dabz all day. what do you dab and dab with?

Man imagine growing with problems full of ups and downs and then growing for 20 yrs no problems. What would you rather have. Obviously no problems but Ive wanted to quit a few times due to issues I had mainly mold. Bugs are my last issue. I now love watching content with problems that get fixed. Learn more.

The downs were tough but the ups are addicting and having a major up right now. Times like this that solidify a grower and uplifts them. I thought it was impossible to grow indica cluster colas but learned you can dehydrate the colas and theyll grow. Just like the enviorment they come from, its true, cool dry windy mountains they didnt mold naturally.

I still dont want to go through that again lol I want sativas. I used to be a indica lover hut sativas kept becoming what I was working with. 60% sativas. I love theyre spread out flowers, budrot just cant get em. Budgeting is the coolest experience Ive had it opens doors keeps you sustained. Stay high! Medidedicated!!

I am about to have too much product no need to grow for a while but the ups Im having making me want to grow for no reason.
66-70F 50rh Id think day 5 theyd be dry by now to press. Its gonna be a sevener for sure maybe more. My cuts are taking forever to root. Its dead of winter is this why my bud wont dry idk.

Since Im doin ok again I commited to grow for family again. Idk why. Now Im attempting to breed. Chasing the joy of first getting high off my own weed to now hopefully trying weed I created being the new joy.

This hobby changing me. I want to grow peppers tomatoes tobacco anything really. This summer Im committed. Learn no till. Maybe dtw coco veggies. I never had these urges before.

But the weed is free I just told them dont bother, using my weed and mine only is all I wanted. Givin away free weed and I lost it all to pm so I know what Im saying. I just dont care I just want to keep growing. About to give away a free oz.
I think I was exaggerating needing 70gs saved I decided 45gs is good then enough to dab more daily through the grow phase to harvest day. Then still put some away. Will quickly accumilate enough to take a break.

Was trying to describe that earlier idk what happened. I couldnt get enough dabs but shit hit the fan and was out of production for 4 months.. Cut back last second..

I decided I wasnt really getting high when I was dabbing 1g a day or more. So I got good at cutting back and getting better. Just reset every now and then so highs go from 15mins to 1-2hrs. Makes sense right?

There is a swag to getting as high as you want and I fit that generation. Really though growing has changed things and actually made me more responsible. I dont think its healthy or senseful anymore to abuse it, part of my moto is taking care of yourself.
Edgeless grinder I think I found a way to make one. Unless Im just high. Take a plastic grinder and a rotory tool and sand off the outer edge lip. Theres a inner one and outer one where hash quickly builds up and becomes useless.

Grinding an oz or two in one sitting suddenly nothing works. Im not that strong nor weak but if my own hands cant do it without major strain I doubt a electric will work. Im gonna try it. It only needs one lip.
Porto Leche exotic genetix oowee pics dont show too well but I think shes got junk in the trunk. Hashy caked easily 20% but another user got like 27% one time then 23% and inbetween. I think shell be ready to test tomorrow. Shes stiff as hell all the leafs and the stem is hard but not quite snapping.

Dried a little faster than the other clone I chopped so maybe shes a fast dryer. Day 5 almost complete when my other clone is like 7 days tomorrow. Normally dries faster especially since I have it at 50rh and 67F. If it dont need a cure I take advantage and dry faster. Its not change anything when pressing it.

If you suddenly have less yield, IME the hash was lost some how. A hanger fell on a branch? Probably why. Fist time in a while hand trimming knowing why I am this time and its nerve racking. Any accidental bump literally sheds unbelievable amounts of hash.


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Welp idk what happened but its 16% but its for sure as dank as it was hand trimming. Not quite 20% but just one press and I was kinda quick with it. This time loading it up it didnt look as hashy as it did when it was 20%. So I am still right about that but maybe it could yield different with different settings like mines been.

Even though same pheno idk but it happened last time too I had to press again but just kept getting 20%. Two small samples and then two oz of two mini clones in weal lighting. So idk idk idkkk. Lets keep pressing. Its not cracking in banger so its ready to press. The Porto I may have to wait til tmrw or maybe not.


