Flavour seems to come out more for me after a good cure, on several different strains.
FWIW Tobacco most definitely has different flavours depending on how/where it's grown like all plants we consume, they dry and cure it to bring out these flavours the same way we do with Cannabis. That's why Cuban Tobacco is generally considered some of the best in the world while pure tobacco products *not cigarettes* from other regions don't get the same love. It's half how/where it's grown, but if they didn't cure it people wouldn't want it.
I know a lot of you commercial folks don't cure, it's not because you want to provide the best product, it's because you want it out the door as fast as possible and sitting in jars isn't making money. Let's be real. I don't have that problem or a problem with how you do things don't get me wrong. Nothing of mine gets sold so sitting in a jar for a few weeks to bring out the flavours isn't costing me money.
Your argument that curing is for bad growers... you imply it has a benefit for "bad growers" so why does it not benefit for good growers? Is your argument that some folks need to cure for certain reasons to make their product better and some don't? I'd say that's most likely due to drying conditions then grower skill. Come dry here in the summer with 95% humidity, or in the winter when it's 0%, I have quite the swing in home humidity, I honestly need a cabinet I can control year round. A perfect drying environment shouldn't need to be jarred, but the Cannabis is still curing, I have to use jars to achieve the perfect environment because outside the jar I can't maintain a proper humidity. That's my opinion. I can't dry my plants the same way every time because my house is never the same, except for maybe December-March there's still fluctuation but much less then in summer fall and spring.
I'm sure everyone agrees that over fed plants taste like shit. We can all agree on that, it's not up for debate I don't think.