Curing, a myth perpetuated by bad growers

Flavour seems to come out more for me after a good cure, on several different strains.

FWIW Tobacco most definitely has different flavours depending on how/where it's grown like all plants we consume, they dry and cure it to bring out these flavours the same way we do with Cannabis. That's why Cuban Tobacco is generally considered some of the best in the world while pure tobacco products *not cigarettes* from other regions don't get the same love. It's half how/where it's grown, but if they didn't cure it people wouldn't want it.

I know a lot of you commercial folks don't cure, it's not because you want to provide the best product, it's because you want it out the door as fast as possible and sitting in jars isn't making money. Let's be real. I don't have that problem or a problem with how you do things don't get me wrong. Nothing of mine gets sold so sitting in a jar for a few weeks to bring out the flavours isn't costing me money.

Your argument that curing is for bad growers... you imply it has a benefit for "bad growers" so why does it not benefit for good growers? Is your argument that some folks need to cure for certain reasons to make their product better and some don't? I'd say that's most likely due to drying conditions then grower skill. Come dry here in the summer with 95% humidity, or in the winter when it's 0%, I have quite the swing in home humidity, I honestly need a cabinet I can control year round. A perfect drying environment shouldn't need to be jarred, but the Cannabis is still curing, I have to use jars to achieve the perfect environment because outside the jar I can't maintain a proper humidity. That's my opinion. I can't dry my plants the same way every time because my house is never the same, except for maybe December-March there's still fluctuation but much less then in summer fall and spring.

I'm sure everyone agrees that over fed plants taste like shit. We can all agree on that, it's not up for debate I don't think.
Very good post. But if you dry slowly and do a long slow burp down you can make over fed bud become good. The long slow dry and cure allows the tricoms to mature by useing the nutes left in the bud. If grown real organic and right you can pull a bud during full nute at week 6 and dry in the sun at 90+ degrees for half a day. Smoke it and be smooth as hell. And if the strain doesn't come out well with lots of Amber then your right. Cut earlier and let it mature in the dry and cure, but if you over dry even once you stop the chemical reaction that was eating the nutes and that's all the better it will get. You can add moistur but it won't help. It's an ongoing chemical action that you don't want to stop until it eats the leftover nutes. Most of the bad taste from nutes isn't the nute, it's the chelate they use. Organics don't have chelates so they don't have many of those bad flavors ever.... Good luck in your growing..
You were the hostile one with the namecalling. All I've done is point out how much of a fool you're making of yourself.

As for me not having an opinion... my friends and associates know better, believe me when I tell you that!

However, I'm fully aware of the bright, hard line between opinion and fact- and its immutable location. Homebrew and I deal in facts- independently verifiable, useful, foundational ones that explain what we observe and point in New directions.

Those who watch Faux News might be understandably confused.
So your a progressive liberal?
Your points are now mute. Attacking political idealology in a weed post is sooooo out of line and disgusting. Every liberal politician in this great country lie about almost everything. 95%'of all voter fraud cases in the country have been against liberals.
yeah my fresh herb always better then my bud cured more then 2 months. totally agree. I tend to keep strains curing for over a year and they just don't pack that same initial punch as the first 2 mnths.
Agreed. I only grow for personal use. I never run out but after 2-3 months I'll start another grow because the stored stuff is noticeably losing something and when the new grow is dried I'll switch over as soon as the green taste subsides.
I'd say the proof is in the product- and its location. Go try his for yourself, they sell everything they can grow. You just can't say that about too many people on this forum, and that is the exactly the point I'm trying to drive home about credibility; how many others here HAVE THEIR WEED AND THEIR STRAINS FOR LEGAL RETAIL SALE FOR ALL TO SEE AND BUY? If there is a higher standard for credibility in this industry, I've yet to see it.

