
It's actually a really common theme among pieces of shit, to do something good that makes them indispensable. Take McDonald's for example, selling people heart disease and diabetes with a smile, so to protect themselves, they opened their Ronald McDonald House Charities. Now, people would literally die without McDonald's. They've embedded their legitimacy. You cannot stop them from killing people now they they're saving some. Wealthy people and businesses have learned how to protect their interests.
I don't believe this is the case with Gates, his operating systems might have given people strokes, but he's giving almost ALL of his fortune away. A smart move, after a certain point such a fortune becomes a burden and hazard, not a boon, 20 to 50 million bucks is plenty to leave your kid. I would suspect Bill probably invested a million or two for each one when they were born, by the time they reach 21, they would have plenty of cash and by the time Bill croaks they should be very rich themselves.
It's actually a really common theme among pieces of shit, to do something good that makes them indispensable. Take McDonald's for example, selling people heart disease and diabetes with a smile, so to protect themselves, they opened their Ronald McDonald House Charities. Now, people would literally die without McDonald's. They've embedded their legitimacy. You cannot stop them from killing people now they they're saving some. Wealthy people and businesses have learned how to protect their interests.
So true.
I don't believe this is the case with Gates, his operating systems might have given people strokes, but he's giving almost ALL of his fortune away. A smart move, after a certain point such a fortune becomes a burden and hazard, not a boon, 20 to 50 million bucks is plenty to leave your kid. I would suspect Bill probably invested a million or two for each one when they were born, by the time they reach 21, they would have plenty of cash and by the time Bill croaks they should be very rich themselves.

If he's a giant pos in business, I'll agree that it's not super apparent to me. The only angle I can hypothesize is the mass collection and monetization of information.
Clearly you are already there yourself.
Yep I took a real shine to Bill after the vaccine. He's not perfect, but there are so many rich slime balls in America, I find it odd that you should lavish so much attention on this particular philanthropist for a minor error in judgement.

What about all the "good" works of the Koch's and Mercers. Some people use their money to make the world a worse place. Intentions are everything and I like Bill's, not much more to it really. It's one of those let no good deed go unpunished things and you seem determined to punish him for his. I guess saving all those black kids irks ya, or maybe the great vaccinator is like Satan to an antivaccer like you.
We obviously don’t know the whole story so let’s wait and see before we assume guilt or innocence.

If Gates was involved in nefarious activities with Epstein, anything else he’s done doesn’t mean shit.

Bill Gates stayed overnight at Epstein's Manhattan home; everyone knows what goes on there including Melinda.
I don’t know anything about his personal life.
Seems like a weird leap to link is all I am saying. Not that I have looked much at all into it, but v
Seems Bill is confronting this head on.
Bill Gates says 'I made a mistake' meeting with Jeffrey Epstein (

Bill Gates says ‘I made a mistake’ meeting with convicted sex criminal Jeffrey Epstein
  • Microsoft founder and multibillionaire Bill Gates said Wednesday that he “made a mistake” meeting with accused child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein.
  • Gates, speaking at the New York Times Dealbook Conference in New York City, said that he thought his discussions with the now-deceased money manager would bring in billions of dollars for his global health efforts.
  • Epstein had amassed a long list of famous and wealthy contacts – including former President Bill Clinton and President Donald Trump – years before he died in Manhattan federal lockup.
Microsoft founder and multibillionaire Bill Gates said Wednesday that he “made a mistake” meeting with convicted sex criminal and wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein to discuss philanthropy.

Gates, speaking at The New York Times Dealbook Conference in New York, said he thought his discussions with the now-deceased money manager would bring in billions of dollars for his global health efforts.

But “that was a mirage,” Gates said. “None of that money ever appeared, and I gave him some benefit by the association, so I made a doubly wrong mistake there.”

Epstein, 66, had amassed a long list of famous and wealthy contacts – including Presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump – years before he died in a Manhattan federal lockup in August facing charges including sex trafficking of minors and sex trafficking conspiracy. His death was ruled a suicide.

Gates met with Epstein multiple times – including in 2013 while he was the chairman of Microsoft – years after the disgraced financier had struck a plea deal on prostitution-related charges filed by Florida prosecutors in 2008.

Gates told the DealBook audience that his global health initiative is “extremely resource limited.” He had told The Wall Street Journal in a prior interview that “there were people around [Epstein] who were saying, hey, if you want to raise money for global health and get more philanthropy, he knows a lot of rich people.”

Gates said Wednesday that he takes precautions about the sources of money flowing into his philanthropic efforts, such as the Giving Pledge.

“There’s some countries that we just haven’t done any recruiting in at all because we’re not in a position to really make those judgments,” he said.

