Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I think this makes the third time I've seen you post in the thread. ;) Your quiet till "Stew" comes calling.. I bet he has you all twisted up doesn't he.. :??: haha ;) Better yet, atleast he likes to "think" he does.. ;) lmao.. Just messing with you both! Wouldn't know what to do if you guys wasn't around, and didn't check out my ladies.. Hell, I love all you guys! Your like my 2nd fam.. ;)
HA! Stew your a trip!! :lol: I was talking about rep for Pinworm!! LMAO!!


Well-Known Member
So I'm making dinner...see this and get a visual of you (flipper in tow) puking...thanks for that one girl!! Lol :)
What's up girl...these boys behaving themselves? :razz:
Everybody but Dank he's bein a meanie today guess it's the pills lol ;) j/k babe ;)
What you up to girlie?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, see... trying to make it looks like I never get on.. Proof is in da pudding goober.. ;)
And, yeah the roids have me all fucked up! It'll get better though.. ;)
chill... I'm sure he is sending some! Just give the poor guy some time.. lord have mercy.. lol
now listen here mister...I never said you never came on, I said you were never here when I am here! now hurry up and finish those roids before
I have to whoop yer ass for smart mouthin me LOL ;)
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