Curing, a myth perpetuated by bad growers

Unrelated to the topic at hand but hugely related to forum ettequite is grammer police,for myself & alot of others its a way of putting somebody down & or garnering attention twords their own selves,calling a member out on mispelled words adds no value to a thread & just causes fights.

I find grammer nazis offensive ,mainly because were all not fortunate enough to have had proper education in grammer & instead of being a fake smart guy by using spell check on everything prefer to present theirself the way they are in real life,i prefer real life versions of people.

Ive mispelled countless times in this post & my browser is telling me i am,i have a 6th grade education & i semister of 7th grade but that dont make me a less valueable member or less a man,i had 2 choices,go to school & learn or go to work & eat,i chose to feed myself,all of us dont have a comfy home life where mom & dad take care of all our needs so we can go to school,some of us were beaten as children,mentally abused,sexually abused ect or just grew up in poverty with parents who didnt give a shit,forcing many of us to miss the oportunities in education & grammer others had.

Unless a members spelling is so bad his posts are unreadable what purpose does it serve to call attention to his poor spelling,for me it shows a lack of class & respect on the parts of the spelling teachers so please be respectfull in your posts twords others.

Agreed.... Quite offensive and really just makes those of us who have this issue not want anything to do with u or ur posts
I do a two week slow dry and then jar cure. I bury a stash up on the mountain for easy access whilst snowboarding. I forgot about one particular spot and got back to it about three years later. Mind you the weather is extreme up here, very cold nights even in summer. I am very familiar with the product in question as I smoked about four pounds of the stuff over the course of a year or so and I can tell you..... oooooooweeeeeee, that old buried mountain herb was much smoother after a little time alone underground. Don't know why.
I'm also willing to accept the possibility that the curing I do may do nothing, but it doesnt hurt for sure.
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Unrelated to the topic at hand but hugely related to forum ettequite is grammer police,for myself & alot of others its a way of putting somebody down & or garnering attention twords their own selves,calling a member out on mispelled words adds no value to a thread & just causes fights.

I find grammer nazis offensive ,mainly because were all not fortunate enough to have had proper education in grammer & instead of being a fake smart guy by using spell check on everything prefer to present theirself the way they are in real life,i prefer real life versions of people.

Ive mispelled countless times in this post & my browser is telling me i am,i have a 6th grade education & i semister of 7th grade but that dont make me a less valueable member or less a man,i had 2 choices,go to school & learn or go to work & eat,i chose to feed myself,all of us dont have a comfy home life where mom & dad take care of all our needs so we can go to school,some of us were beaten as children,mentally abused,sexually abused ect or just grew up in poverty with parents who didnt give a shit,forcing many of us to miss the oportunities in education & grammer others had.

Unless a members spelling is so bad his posts are unreadable what purpose does it serve to call attention to his poor spelling,for me it shows a lack of class & respect on the parts of the spelling teachers so please be respectfull in your posts twords others.

Good point. I'm guilty of this myself.... although I try to limit the spelling police posts only to people that call others a retard, or idiot, and butcher their spelling in the process.
I do a two week slow cure. I bury a stash up on the mountain for easy access whilst snowboarding. I forgot about one particular spot and got back to it about three years later. Mind you the weather is extreme up here, very cold nights even in summer. I am very familiar with the product in question as I smoked about four pounds of the stuff over the course of a year or so and I can tell you..... oooooooweeeeeee, that old buried mountain herb was much smoother after a little time alone underground. Don't know why.
I'm also willing to accept the possibility that the curing I do may do nothing, but it doesnt hurt for sure.
What was the appearance like.... all brown...? gooey...? Did it still feel sticky or did the buds stay compressed then you squeezed them?
Unrelated to the topic at hand but hugely related to forum ettequite is grammer police,for myself & alot of others its a way of putting somebody down & or garnering attention twords their own selves,calling a member out on mispelled words adds no value to a thread & just causes fights.

I find grammer nazis offensive ,mainly because were all not fortunate enough to have had proper education in grammer & instead of being a fake smart guy by using spell check on everything prefer to present theirself the way they are in real life,i prefer real life versions of people.

Ive mispelled countless times in this post & my browser is telling me i am,i have a 6th grade education & i semister of 7th grade but that dont make me a less valueable member or less a man,i had 2 choices,go to school & learn or go to work & eat,i chose to feed myself,all of us dont have a comfy home life where mom & dad take care of all our needs so we can go to school,some of us were beaten as children,mentally abused,sexually abused ect or just grew up in poverty with parents who didnt give a shit,forcing many of us to miss the oportunities in education & grammer others had.