But he noted that it’s difficult to be certain that the money is always perfectly clean.

“I feel bad. We probably will at some point accept someone into the Giving Pledge and it will turn out that their fortune is a disreputable fortune,” Gates added. “When you’re engaging in this, if you really want to get out there and get more people drawn into philanthropy, there is a risk that you’ll make a mistake.”
That is funny that it left out the most damning thing (not all the linking Gates to the bullshit Epstein was doing jamming up rich guys).

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Seems like a weird leap to link is all I am saying. Not that I have looked much at all into it, but v

That is funny that it left out the most damning thing (not all the linking Gates to the bullshit Epstein was doing jamming up rich guys).

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I don't believe Epstein's criminal activities were widely known, even in 2013 he only got a 13 month sentence, because of legal corruption. Epstein was a smart guy and knew how to rub shoulders with the rich and famous, Bill was one of many. I think he was looking for weaknesses and character flaws in every one of them and found many. Most he lured in with sex, but I think with Gates it was philanthropy, Bill & his wife met with Epstein in 2013.

I think he was lured in with promises of donations that never materialized and Epstein observed carefully looking for weaknesses, he was above all else a predator. That diner looked like a set up, both the Swedish woman, her daughter and Bill Gates had no idea what was really going on. Jeffrey set the stage and watched Gates like a hawk, methinks, he would have been a high value target.

Mostly speculation, but that's how predatory sociopaths operate, once he got vulnerable wealthy men involved with young women, especially underaged ones, he owned them. Ghislaine Maxwell was recruiting girls for this purpose and Epstein's own lust constantly. I think that's how he got his start with managing wealth, by using this MO and like most criminals he repeated and refined the technique.
I don't believe Epstein's criminal activities were widely known, even in 2013 he only got a 13 month sentence, because of legal corruption. Epstein was a smart guy and knew how to rub shoulders with the rich and famous, Bill was one of many. I think he was looking for weaknesses and character flaws in every one of them and found many. Most he lured in with sex, but I think with Gates it was philanthropy, Bill & his wife met with Epstein in 2013.

I think he was lured in with promises of donations that never materialized and Epstein observed carefully looking for weaknesses, he was above all else a predator. That diner looked like a set up, both the Swedish woman, her daughter and Bill Gates had no idea what was really going on. Jeffrey set the stage and watched Gates like a hawk, methinks, he would have been a high value target.

Mostly speculation, but that's how predatory sociopaths operate, once he got vulnerable wealthy men involved with young women, especially underaged ones, he owned them. Ghislaine Maxwell was recruiting girls for this purpose and Epstein's own lust constantly. I think that's how he got his start with managing wealth, by using this MO and like most criminals he repeated and refined the technique.
Sucks to be him if he got honey potted.

You know that his ass would be on camera if he did.

15 will get you 20 is something I heard. So if he did get caught up in the family affair then I doubt he keeps it quiet.

Got to wonder who the ones behind Epstein turn out to be when all the threads are pulled. Im guessing a lot of the Bill Gates conspiracies spike after (if) he got compromised.
Bill Gates stayed overnight at Epstein's Manhattan home; everyone knows what goes on there including Melinda.
It seems Jeffrey was running a hotel and had more guests than Trump did in his. What date did he sleep over at Jeffery's? They first met at the end of Jan 2011, the one with the Swedish doctor and her 15 year old daughter and had another big meeting about philanthropy in may of the same year with a bunch of other movers and shakers. You are assuming that everybody who came into Epstein's orbit was there for sex, Epstein was a bigtime financier and Harvard donor. I think he was also a bigtime blackmailer of the rich and famous and used whatever means he could find to meet and assess them for weaknesses he could exploit. The Lure for Gates and others was philanthropy.

Epstein at Harvard: We’re Not Finished Yet | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson (

Biden’s top scientist met Jeffrey Epstein twice. It’s now complicating his confirmation.
Eric Lander is the last of the Cabinet nominees who hasn’t been confirmed. His time at Harvard, where he met the convicted sex offender, is part of the reason why.

President Joe Biden’s nomination of Eric Lander to be his top science adviser has been delayed in part because of a Democratic senator’s concerns about meetings Lander and his colleagues had with Jeffrey Epstein, the late financier who was charged with sex trafficking in 2019 before his apparent suicide.
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), the chair of the Senate Commerce Committee, has wanted more clarity on the extent of Lander’s associations with Epstein, according to an official familiar with the situation.
Asked Wednesday about her concerns about Lander and Epstein, Cantwell said: "We're having a hearing on him next week and we'll see what happens with that.”