That includes all the spewing by the poseurs here.
No it isn't. The best I've smoked was from home growers seeking perfection. Damn I'm good.... Lol. There are strains so low yielding but so incredible to smoke, but not worth growing because it costs too much. Clubs won't grow it. I've never smoked club weed that will sit you down and shut you up for 3 to 6 hours. Im not talking couch lock. I'm talking I can lick your face and you won't stop me. Your phone can ring for three hours straight and you won't pick it up. You get some of that and then we will talk. I have smoke that will leave you stupid for a day..... No club has this...... HaHaHaHa. Most growers have bigger egos then they should. Everybody tells me they can grow. Everyone that buys 100 or more clones at a time brings me something from their latest grow. Its what we do, show off. Every one of them has made an excuse to explain why this wasn't their best after I smoke it in my pipe. And every one of them can't believe how mine tastes and the smoothness of it. And what I'm smoking with them is usually only a week off the plant. But when the few come with some nice organic and spent some money getting good organics and teas. Then I pull some older cured out.... We're on apples and apples now. But the longer cured is smooth in a way you can't explain. And I wouldn't long cure certain strains. But I wouldn't grow them either.
I think it more about timing. I am making the claim anything older than a month is degrading.
That's right. But,,,,,,,,, on many strains pulled at the corect time and put away for long storage in a cool dark room. 6 months. One year.... slightly less flavor, but more textures and tones to it. Flavors show themselves that weren't there before. And the smoothness is better. Now the high is dependent on the strain and the grow. Sometimes less but lasts longer. Sometimes more intense high and longer. Sometimes less high and shorter, we don't long storage these again. So I believe you haven't given it its own just treatment. I'm ADD and OCD with a genius IQ. So I test lots of different things all the time for different reasons. I learn new stuff sometimes. I test parameters all the time. The climate we grow, dry, store and trim in matters. Your very right about that. What it should be is strain specific. Lol. That's the punch line. So there is a range that's best and another that's ok. Outside of that your on your own. And some people do great on their own. They adjust other aspects to deal with it. They have a hard time keeping environment right because the outside climate sucks or the law are strict and they grow under the radar.... If you get to the end and it's good, great for you. Some of us are lucky to live in good climate and good laws.
I've done this..... I also take buds off and splay them out in the pipe, about a hit worth. Torch it. It's almost a vape. The Tricoms vaporize and the buds to wet to burn. Get lots of flavors. And high.
I tried that too... nice fresh wet green buds cut up into little pieces, stuffed into a vap and attempted to vap it dry. The flavor was somewhere between nasty and unbearable, my tongue was numb for most of the day and the "flavor" in my mouth lasted and lasted. I have not had the urge to try that again!
HomieBrewski, its recently been brought to my attention that taking my dry fan leaves and placing them into the freezer for storage until im ready to make hash is a myth of bad hash makers.

So I was told by someone who seems to be a master at Hash making to take my leaves and put them into a curing jar and cure them like BUD.. burp them until they dry and then use to make hash so that they are fresh and cured properly.
what do you do?
i guess its possible, but i doubt there are many folk who really like that green taste
they just do not know any better

the green taste mainly comes from weed that is dried too fast and all the little dark green leaves left on the bud
if the weed is dried slowly and all the little leaves removed there will be no green taste before the cure
although some plants/phenos are pretty tasteless to start with, no drying process or curing will help with that

Well I live in a hippy town where people take chlorophyll daily as a dietary supplement, and even use it as a nasal neti pot wash due to it's antibacterial qualities. 'Round here people talk about it as some kind of miracle cure, to literally everything, so it doesn't surprise me at all that I know several people who have acquired a taste for it (or at least they claim to have, I personally can't stand it so I can't say for sure that they're not just BSing to convince themselves)
I tried that too... nice fresh wet green buds cut up into little pieces, stuffed into a vap and attempted to vap it dry. The flavor was somewhere between nasty and unbearable, my tongue was numb for most of the day and the "flavor" in my mouth lasted and lasted. I have not had the urge to try that again!
Yeah, I ran some fresh herb through my Volcano and pretty much had to throw away that bag haha
Interesting topic/discussion…..sans the derogatory posts…

Not much experience from me….I grow just for myself in a small tent and under a small Area51 LED. I only have two strains at the moment….an Indica dominant hybrid and a Sativa dominate hybrid…but so far, I am much happier with the results than what I was buying at the dispensaries.

On my latest grow, I dried the plants in the soil for the last 10 days before harvest. During that time period, I was constantly pulling off and trimming all the leaves that weren't producing trichomes. After that, I cut them and hung the whole plants for 9 days. Next, I did a fine-trim and jarred the best buds and kept them attached to a long stem in order to allow them to dry even more slowly. Then into the Mason jar.

It's humid weather at the moment and so even burping the jars everyday hasn't really been bringing the humidity down to under 65%. I took one of the larfy lower buds and smoked it -just to check. It tasted great!

Then I compared it to some buds that were jarred last June -same strain…same conditions…etc.

I found that both were very tasty! They were different in terms of flavor -not better or worse…just had a different taste….maybe like the difference between a fresh strawberry and strawberry fruit leather! ;) In other words, the long cured bud had a darker, more concentrated flavor, while the lesser-cured buds were "brighter" and slightly more volatile tasting. Effect-wise, there wasn't much difference that I could tell.