Unless a members spelling is so bad his posts are unreadable what purpose does it serve to call attention to his poor spelling,for me it shows a lack of class & respect on the parts of the spelling teachers so please be respectfull in your posts twords others.
Personally I find it offensive that people are too lazy to double check their own spelling and grammar. I understand English is not everyone's first language, and for those people I make exceptions. As a matter of fact, many times I do research to try to communicate in their language so they can better understand the point I am trying to make, because I don't feel language should be an insurmountable barrier to communication. But for people who clearly are just too lazy to re-read what they write before they hit post, or ignore the obviously underlined spelling errors, that is lazy and insulting to the people who have to try to read your fragmented and misspelled posts. If you are trying to communicate, you should make every effort to make your communication clear and easily understandable. I also find it insulting that you use pejoratives to describe people who spend effort to make sure that their spelling and sentence structure are correct. The way we communicate is indicative of the level of intellectual discourse we are capable of, and if someone can't be bothered to take the time to learn how to communicate in an intelligent manner, then I believe that reflects poorly on the quality of their intelligence. If they know better and still choose to leave errors, that is an insult to whomever they are communicating with. Put some effort into it, it's not that hard. And your assumptions that just because I can put together a coherent and well constructed sentence means I had any less difficult and upbringing than you is so fucking generalizing and anti-intellectual that I can't even wrap my head around it. Just because I didn't let life's hardships derail my drive to learn and educate myself doesn't make those hardships any less taxing, I have been through things in my life that would have broken you a hundred times over, so lets not act like just because I know how to spell I don't know what sweat and blood taste like. Not everyone who writes well grew up in some sort of Brady Bunch utopia, with parents who took care of our every need. Some of us didn't grow up with mom and dad at all, and used that as motivation to rise above, to become something they would be proud of, not aggressively defensive of our ignorance. When typing is the only way we can communicate, the way we type reflects upon who we are, and if you don't take the effort to type well I'm probably not going to take the effort to see past the lack of effort put forth on your part to communicate. Also, as someone who's family died in the holocaust, I find the term "Grammar Nazi" to be deeply trivializing and insulting, but you probably won't understand why that is, what with your aggressive distaste for education.
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Good point. I'm guilty of this myself.... although I try to limit the spelling police posts only to people that call others a retard, or idiot, and butcher their spelling in the process.
I generally agree with you, and I think the record will show that by and large I have limited myself to "Grammar policing" only those posts that are actively directed at me, and as a rule of thumb don't just randomly point out every mistake I see. Just mistakes made while attacking me.
Personally I find it offensive that people are too lazy to double check their own spelling and grammar. I understand English is not everyone's first language, and for those people I make exceptions. As a matter of fact, many times I do research to try to communicate in their language so they can better understand the point I am trying to make, because I don't feel language should be an insurmountable barrier to communication. But for people who clearly are just too lazy to re-read what the write before they hit post, or ignore the obviously underlined spelling errors, that is lazy and insulting to the people who have to try to read your fragmented and misspelled posts. If you are trying to communicate, you should make every effort to make your communication clear and easily understandable. I also find it insulting that you use pejoratives to describe people who spend effort to make sure that their spelling and sentence structure are correct. The way we communicate is indicative of the level of intellectual discourse we are capable of, and if someone can't be bothered to take the time to learn how to communicate in an intelligent manner, then I believe that reflects poorly on the quality of their intelligence. If they know better and still choose to leave errors, that is an insult to whomever they are communicating with. Put some effort into it, it's not that hard. And your assumptions that just because I can put together a coherent and well constructed sentence means I had any less difficult and upbringing than you is so fucking generalizing and anti-intellectual that I can't even wrap my head around it. Just because I didn't let life's hardships derail my drive to learn and educate myself doesn't make those hardships any less taxing, I have been through things in my life that would have broken you a hundred times over, so lets not act like just because I know how to spell I don't know what sweat and blood taste like. Not everyone who writes well grew up in some sort of Brady Bunch utopia, with parents who took care of our every need. Some of us didn't grow up with mom and dad at all, and used that as motivation to rise above, to become something they would be proud of, not aggressively defensive of our ignorance. When typing is the only way we can communicate, the way we type reflects upon who we are, and if you don't take the effort to type well I'm probably not going to take the effort to see past the lack of effort put forth on your part to communicate. Also, as someone who's family died in the holocaust, I find the term "Grammar Nazi" to be deeply trivializing and insulting, but you probably won't understand why that is, what with your aggressive distaste for education.
jerk status right here. some of us had to go to work at an early age, for reasons u mentioned in that post (to support a single parent). I'm probably one on the most uneducated person on this site. GED at 16 so i could qualify for more then 30 hours a week work. your just talking shit. i hope you get angry when you read un structured post. just don't beat your wife. that shit aint cool. take out your anger other places. I'm posting this now with no re reading.....
jerk status right here. some of us had to go to work at an early age, for reasons u mentioned in that post (to support a single parent). I'm probably one on the most uneducated person on this site. GED at 16 so i could qualify for more then 30 hours a week work. your just talking shit. i hope you get angry when you read un structured post. just don't beat your wife. that shit aint cool. take out your anger other places. I'm posting this now with no re reading.....
Naw I don't beat my wife, I'm too busy helping her through her second year of physical rehab after her left leg was amputated due to complications from childhood cancer, but thanks for the advice.
Personally I find it offensive that people are too lazy to double check their own spelling and grammar. I understand English is not everyone's first language, and for those people I make exceptions. As a matter of fact, many times I do research to try to communicate in their language so they can better understand the point I am trying to make, because I don't feel language should be an insurmountable barrier to communication. But for people who clearly are just too lazy to re-read what the write before they hit post, or ignore the obviously underlined spelling errors, that is lazy and insulting to the people who have to try to read your fragmented and misspelled posts. If you are trying to communicate, you should make every effort to make your communication clear and easily understandable. I also find it insulting that you use pejoratives to describe people who spend effort to make sure that their spelling and sentence structure are correct. The way we communicate is indicative of the level of intellectual discourse we are capable of, and if someone can't be bothered to take the time to learn how to communicate in an intelligent manner, then I believe that reflects poorly on the quality of their intelligence. If they know better and still choose to leave errors, that is an insult to whomever they are communicating with. Put some effort into it, it's not that hard. And your assumptions that just because I can put together a coherent and well constructed sentence means I had any less difficult and upbringing than you is so fucking generalizing and anti-intellectual that I can't even wrap my head around it. Just because I didn't let life's hardships derail my drive to learn and educate myself doesn't make those hardships any less taxing, I have been through things in my life that would have broken you a hundred times over, so lets not act like just because I know how to spell I don't know what sweat and blood taste like. Not everyone who writes well grew up in some sort of Brady Bunch utopia, with parents who took care of our every need. Some of us didn't grow up with mom and dad at all, and used that as motivation to rise above, to become something they would be proud of, not aggressively defensive of our ignorance. When typing is the only way we can communicate, the way we type reflects upon who we are, and if you don't take the effort to type well I'm probably not going to take the effort to see past the lack of effort put forth on your part to communicate. Also, as someone who's family died in the holocaust, I find the term "Grammar Nazi" to be deeply trivializing and insulting, but you probably won't understand why that is, what with your aggressive distaste for education.

"But for people who clearly are just too lazy to re-read what the" ( it's "they", fucking hypocrite) "write before they hit post"
I'm from Alabama and i've been growing for the past 7 years.

Ppl from legal states gets so caught up on curing,, " Hey,,, I cure for 3 months, Hey I cure for 6 months,, etc etc.., which is really pointless after about a month tops..

My first 2 grows my weed smelled like hay, only because I dried too fast and pulled too early.

If your plant does not smell "Loud" before and after drying, its not going to be "Loud" regardless of how long you play peek a boo with your mason jars. You can fool yourself into thinking the faint smell that you smell after your so called cure is the smell coming back but its not.. If I had to sit around with pounds and open and close jars all fucking day for months,just to get the noticeable smell and a good taste,,,, I would not be growing weed.

So just say if you wanted 15% water content in your buds at the end of your cure, it doesnt matter how you dry it,,, as long as its slow, because when it comes to weed, curing in jars, ins a sense, is slowing down the drying process, but in actuality your only re-moistening the weed and drying it all over again with your jars.
Just dry it slow,, ppl compare curing weed with fine wine,, but wine is sealed and the cure starts, but most ppl think playing with their jars for weeks is curing when all they had to do is leave the plant hanging with a slow dry... Say or think what you want, only because you've never tried it..

Just like in the past Fox Farm and Advanced Nutrients had a lot of y'all hypnotized, like you were really gonna feed your plants and the plants could distinguish between Fox Farm and Miracle Gro...

I grow mainly outdoors. but also work with others indoors, and when I harvest my plants I hang as much of the plants as wholes as possible, in an empty cleaned and sanitized single wide trailer. with a fan for circulation, no temp control, but temps stay between 70 & 80F wheneva I dry.

After about 6 or 7 days its ready for sale. But whateva is not sold it goes into double paper bags which are folded and kept in a cool closet, as long as you dry your pine correctly and long enough the paper bags will cure your weed just as good as jars, no burping needed, When the buds are how I want them in bags, then I put them in jars, only to conceal the smell.

So all the ppl who thinks curing is the only thing that makes weed STANK, you are wrong.

Down here in the south, if you can't smell the weed in somebodys pocket before they even pull it out, nobody down here wants it. This doesn't apply to medical patients here in bama, because we dont have any ,,legally,, ,yet! But 90%,, notice I did say 90%,, of time if the weed has a very strong aroma it will have some good medicinal qualities..