Lander has met with Cantwell, according to the White House. Her office declined to comment further on what happened in the meeting.
Lander is the director of the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard and Biden’s pick to be director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, which the president for the first time has made a Cabinet-level post. He’s the only Cabinet nominee who has yet to be confirmed (Biden has not yet nominated an Office of Management and Budget director after he had to withdraw his first pick). His confirmation hearing is set for April 29, more than two months after the hearings for Biden’s other Cabinet nominees wrapped up.
Lander and several other professors met with Epstein in 2012 in the office of Martin Nowak, a Harvard mathematical biologist, four years after Epstein pleaded guilty to solicitation of prostitution involving an underage girl. The meeting was reported by BuzzFeed News as part of a 2019 investigation that revealed Epstein’s lavish donations to scientists at M.I.T. and Harvard. There are also several photographs of the meeting showing Epstein with scientists, including two of Epstein and Lander. The pictures had previously been on, a website Epstein ran for one of his foundations.

Lander described the meeting in a 2019 email to BuzzFeed as “an informal sandwich lunch at [Nowak’s] institute to talk science with various people,” adding that he didn’t know Epstein would be there.
“I later learned about his more sordid history,” Lander told BuzzFeed. “I’ve had no relationship with Epstein.”
Sucks to be him if he got honey potted.

You know that his ass would be on camera if he did.

15 will get you 20 is something I heard. So if he did get caught up in the family affair then I doubt he keeps it quiet.

Got to wonder who the ones behind Epstein turn out to be when all the threads are pulled. Im guessing a lot of the Bill Gates conspiracies spike after (if) he got compromised.
Epstein was very smart and chummed with many brilliant people from academia and business, philanthropy was at the center of some of this activity or a cover for it and perhaps bait for some. How would you go about contriving to meet Bill Gates in 2011? Philanthropy, telling people who were in communication with Gates that you could line up rich donors for his foundation. Philanthropy was about the only thing Bill was interested in at the time from what I can gather.

Gates has Asperger's syndrome and like many scientists and engineers is on the mild end of the autism spectrum, but not a sociopath.
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I’m not making any links to anything. I’m assuming neither guilt nor innocence.

My point was his philanthropy should have no bearing, one way or the other.
Yeah sorry about that, I started to type that earlier, and you followed up with that while I was typing a response, I forgot it was there when I replied to DIY's post.

You are correct to not assume we know what happened.
I’m not making any links to anything. I’m assuming neither guilt nor innocence.

My point was his philanthropy should have no bearing, one way or the other.
It speaks to character, more than anything else, perhaps Bill had a weakness, but I think his association with Epstein was one of getting lured in for assessment and possible exploitation. Epstein was a very smart sociopath with a lot of operational intelligence, his associations with the movers and shakers were many. In deed it would be more unusual for Bill Gates to never have met Epstein, because I'm pretty sure Epstein made a lot of effort and planning to meet Bill Gates.

From some of the reading I've been doing on this clown today, it sure seems like he had an MO of preying upon and blackmailing wealthy men. He would meet them and observe them like a predator looking for character flaws and moral turpitude. Gates was high on his target list I figure and Epstein made a realistic promise of gathering a lot of very rich donors. I think Jeffery had better luck with the wanton amoral hedonists like Dershowitz, Clinton and Trump, easier pickings among the philanderers than the philanthropists.
Epstein was very smart and chummed with many brilliant people from academia and business, philanthropy was at the center of some of this activity or a cover for it and perhaps bait for some. How would you go about contriving to meet Bill Gates in 2011? Philanthropy, telling people who were in communication with Gates that you could line up rich donors for his foundation. Philanthropy was about the only thing Bill was interested in at the time from what I can gather.

Gates has Asperger's syndrome and like many scientists and engineers is on the mild end of the autism spectrum, but not a sociopath.
You are making a lot of assumptions. “I think”, “I’m pretty sure” that kinda stuff demonstrates a bias and it’s why it’s hard to take your posts on this topic seriously.
You are making a lot of assumptions. “I think”, “I’m pretty sure” that kinda stuff demonstrates a bias and it’s why it’s hard to take your posts on this topic seriously.
If you look at the situation in it's totality based on what is known about Epstein and Gates, it is the most likely scenario. I defend Gates in this like I'd defend Trudeau, innocent until proven guilty. There is no reason to assume it was anything but philanthropy, I'm not the one calling his character into question. I do hate this kind of character assassination by association though and find it offensive. It's in a league with Qanon conspiracies and supported by as much evidence.

We are speculating here, nothing more and my bias is on the side of character, the best predictor of future performance is past behavior. Gates was never known to the best of my knowledge to be particularly oversexed or obsessed with it. One anecdote about Bill says a lot about his Asperger's, he made his sister sign a contract as a kid to play with his toys. :lol: