Hey guys! How's everyone on this wonderful day

?: doing ok here. Just wanted to post an update for you guys 2 checks out 4 me.. In the pics (group) are Sour Blueberry,Snowcap,Original Berry,Casey Jones, WW x BB, a Purple Voodoo, Heavy Duity Fruity, Shirly Temple, & Peyote Purple. The other girls are setting in the sun in a window, and the others are in the make shift grow tent I made. Look close at the "Sins OG"! On one side of her top( fan leaf) she has 9 fingers, ok on the same set on the other side she has "7" fingers!

lol.. ok. I've been seeing some abnormal growth with her & the Snowdawg here recently. On the Snowdawg, one or two of her leaves are "split"! Making either 7 fingered leaves, or 5 depending on how you'd look at it.. lol.. I posted a picture of her split leaf a few posts back, I think everyone missed it cause no one commented on her..
Well, I plan on waiting a day, then flushing again in the morning. Going to set both fans on high & keep the door open during lights on to try &7 dry there soil up a bit b4 flushing again.. don't want any root rot, or over watering spells going on to add to this! That would be awful!!!