dabz all day. what do you dab and dab with?

Thar ya have it. 20% off 3.5gs flower to .71gs flower rosin. Got a couple oz to press off another clone and so far 20%.


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19% overall. 37gs flower to 7.17gs flower rosin shwatermelon ultra. The best plant I ever had for these needs. She hit 20% and even 20.3% which is just wow. Hand trim ya herbz!! Of course its with a small batch again.

Cant wait to do a whole 4-6oz plant and get 20%. 5 of them.. Thatl break the calculator when budgeting. I think I messed up a press and thats all it takes to knock down overall yield at the end. Otherwise 20% or more this time.


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Shit the seeded rosin isnt bothering my athsma this time but still can taste seeds. 3gs sift rosin or less, or 12gs seeded flower rosin that tastes like it. What would you choose? Crap I just threw away a few clones of this but it was threatening ruining the rest of my garden. It will ruin the taste.
It was harsh the few times I tried it but not today. Shit shit shit I knew I should of dabbed it more and save the clones if I still wanted to. So mind you its what I said but on top of that it might make the rest of garden seed and surely taste like it.

At first I couldnt even taste the strain it was just seeds but now its less seedy and more strain. Its ok strain taste but not impressed with 10% yield. Crap I could of gotten like 20gs off two bigger clones ready to flip but I just didnt want to risk it. Ive been chop happy lately.

The athsma symptoms I thought I was having which I may of, it can happen with any dabs when I have too much at once sometimes. Not this time though like 4th time dabbing it. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I knew I should of slept on it. Sometimes you just think youre so sure lol.
You know what it is kinda harsh. Im dabbin it all day to make a desicion and for sure tasted like seeds. Now its just making my throat sore. So I did good.

I got 46gs rosin thats 164 days worth safe to say I aint buying from store again. So in 3 runs Il be out or Im just throwing weed away unless I try to dab an absurd amount. Im getting older I just dont think thats good anymore. Not really getting high.

3 runs will make 300gs or more as I was making 8oz plants with them. Just trying to get 5oz each maybe a little more. So this is easy to pull of rather due to yielding closer to 20% or extra bud and close enough to 20% to make it happen.

251gs will last me a year dabbing .69gs a day. Idk what to do yet about the idea that rosin can go bad at around a year especially flower rosin. Maybe I can do tests of my oldest rosin in normal house temps and one in freezer.

Anyway that may change what I have to do by just a little to make sure none goes bad. So the third run Im splitting in half so I have 12 oz a yrs worth for my family and 50gs to make 250gs or less if I need to make sure it dont go bad.

When I hit 99gs start growing again. If the grow fails cut back to .28gs a day again or whatevers left at point in failure, divide gs of rosin by 164days for daily limit. This allows me to try twice or once from seed depending what happened.

If I fail again Id buy from store and dabbing only .28gs a day from store is affordable while I pay grow bills to get back on track. It will be like 110$ a month from store plus 140$ a month in grow costs just electric alone. Thats most of it though unless something breaks down in the grow.

So as you can see its quite costly to buy from store but rediculously cost effictive to make your own. I have to find a line somewhere to make sure none goes bad but have enough if something goes wrong. I think this makes the most sense so far.

It wouldnt take much to keep me from buying from store if I at least got some harvested depending what went wrong. Its hard to find a good pheno to work with if I lose this one. Maybe I can pop beans of it to bean hunt and get back on track.

I can run 3-4 plants a once isolated somewhat to weave out hermies but that alone surely will produce enough to make store bought minimum. Until you get much more. So in 3 runs Im out for a year.

Id keep that to myself but maybe someone can learn from this. Maybe get an idea of what self sustained budgeting homemade produce looks like. I used to dab most of it and just have nothing left and shit went wrong and was almost in trouble.

I made 20gs left sustain me to this point. I have 10gs left of that stash. Its tough but I got used to it quick and now get too stoned too easily. Its easy to raise tolerance but hard to correct it but it gets easier. This was the push I needed to make it happen.

I never seen someone budget like this so hope it helps if youre in the same situation. Being extracts only. Hell even with weed if you smoke enough like an eighth a day off a 20% rosin yielder. If youre a small personal home garderner of like 50 square ft or less. Maybe finding a high yielder for that space isnt that easy.

I get about a pound in a 2.5x5 but people could easily do 2 or 3. Idk how Ive grown like 7 strains and they yield roughly the same bud. Alright I rambled the hell enough for the day. About to repress pucks see if I can scrape up a pretty penny. Maybe 3gs. Heres my veg arsenal.


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BAB grower. Box-fan Above Bar-light grower. Thats what Im callin it. Idk if I ever saw one do this maybe I can call it that and it spread. Are you a BAB grower? GLR? Too many abbreviations for things these days. Heres two more.
Id actually have to start growing at 164gs of 250 I just didnt consider veg its low maintenance. Though I have a generator you never know if it may not work which can lose plants to pm and bud rot. So my plan keeps me once step ahead, I could still bounce back in time since I really have 3 chances of 10wks to fix the situation.