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The taste and quality is there just like before. Incredibly tasty and potent. Somewhat runny somewhat sticky like its done. The full product is there and would say I got 2% increase from before so I guess I was right but damn not quite double. Suuuper lemon kushy inhale and exhale and after taste.
Thats a 2% increase meaning I was averaging dead on the dot 12% flower rosin so I got cocky it was a majorly accurate pattern. Did pounds of it. Then I would get 1-2% dry sift rosin totaling 14% per harvest at most. So now Im 16% so I guess I give myself that. Thats still significant. Arghh lemme press again.
:eyesmoke: 17.5%

tool is 17.54gs. .62gs rosin from 3.53gs flower.


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Ugh so I finally sample the porto leche and its not good so far. I tried a sample and just tried low temp as that was getting the other user more yield. Well its like just under 10% which sucks. The weed is very seeded and one was right it does make the rosin rank tasting. Or its just the strain or both.

I messed up the watermelon ultra and was new to pressing and dabbing flower rosin so I dont know if seeded ruined it. It was seeded the first time too but I dont know since I over cooked the rosin anyway that time.

My WU out grew that trait the very next grow as clones and still wont seed. Clearly a room full of pollen and the only strains that seeded bad were from seed. I guess having enough seeds to find a f1 are least of issues. Might just keep seeding if I try to treat it like WU. Might be a stressful project I can save myself from doing.

If the PL was at least high hash yield I would be down but its worse than the kongs krush which was 15% last time. So What gives? Can you really get a bad pheno? Maybe the banana candy krush indeed could be high hash yield if I got the right pheno.

Wow so turns out my watermelon ultra, my baby babe babe.. Is just a good pheno or just my enviorment makes it the best plant I have? Wtf!! Its done me so well I could guess my results and did which was always right. The 20% popped up a few times but mostly 12% but now lets see what it does. Right now its testing 17.5%.

Its taken such good ass care of me man idk why. I know how to grow it, press it dab it.. I been dabbin live resin again for few days to rid of it its old store bought.. This WU flower rosin performs just as good and wow the taste is so hard to describe.

So floral and dryer sheet like which Ive had before. Spicy watermelon kush like breeder say. Well shit guys I learned somethin here. If you have a keeper, keep it. Its yielded me about a half pound of hash.


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Yup 17.5% again but with 20gs this time. Not really trying that hard so must be 17.5%. Just pressing as usual.


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So I guess I learned even the same pheno can express different levels of hash. What I said still is valid but idk about this time other than that. What if I machine trimmed the 20% weed? I was always getting 12% with different lights and bud structure more larf than I leave these days. So idk I guess need to just keep running this pheno.

I knew it was best to just monocrop the watermelon ultra. She just rewards me so damn well. Dont buy WU hoping for these results though because it doesnt work like that. I guess when you pop a new pheno its a new ball of wax.
Jesus freakin aye. So flavorful and potent compared to machine trimmed. Tellin yall lol. Improves each category of boxes to check substantially. Yield, taste and potency. I knew I was on to somethin!
12% to 20% to 17.5%. When I had 12% I machine trimmed so had dry sift but the yield is everywhere with dry sift rosin. Could barely add anything if at all to the rest of stash or its only like 1%. So I just raised myself 5.5% which is a lot. Its not no empty stalcs and fillers. That wont come out in dry sift rosin so bababoiyaaa howard sternnin.
Dabz all dayyy what you dabbin?? Fresh in some flower rosin. Crude oil. The hated under dog of extracts. 29gs. 17.68%.


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:fire: It isnt really buttering like it hasnt been since hand trimming. Its doing interesting things within it though. Like a ice cream or desert of some kind. This one is a bit hard to the touch but has a mollases stickyness to it like a tough badder. I love this stuff looks is maybe the only box it doesnt check but who cares about that.


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I cant find a emoji for my face atm but Im just crimping up and in delite omg this stuff is just primo.


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