It's not comparing apples and oranges. It's more like comparing fresh apples to apple pie. :)
We take new buds off plant, splay them open in a pipe and hit with a torch. Only the tricoms vapor off and the green weed smoldered a little. Basically a vape hit.

My stoner friend in the UK calls that a "fairy fart" hit. As in: "The new strain was coming along so well I had to pull off a bit and have a few fairy farts to see how it was". I'm still not sure if this is a common expression or him being him (no comments from his former bandmates, please), but its a funny term.
Is anyone trying curing with other herbs or spices, such as the process Acide cigars uses, where the tobacco is hung with herbs? I notice a lot of other herbs showing up in dispensary products, like Mate and Daminania .
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What a ridiculous thread...ask all the cannabis cup winners how they fell about flush and cure...thats all you need to know right there. No one is winning cups with unflushed, uncured bud.

Will the average consumer be able to tell I haven't fully cured my bud? NO. I don't over feed and I flush for 2+ weeks- after they hang for about a week it is some super clean burning funk...that being said, my bud that gets cured and stored for 3+ months always tastes better and burns much smoother. My Jack is amazing at one month, unbelievable at 3 months, and the best bud I've ever smoked after 6.

Curing isn't a myth, nor is it just for cannabis. People cure their weed or other herbs because over a thousand + years it's been proven to produce the best product.

If your 'freshly dried' bud tastes great, it will be amazing after a proper cure.

Curing also evenly distrubutes the moisture in the bud, and if that's all it did then it's pretty important. If you don't properly cure your bud and keep redistributing the moisture, you will have bud that doesn't smoke proper. Really dry weed is not the same as properly cured weed.

Curing is a CHEMICAL process with definitive positive results.

Curing, when done properly, increases potency, taste, and aroma - bottom line.

I think too many people are just happy enough with their uncured product, the extra time doesn't seam worth it, but if your a true canna conesiour you'll be able to to tell the positive difference in a sample that is cured and one that is not.
All that being said, I'm smoking my product everyday after harvest. I smoke it wet, then dried, then cured, LOL. I'll take the cured anyday. I'm suprised any of it makes it over 3 months to be honest :)
I always though that the starches in the plant convert to sugars, or vice versa during the cure. I though that is why it actually gets smoother with age-which I thought was the entire point of the cure- to make the smoke burn evenly and increase the smoothness? Why wouldn't that be desirable?

When we use to get wet beasters we would let them sit out over night, than cure then ourselves. Beasters were all about weight, so they lost a bunch in the long run but it was like a different product after a month in the jar everytime. I don't think a cure can make bad weed good, but it can definitely make a mediocre product much better.
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This is not a theory. THis idea that a cure can make your flowers better to the point waiting to smoke is pure poppycock. Fresh is better. I would love to have the proponents and their "cured" herb to have them tested for terpene levels before and after to show you all the degradation of cannabiniods and terpenoids will be of noticeable levels.
Bottom line is when you have done a mediocre job of growing and flowering these plants you simply get mediocre finished products. THe real key to producing good-great flowers is to make sure you have fed the plants a balanced nutrient. In a ration of 3-2-4 fed throughout flower. Metabolizing the salts is why so many people flush. to make sure all the added phosphorous is utilized.

I know i an going to hear Hhow everyone swears their weed gets better. Doubt it.


I disagree with 3-2-4 thru bud.

I know bud tastes and smells better when its dried and cured properly.

And I don't approve of your use of the term poppycock.

Other than that you might be on to something :wall:
I have tested this myself: result being that the bud cured slowly in a glass jar in dark forces ur nuggets to use whats left of its sugars ( incert proper term if needed) and will produce a heightened tricomb advised by mark emery ( prince of pot)... Pls Check with the pros if u dont wish to believe me
My stoner friend in the UK calls that a "fairy fart" hit. As in: "The new strain was coming along so well I had to pull off a bit and have a few fairy farts to see how it was". I'm still not sure if this is a common expression or him being him (no comments from his former bandmates, please), but its a funny term.
Is anyone trying curing with other herbs or spices, such as the process Acide cigars uses, where the tobacco is hung with herbs? I notice a lot of other herbs showing up in dispensary products, like Mate and Daminania .
I accidently cured some of my nugs in a jar that I previously had coffee stored in. I didn't know it until I burped the jar, then I got the strong aroma of coffee instead of bud. I prefer bud to smell and taste like bud. I hope the smell goes away and I hope it doesn't taste like it smells.
From my experience curing = more bland all around. Less taste, less smell, less punch to the weed.
(I'm talking months, not couple weeks or a month.)
Look at what 'water curing' does for an example.
If your weed smokes bad or smells/taste bad then curing/bland is probably better.