Curing Your Buds

While I whole-heartedly concur that more THC per weight equals higher potency, there are also those that argue that the non-psychoactive, direct THC precursor cannabigerol (CBG) is converted to CBC/CBD and ultimately THC during the curing process. Thus, one can argue that it's possible that both relative THC content (potency) and total THC content may increase as a result of proper curing.

Any chemists/biologists familiar with these enzymatic conversion processes here? :)
ok quick question. if i water cure it when its mostly dry would it be ok to cure it in a jar like when you air dry it?
Well the whole concept is. the water cure is equal too the same time it cure in a jar. so you shouldnt need to air cure after you water cure. After the
water cure is done , Its Been said that is ready to be stored. The water cure does work.
Is there a temp that is too cold and will slow this process? I just pulled several nuggets that cured for a week and dried them out... still tastes like @ss and is making a slight crackling like it's got nute build-up.
I can understand your frustration! I would worry more about light and humidity than temps. Low humidity, no light, and keep exchanging the air, to expell the spent chloraphil.
To answer your question though, I would think a lower temp would take longer, as you are evaporating the moisture from the plant.

Peace MightyBuddha.

Is there a temp that is too cold and will slow this process? I just pulled several nuggets that cured for a week and dried them out... still tastes like @ss and is making a slight crackling like it's got nute build-up.
I have them in a large tub with probably 10x water for amount of bud. I also have a lid with 2" holes cut every every few inches. The humidity is around 40-50% and the temps are low 60s. It is dark except when I check on it. Also, I have yet to see any dis-coloration of the water or 'sheen' on the surface.
This all makes sense to me... and quite awesome for urban indoor growers with right wing neighbors... but one question for ya Vid. I also like the idea of loading the flowers with molasses. Doesn't it follow that the flavor benefits of using molasses would be lost with water curing? I know there seem to be other benefits to using molasses, but that taste seem to be a big one too.
hey, this may sound like a newb question(cause i am one) but do you use this method to dry your bud straight from the plant? or do you have to dry it firstand then do this to cure it? i just need to know cause i cant afford to dry my weed normally because of the reiking smell.
Straight from the plant as advised by videoman. follow the directions in is link and you will be fine. Real important to change water everyday. the water will smell too. after about three days.
this actually works. i use with schwag and when you let it dry back out some of it looks like mids. it makes the weed taste alot cleaner and i feel a better high afterwards.
WrldWidRadio911, the short answer basically is yr wrong. Go re-read the post on water curing, if you still dont understand it, get back to me. Bascally if you cured some of your weed normally and some in water, the water cured will be more potent....ounce for ounce, or joint for joint. Whatever.

Oh mightyBudda, the buds go right from the plant into water, change the water daily. After the 7th day, dry normally. I hung mine to dry for about one day, after I water cured it.

Hi there videoman20 How are you today? I have a few question for you hope you can help. When mightbudda ask you the question. Did you guys cut them and put them right into the water or let them dry out first? You said the buds go right from the plant into water, change the water daily. After the 7th day, dry normally. I hung mine to dry for about one day, after I water cured it.
Ok my question is that my bud was already dried but can i still water cure it?

so basically, you end up with about half the weight that you would if you air dried them, correct? because you said that if you started with 10g, air dried you might end up with 2.5g, and water cured 1.5g. that means that water cooling actually cuts your final dried weight in about half, correct?
i had picked and pruned and put into safe.....door got closed somehow and now after a week when opened the safe and found white fungus or snow mold???? Is there a cure for this??:confused:
Tell me you didn't just leave it for a week without changing the water... ?

i had picked and pruned and put into safe.....door got closed somehow and now after a week when opened the safe and found white fungus or snow mold???? Is there a cure for this??:confused:
Hey Videoman40,
Just reading this, sounds great and understand it and it makes sense. I think I have read all the posts. Was wondering if anyone has tried this with changing the water more than once a day.