But curing is for most ppl that are legal anyways, & ppl that have too much time on their hands, & ppl that can just have weed just laying around, like "Fuck The Police",,,because when it comes down to it, if the legal growers were in an illegal state, i'd put my life on it that their answers to making your weed smell "Loud" or dank as y'all say, would be a long shot from curing for weeks & months..

Maybe the way y'all cure might make my sannies sugar punch that taste like a pack of starbusrt, taste like some thing else or maybe even make my killing fields that taste like grapes and a gas tank taste like something else.

This summer I said fuck Panama City Beach, we went to Denver,, all the growers on the net from Colorado always saying that theirweed is this and that, """""""""""'BULLSHIT""""""""""""'',,, most of y'all weed smells like a fucking barn, and I grabbed sacks from quite a few places up there and 90% of that shit smelled bad, but looked real good tho.... CALIFORNIA has the best weed hands down that i've tried..

We used to get 3lbs a month shipped, from cali Gdaddy Purp & Purple Kush, OMFG!!! Cali growers are the FUCKING BOMB!! If somebody has Purp Kush & Gdaddy Purp that taste better than theirs,, I don't want none... and that was from 3 different growers.. If it wasn't for my relations ship with them, I would probably still be a part of the mason jar gang.

Just thank about it,,, Schwag will have a pungent odor if concealed,, so if your growing quality strains and a ounce or two in jars, your bound to have a faint smell after your playtime with the mason jars,, but IT WILL NOT BE LOUD!!!!! As far as taste,,,,,I can't speak on, because mine always taste good, and if it aint broke don't break it....

Roll Tide///

Great first couple chapters!

Don't tell me how it ends.... I'm gonna finish the rest of it over the weekend. :-)
Personally I fiand if someone can't be bothered to take the time to learn how to communicate in an intelligent manner, then I believe that reflects poorly on the quality of their intelligence. Put some effort into it, it's not that hard. .

And there it is,the im smarter than you attitude we all love to be around,its always the same ,hey look at me ! Ive got nothing of real value to add to the thread but I can spell better than you !

Ever notice YOU grammar trolls are in the extreme minority in any forum,where YOU are the only person in a thread who is upset over other members spelling,and you are in the most extreme minority but people like you never change because your pet peeve is other people not speaking the way YOU WANT , again its about people looking at you & how fantastic your grammar is.

Have you ever once been thanked by a member for publicly slapping their hand with a ruler over an improperly structured sentence ? I highly doubt it.
I'd say the proof is in the product- and its location. Go try his for yourself, they sell everything they can grow. You just can't say that about too many people on this forum, and that is the exactly the point I'm trying to drive home about credibility; how many others here HAVE THEIR WEED AND THEIR STRAINS FOR LEGAL RETAIL SALE FOR ALL TO SEE AND BUY? If there is a higher standard for credibility in this industry, I've yet to see it.

That includes all the spewing by the poseurs here.

Please! This notion that growing takes some special talent is ridiculous. It's weed for fuck sakes. It practically grows itself.

If homebrew has killer stuff that flys off the shelves, it's because he has great genetics that he's working with..... which comes as little surprise for someone who lives in Colorado and has access to elite strains and breeders
And there it is,the im smarter than you attitude we all love to be around,its always the same ,hey look at me ! Ive got nothing of real value to add to the thread but I can spell better than you !

Ever notice YOU grammar trolls are in the extreme minority in any forum,where YOU are the only person in a thread who is upset over other members spelling,and you are in the most extreme minority but people like you never change because your pet peeve is other people not speaking the way YOU WANT , again its about people looking at you & how fantastic your grammar is.

Have you ever once been thanked by a member for publicly slapping their hand with a ruler over an improperly structured sentence ? I highly doubt it.
Again I'll say it. I, unlike you, have already added many points of value, and many well defended positions. So please enlighten me, what have YOU added to the discussion of curing in this thread that is of any value? Because if you look back at the most liked posts in this thread, I think you'll be surprised who they were posted by. HINT: Not you

P.S. I never got "Upset" by anyone's spelling, I pointed out that a guy who was attacking me used a horribly mangled sentence to do it, and then I defended my position and explained why I choose to put effort into the way I type. I haven't gone around pointing out spelling errors and grammar screw ups in random posts, and I don't make a habit of it. I don't go to softball games and make fun of pitchers, but if you try to throw a rock at me and you drop in on your foot, I'm gonna point out the sloppiness of your technique.
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So, aside from all that^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I think it is interesting how the humidity of where you live(city) affects your hang time. So I have plants hanging in a dark tent, full plant chop on Sunday. It's been raining like a bitch humidity is 70, dehu running drops to 65. Is this curing?