'd wager and win too.

Nobody more pious than a sinner with secrets. :)

I get your point but I don’t see it that way. The charges against him are serious and it looks like he’s been a serial offender. Some may think the Democrats response as overzealous but I see them as trying to do the right thing.

My point was that if Cuomo was a Republican, his colleagues would be sweeping the charges under the rug.

The next time some asshole pulls the “both sides are the same’ bullshit routine, we should remind them of this example.
. . . . . .That's why I don't post much here. You folks try to distort and paint with a wide brush. Facts mean nada. Boggles me how many of you spend so much time here talking bout orange man rent free.. . . . . .
With all due respect, painting 45 with anything other than a broad brush could take a while. Have you seen him lately? The dude is 300 pounds.

Rollitup is not rent free. We do have ads aplenty.
Yeah but the dems go at it with religious-like zealotry. I bet they'd like nothing better than to crucify him. ;)

Purge the sinner from their midst instead of drawing him in to be saved. A lot of vote grabbing theatrics going on here along with a lot of praying in closets that fingers don't start pointing their way I'd wager and win too.

Nobody more pious than a sinner with secrets. :)

