dank outdo' grow with ALBINO pics too!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm most def jealous that you've harvested some already...mine aren't even in the midst of flowering yet :( Only veg, veg, veg...oh well...hopefully that means a larger harvest though! Good work bro...keep it up, and let us know what the smoke report is after!
Thanks bud.... about 9- 9 1/2 wks on bcn diesel, yumbolt47, g13 labs diesel. But instead of choppin whole thing down, she's got some newer growth that seems not quite done so i took off wut could be harvested for sure off of these and gonna try to start re-feeding again too. Still very bushy after mature buds harvested.
BTW, these are the best smelling 3 buds i've ever come across and i've had nyc, sour D., and many other heady ass buds but none compare to this aroma.:shock:

Ya, the ones started outside... some are like that too but some are just crazy. I had a strawberry blue start to flower inside in 16 hrs of light a day... no crap. She'd been on that 4 wks and all of a sudden at around 4-5 wks.. bam! LOL

The thai super skunks are either now just startin' to show or still not quite. I've officially seen only 1 pistil on the giant 9 ft thai ss ... which takes 10-14 wks !
I'll be out harvesting it when santa's flying overhead!!!

But mainly from wut i've experienced... u typically have to get em far enough along in flowering INSIDE to where they're typically 3wks from when they showed sex, depending on the strain and how far along the individual plant is... it should be able to take the rest of the flowering phase outside in fairly shaded areas without reverting back. You may have to add another wk. or so onto normal time but but with good feeding of good flowering nutes it seems that since they were STARTED inside, there is almost NO compromise on quality and i think the odour is defidently increased!!!


Well-Known Member
Damn son..those are some juicy nugs...nice work....

Thanks sooo much! It wasn't ez keepin an intended indoor grow that was forced to move outside lookin really yummy. This was my first outdoor grow as i said and i can say that i'm pretty damn happy overall.

Having to check on em like daily does take it's toll and lemme tell ya, i love doing it but with summertime heat and humidity, i can defidently say that it was a bit of a challenge sometimes keeping them looking good and healthy.

Again, thanks again and really looking forward to hearing more reactions.

Please consider that these were started inside, flowered for around 3 wks. and then forced to go outdoors in the middle of high summer heat, humidity, and longer than normal light period. When one puts all this into consideration, i think it's no small accomplishment that they came out lookin as good/better than some good indoor i've cultivated.

I only ask that if ya' happen to like wut ya see or if u think it looks like straight up shit brick weed that you're not even sure IS WEED ... i'd love to hear LOL:spew:


Well-Known Member
ah thx for the info regarding starting plants indoor
i noticed my plants last year took a while to pre-flower as well as flower
Hey bud... np at all. I did this somewhat toward the end of another indoor grow and noticed that if they were past a certain point fully committed to flowering with no sign of veg, they can seem to handle even 16 hrs of light a day and not revert.

A lot of this seems to differ from strain to strain... but i think that overall, most plants that have a somewhat normal flowering time would probably imo be able to finish off okay at least from my experience.

Now of course i'm not saying it would necessarily be better than a typical 12/12 period all the way BUT if you just wanna experiment or if you are forced to do so as i was... don't worry as long as you're at least 3 wks or so from showing and also so long as you're not flowering for say 10-14 wks I think you'll prolly be okay.

I think i may have forgot to mention that i did folilar feed with a 3ml per liter solution of biobizz alga-mic almost all the way through the grow. This works especially well on clones outside just before dark. Very noticable growth from day to day even with yb47 and bcn diesel clones using this and reg. nutes. Hope that info may help someone.

As soon as possible i want to try to finish a grow in the setup i had spoken of either here or on another thread. The original flowering chamber had 5 105w 2700k BIG CFL's. These babies put out over 9,000 lumens per bulb and as we all know, cfl's have more of a useable spectrum that hps.

No i'm not trying to knock hps' i love the damn things, however i love the idea of having that much useable spectrum, that many lumens, and SO LITTLE HEAT that the homemade reflector they were on was able to be moved to within 3 inches of the canopy. I'll try to find the pics of these within first 3 wks of showing sex that show how damn powerful of a setup this was in a growbox that on average daily had a high/low temp of 76/64 F,
and a daily high/low humidity of 55/45% because of the intake and exhaust.

That setup imo would prove that one can grow damn high quality bud but also damn decent yeilds all within an enclosed grow box using only cfl light.

Keep the comments comin' folks!!!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
Sure thing... gotta charge cam batts but will post asap. I think it's a setup that i've never seen anywhere else of this particular design. Everything from intake/exhaust, height adjustable reflector, with temp and humid. high/low meter, etc. that are all enclosed and light leak proof. but yet easy to open and maintain.

Hopefully i can get pic up by tomorrow afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much everyone! I think i'm pretty pleased considering how they ended up looking, smelling, and seeing how potent they are and this all being outdoor. I was really thinking of trying hempy buckets for a hydro outdoor grow or possibly indoor down the road as i have seen some MASSIVE buds from that method. Hydro in one manner or another is defidently a goal now having used soil, peat, and coco.... i'd love to give it a shot.

Again.. will try to get those pics up today.


Well-Known Member
Thats some good looking buds. NYCD looks a little stringy though? I had a plant that looked like that and it hermied on me. Did you end up with any seeds?


Well-Known Member
nice grow man! buds look mighty tasty! i went thru the same thing earlier in the year (flowered to sex inside, then moved outside), and a few that were kept inside the longest continued to bud outside, even w/ an increasing in daylight hours! at first it was bothersome, because i wanted them to grow bigger , but after realizing that i was going to be able to harvest more than once i was fine w/ it! lol what happened to the pics of the growbox? would like to see those, to get ideas for imporvement.
anyway, way to grow man, liked ur thread, and oh yea the albino plant is really weird (in a good way)! wouldn't it be cool if you COULD isolate that trait and have a sack of " albino smoke"? how marketable would that be?


Well-Known Member
Well, a quick update... sry for taking so long also.

Went out to check on the thai ss and a new batch of bcn and nyc/haze and even 1 or 2 more yummy/47's.... well lets just say disappointment is a bit of an overstatement!!!!

I had them all set up just so in a couple diff. places and as i approached the first site... something seemed strange... i noticed... NO FUCKIN PLANTS!!!!????

Some douchelord came by and snapped em all off at the base and left the pots. I guess it could have been an animal but that bastard would have to be hungry and prolly ended up gettin run over by some truck cuz he was so high he thought the lights and horn were pretty!

I got an idea of who may have done it but since nothing ever happened i figured i'd just cut my losses. I hope to be startin either some OG #18 or some Kings Kush soon.... will keep all posted when we get going again!... Peace!