curing and drying questions


Well-Known Member
Just wondering lights on or off? should co2 still be running during this time? whats average time to let dry or things i should look for or any advise helps. thanks


Well-Known Member
hang them from a string tied to the top of a box and keep it in a dark place light degrades thc. then after 8 days it should be ready to be put in jars and start the curing process.put them in a mason jar and store in a dark place and open it for a couple of hours everyday. it should be good after 2 weeks. you can cure for longer its like wine the longer the better. oh yea no Co2 is needed during drying and curing.if i helped feel free to send me some rep:joint::hump:


Active Member
Does anyone have any input on the idea of taking the dryed product and moving from a sealed jar to laying them out exposed over and over i was told it will increase the smell?


Active Member
what exactly does it mean to cure just dry it hang it at what point should i start clipping it down and how long is too long..


Well-Known Member
no when you hang them to dry its called drying then when their dry enough you put them in mason jars thats curing. you cure the fruit to make it get its smell and to make it smokable cuz its turn sugars in to starches or vice versa . if you just dry it it will be harsh and smell like grass trimmings:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
did you not read this smoke
hang them from a string tied to the top of a box and keep it in a dark place light degrades thc. then after 8 days it should be ready to be put in jars and start the curing process.put them in a mason jar and store in a dark place and open it for a couple of hours everyday. it should be good after 2 weeks. you can cure for longer its like wine the longer the better. oh yea no Co2 is needed during drying and curing.if i helped feel free to send me some rep:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
you leave them in the jar but you still need to move them around a bit while their in there, just move them around when you open the jars up, and make sure to open the jars for 3-6 hours every day so the moisture can escape. i forgot one time and my nugs ended up getting mold:evil: . but this only happened cuz i thought i didnt have to open them up any more because i thought i didnt have to open the jars any more after 2 months of curing, guess i was wrong. oh yeah dont pack them in to tight and try to get a jar big enough for your hand to fit so you can get the trichomes that fall to the botttom.good luck and if you ever in so cal blaze me out lol:joint::hump: