Daily Grow Tips (with pics)


Well-Known Member
tip de jour.. plan on spending more money than you originally budgeted. this aint a cheap hobby and things have a way of not going as far as you planned... specially when your first (or third) plan doesnt work out and you have to redo it.

even the best plan can go to shit in a hurry ;)


Well-Known Member
A tip for the day... The day after watering... Stir the dirt or soil up in the pot... "just about the top 1/4-1/2 inch... This will stop the pests from getting hold, most egg are layed here', and it makes yur pic's more purty! Db.~tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
also helps to aerate the soil too... but you gotta be careful that you arent tearing up roots.


Well-Known Member
Hello all its been a while since i posted anything up here. I was on my first grow and it was going quite well when my vent fan at the top of my rubbermaid stealth grow box went out and the entire plant shriveled up and died. booooo.... and after several attempts and failing horribly....i finally got back into it and have 3 plants growing right now.( in apt so dont have much room) I got 2 bubble gum,(picture 1 is a bubble gum) and 1 super skunk. all of which i purchased through nirvana.

Im about 1 1/2 weeks into the grow id say.... using cfls and fox farm ocean forest soil. No nutes yet. water when the soil is dry. Ive collected rainwater from outside so it was totally natural.

My question is the leaves on the super skunk are kinda like shriveling or curving (picture 2).....is this due to too much water, not enough water, too much heat or idk ,....??

anyways its good to be back ill get more pics up later of my grow space and stealth grow box and some more of my babies.


kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
yes you need some nutes.

My tip for the day

How to raise your humidity with stuff round the house.

the water sail

i used
one towel
washing up bowl
a bottle
a coat hanger
5 litres of water

so attach the coat hanger to the top of the bottle so it looks like a T
i also filled the bottle with water to stop it floating and to make it more stable
put the bottle in the middle of the washing up bowl and drape towel over the hanger and bottle.
pore the water over the towel and then fill the bowl.

the water evaporates off the large surface area of the fluffy towel and it remains damp via capillary action. i have raised my RM from 40% to 60%.

here's a pic any way.

if you are in a small area scale it down use a handkerchief or face cloth use a bowl or cup as a res.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
Nice y not use a dehumid...you mite atracked mold on and it will stink to!!! you mite want to change to cloth evry two day's or so you would rather be safe then sorry...
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Tip... Turn yur plants every othier day... For its hole' life... This will not only make it a more rounded plant but the buds will rippen more even and the over all harv. In turn will be larger... Db.~tlb! :)

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
you know when i posted that up in my journal i got the same response,

it's surprising but it has drunk about 3 litres of water in 24 hours i put 5 litres in there so i don't think it will have time to go stagnant by tomorrow after noon, it will be near empty then i will rinse out the bowl and wash the towel in hot water


Well-Known Member
Tip... Turn yur plants every othier day... For its hole' life... This will not only make it a more rounded plant but the buds will rippen more even and the over all harv. In turn will be larger... Db.~tlb! :)
I can't turn mine anymore - the roots grew around my air tubes :(


Well-Known Member
Well crap e'... Piss on the dog, and call in the fire "parties over" thanks man! Lol!

I think we be needing some of that good ole' fashion :)

puff puff...................pass ~ going in this bad boy!!! Db.~tlb! :)


Well-Known Member
Well crap e'... Piss on the dog, and call in the fire "parties over" thanks man! Lol!

I think we be needing some of that good ole' fashion :)

puff puff...................pass ~ going in this bad boy!!! Db.~tlb! :)
Very smokey in here! hold on - need to add a bit more... that's better.
hey! i put a UVA/UVB reptile light in my grow box! any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
None yet the vv' needs to be responding... But more than one op' doing it both him and yurself, we guna get some answers.!!! But if the v' is doing it....it's been researched. Bt' dont make a move without all the homework beeing done.!!! He's tricky' had must me supervised.!!! Lol db.~tlb! :)