Custom CFL grow light 12/12 from seed!!


Active Member
Looks good man.
i have them same soil.
I was wondering what mix you did with the perlite and soil.
I know you did 60/40 but did you add more permits or more soil.
I will be growing a white rhino bagseed in about 2wks.
But I'm only going to use 150w of cfls.
PC grow hopefully its a female.
Will be using fox farm nutes too.
When did you start your grow big? Fay 4? Or 5?
And at how much strength. I burnt one of my seedlings last grow.
So be careful.
Good luck and I am subbed =P

happy growing.!!
I used %60 soil and %40 perlite. I started using my grow big at right about day 4 after they came above soil. I only used about 1/4 strength of nutes until they started showing signs of flowers.

Thanks for all the replys folks. I will post another update in a week or so.


Active Member
Thank you sir. I am pretty excited myself. I got the seeds from a buddys bag a while back. They are LSD crossed with something else he said.


Active Member

I pulled the girls out of the closet to feed them and give them a spray to make sure I don't get any bugs. They are doing really well. The closet has been getting a bit warm lately because its been sunny out, running around 86 degrees. So I have added a larger fan and am keeping the door cracked during the day. I think I have about 4 weeks left before these get cut down. I am pretty happy with the results of the CFL lights so far though. I did add 2 more lights on the sides of the hood to help with the lower bud sites. Enough talking, here are some pictures!


Active Member

Started flushing this watering. No more nutrients. I have about 60% clear and %40 cloudy tric's. I am planning to harvest on 4/20 :weed: They are smelling really good and getting super frosty. I can't wait!



Active Member
man i wish mine looked as good as yours, i believe i over watered and stunted them.
I always water very well so it saturates all of the soil. But then I wont water again until the pots are light and the soil is completely dry. Also the plants will start telling you they are thirsty because the pointed edges of the fan leaves will start pointing upwards. You also want to make sure the pot size is large enough so they don't become root bound before they stop stretching. Hope this helps. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i have 4 pots in a 2'x2' box and it is packed, i believe they are 3 to 3 1/2 gallon pots. the ones like you buy hedge bushes in. i wasn't checking by weight. that is the way i did it when they where in cups, but i don't know why i got away from it.


Active Member
I think my pots are only about 1 or 1.5 gallon pots. Using %60 ffof and %40 pearlite right now and its working great.


Well-Known Member
How tall are your plants? I dont have an ideal grow environment and I'm a new grower so I had no idea that you could get pretty crops like that going 12/12 straight through.


Active Member
These girls are looking awesome! I wanna try 12/12 with my cfl setup, so I'm glad to see we can get some legit results.


Active Member


8 week of flowering. started flushing a few weeks ago. pretty much all cloudy trics with some amber. going to be cutting soon


Active Member
The biggest stalk weighed just over 2.5oz trimmed we weight. The others are about 2oz wet wait trimmed. I got them hanging.


Active Member

Ended up with just under 2oz dried, into the jar cure they go. Smoked some last night and its STRONG stuff. AK47 x LSD. Very sticky and has a great smooth flavor. 2 weeks of flushing. Used all organic nutes. Starting to smell great! :joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
Nice I am just starting to do a grow 12/12 from seedling, So good luck and I will keep checking back in for updates