Hell I would pay 12k to have a standby generator. I just look at it like this, if I can manage to make it work with a regular generator Id be saving 12k$. So Id just take cuts at 164gs rosin left to give plenty of time to veg and flip and harvest.

Id probably have like 45gs left as I add to my stash again which is the goal or else time to cut back. Also a couple more chances to flip clones or one shot from seed but at that point have bigger problems.
If I keep my pheno Il be able to do this for the next 3-5yrs. I dont think Il get sick of this ultra its really like the best shit I ever had and I freakin make the stuff.
.66gs of repress so far. Like 75gs of pucks all the pucks are 150gs total like literal weight not before pressing. Might get a good gram if I keep going which will be 3 and half days worth almost. Productive frugel afternoon.


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But yea, the seeded rosin is harsh. Reminds me of times I bought weed cheap from someone because it had some tiny seeds in it. Was a nice quick buck but once the weed was gone I couldnt enjoy the good stuff I had due to that. Had a sore throat. So Im leaning towards dry sift rosin for the seeded weed and just take my loss. 1-3gs rosin vs 12. At least it will be dank.
Its .73gs now but am done for the day. Maybe only like .1gs left. Might do it tomorrow. Feels good to repress every puck, get the rest out of it that was missed. Pucks are truely trash now. Goes to show how much would go to edibles if you did, barely nothing. Better off dabbing it.
More on the way. I guess topping every top made it grow one leafs out the buds. Growing real different this time. Leafs keep rubbin buds messin them up damnit! Well going good right now its that ultra. Same ol lemon smell hypnotizing lemon kush gas. 20% appearently.

This one probably will be less if the damn leafs keep rubbin the hash off it! Damn is anyone even here? lol. Welcome to my toke n talk thread. I would talk there but all I be talking about it weed and thats not allowed there lol.

Cant wait til cannabis cafes are everywhere what if you could bring your own stuff there and have people try it. Meet new stoners. Well good luck to the ones that just opens hope all goes well.


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Gosh damn I guess hsc gear sells quick. One was right to always have some money ready to buy when seeds drop. I missed out on the Amhersst sour d. Supposed to be a good rosin yielder. Oh well I got more WU beans. At this point I feel better about bean hunting the WU again if I had to rather than trust a new cultivar.

The WU a limited release by the way. So when its gone its gone. If I still havent found any better I might try to reverse it if thats the right term. Pollinate itself. I rather find something new though but damn I hate that nothing last forever unless you invest in it.

WU is a amazing gal In so used to growing it made pounds with it. Still growin.
Like wtf though the banana candy I had is same cultivar but the rosin yield wasnt there. What are the odds they dont make good flower rosin but other methods it dumps.. Idfk. I know this WU well I feel like Id get her back if I lost her. If I suddenly cant find what I had then gosh damn.

Whats the odds my luck I just get hermies and no hash yield.
Ahh just dabbed the last of the store bought. Just being frugel I cant toss it but its goneee. Back to producing my own highs woohoo. Yea I got ahead of myself I aint gonna yield that much but if I stay doing .28gs a day I actually could be done in 3 grows.

With enough to give someone 12oz. I want more though its getting hard to stick with a freakin hundredth of an ounce a day.

I could do .5gs a day next harvest but I need to yield 130gs to forsure still dab a lot while making a top limit. Which would be 250gs I was still right about that lasting a year.
Yay dabs all day is open again! What yall dabbin on? Just in some more ultra. It looks like crap but its not. Well I couldnt take the budgeting anymore. Dabbin like a gremlin again. Bumped myself up to half gram a day woohoo. I am seeing I can yield a lot more with my major upgrades.

Dabz all day! Peace!


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Welcome to RIU Chris, from southern New York :bigjoint:

You took this thread over lol! I enjoyed reading backwards through your "dabbing chronicles"
Also have asthma and became a 100% dabber like 10 years ago now. Half a gram a day is about right man!! Enjoy your life. I'm in a legal state now so I currently purchase my dabs, but I'm heading back into growing and will be pressing my own.

To be honest I don't even really pay attention to strain. But today it's deadband 12. And I'm still using my portable silicone dabber and a torch. (Which I end up with when I break my other stuff, I'm clumsy) I miss having an ecoil sitting around but I always break them. So I deprive myself of it.
Scrape and vape. Still on a budget, just was able to dab more daily from last harvest. Well if you ever budget like Im doing I suddenly found motivation to scrape empty jars. Yea I weigh my daily limit but if theres a empty jar, if you can scrape it, you can vape it. My jars will truely be empty.

Before was just a pain. Scrape N vape!
You ever just say f it and dab yourself under the table. Lol dab for dab until its like ok no more. I love that. I can usually do 3 maximum back to back. Or 2 larger dabs. Its about time to see what that 3d chamber is all about. To make those sessions better.