Daily Grow Tips (with pics)

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Excellent theory...gonna be reading up on this...hmmm...hydro from seed...no males?...might be worth a try

Looks like we have an expert on our hands...A lot of interest for the short time it has been on this thread....I have never heard of it,but will be looking into it...

Looks like the thread has gotten off to a great start...over 400 views in 2 days...so,leave those tips...this was the winner by far for today...hey, maybe we can get a sponsor....give away a t shirt to the daily winner...and no I ain't no cop

For those of you who chose to look,but not comment,I want to thank you too,I like for people to read....good for ya


Well-Known Member
dude im tryin the bannana one some time
just cos it'll make me smile everytime i see it

my tip is.. if aplicable.. sound obvious but.. freshly paint your grow area
before each grow with brilliant matt white paint with anti mould properties
if you can get it.
brightens it up and is better than any cleaning you can do


Active Member
Has anyone else used the trim to make compost?

I have been just tossing all of in my little bin.
It smells wonderful :weed:
I've been putting it in with all the rest of the plant trimmings from my little garden. Some left over potting soil and the paper from my shredder.
I just give it a turn every day or so. I added more trim and some potting soil and the roots from the plants I've cut. It's all mixed in together.
It seems to be composting nicely. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
A "duh" tip:

Do all you can to NOT drop your expensive lights on your babies. Today is a sad, sad day.


Well-Known Member
A "duh" tip:

Do all you can to NOT drop your expensive lights on your babies. Today is a sad, sad day.
sorry to hear it :(

reminds me of a tip i got taught when i first started growing...

always set up a catch chain for your lights so they cant fall on the plants or worse, on the ground and shatter. this catch chain normally hangs slack because it isnt what holds the lights in their hanging position it is just there in case you become a clumsy stoner.... been many times this habit has made me give a sigh of relief.

gravity sucks.

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Ok,time to wake this thread up....^^^^:joint:

Today,I am gonna show You a homemade veg tent,made from stuff you have at home right now,with the exception of maybe ten dollars in hardware....

Anybody Interested?

Or do you have a topic?

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
And here's mine for the day....You almost always need more growing room,for clones or seedlings,or for breeding purposes.

Here is a simple solution.This is a folding card table,with a simple pvc framework.The frame is held by screwing pvc pipe caps to the table,then slipping the pipe in.

It is covered first with white sheets,then black plastic....this is still under construction,but you can clearly see the possibilities here.

The fixture is a swivel tv mount,cut down and modified for a light hanger....the pvc is strong enough for a few cfl's....but the bracket will hold an hps easily....turning this into a temporary flowering room if needed.

Add the lights of your choice and grow away...I would recommend cutting yourself something better for a tabletop,if you plan on putting larger plants on it.The whole thing slips apart,the light hanger mounted with 2 screws,and everything fits into 1 18 gallon tote...except for the table...lol...^^^^:joint:


Active Member
I showed my husband this and said 'go build' lol. Thanks for that! Thats awesome, i'm getting excited already, lol. I do have a quick question though.. if the tent is big enough would it benefit the little ladies if I put a small humidifier in there or would it be too much?


Well-Known Member
I showed my husband this and said 'go build' lol. Thanks for that! Thats awesome, i'm getting excited already, lol. I do have a quick question though.. if the tent is big enough would it benefit the little ladies if I put a small humidifier in there or would it be too much?
depends on your RH levels... get a meter and it will tell you your answer on that :)


Active Member
Yeah, I was thinking I need to make a trip here in a few to go get some more stuff for the little ones. Putting the meter at the top of the list, thanks.


Well-Known Member
that is another tip in its self....

get good meters.

a dual zone thermometer is good to have, even in micro grows. one that has a memory of the day's highs and lows REALLY rocks.

a good pH meter is indispensable... the solutions to test pH work, but they are a pain to be sure on the readings... specially if your water is way off the chart... and i bet they are impossible for the color blind to use.

a RH meter is very good to have as well.

and dont even think about growing aeroponically without a PPM meter.


Active Member
Hey just checking in,

I like the idea of the thread and what I see so far. I'll have to try the Banana thing soon for sure.

I'll post some tips when I think of them.