Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Ok, are we done with all that? I sure hope so!

Here is the girls that I have going in the tent I had made at the start of my last run. (In case anyone hadn't seen it/them). ;)

Down in the bottom are 6 plants growing, with 1 of them flowering. There is Original Berry(flowering), Casey Jones(going to flower in 4 days), Wild Rose(going to flower in 5 days), Blue Mammoth(auto) will flower when she feels like it! Lol.. Snowcap(vegging) & Critical Jack Herer(vegging). ;)
When you run your Auto's, do you do 20/4 Dank?
I remember reading a suggestion in a review, (Don't remember what strain) it suggested for that particular one to run it under 20/4.


Well-Known Member
Hey dank, heres a pic of some ribs i made tonight.....in the smoker. I hope it doesnt give you the munchies too bad :):):)
Looks good man, but I don't waste all the time to make my ribs pretty, just 'cause I'm lazy, and nobody bothers to look at the plating anyway, they just grab n eat.:-P


Well-Known Member
Here's my Critical Jack. She'll be 11 weeks tomorrow. It's my first dwc try. Pictures don't show the frostiness but its there.

and btw, that tent is 4x4.
Wow, that's a thick bush man.
Do you have her staked? Or is she supporting herself?
If not, you might think about staking her, I'd hate to see ya lose a stem due to it falling over under the weight.:shock:


Well-Known Member
@ bak apread it my way haha
i have heard that 20/4 is a good sch. to use:-P
Same that ive heard, along with that youll usually only get a zip per plant. That sounds horrible to me, unless the beans were free that is but still, id never waste the space on that. Seems like more trouble than its worth but i like big girls ;)


Well-Known Member
When you run your Auto's, do you do 20/4 Dank?
I remember reading a suggestion in a review, (Don't remember what strain) it suggested for that particular one to run it under 20/4.

Yeah, I will run those girls up till I won't um to start, then I have found it helps to decrease there light period. I've found it infact brings on flowering/pistols a hell of a lot quicker! Then I will just let her go with the rest of the vegging girls (24/4) andd hadn't had any issues.. and I guess its where those get "more light" the buds end up beimg super compact!!


Well-Known Member
Same that ive heard, along with that youll usually only get a zip per plant. That sounds horrible to me, unless the beans were free that is but still, id never waste the space on that. Seems like more trouble than its worth but i like big girls ;)
Off tht "Northern Lights" (auto) I ran on the last run, I scored around a ounce & a half, which isn't to bad imo. Now this Blue Mammoth is suppose to be a heavy yeilder!! Will see.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Off tht "Northern Lights" (auto) I ran on the last run, I scored around a ounce & a half, which isn't to bad imo. Now this Blue Mammoth is suppose to be a heavy yeilder!! Will see.. ;)
With a name like "Mammoth", it BETTER be!:hump:
It would be pretty messed up if somebody did the 'Call the fat guy "Tiny" trick' on us.:cry:


Well-Known Member
With a name like "Mammoth", it BETTER be!:hump:
It would be pretty messed up if somebody did the 'Call the fat guy "Tiny" trick' on us.:cry:
They better not! Or you'd better believe "I" would be the 1 to write the dang seedbank and complain! Haha.. I would tell them that there "false advertising" and have them compinsate me for my waste of time"! Haha.. ;)
Honestly I have enjoyed growing the (autos). There coming out with "better" strains of them, that are suppose to yeild a lot more, and grow a lot faster! Such as the "Blue Mammoth", and also I have a "Big Bud x Gojo" that is suppose to be a heavy yeilder & super fast vegging time! I kinda wanted to run that 1 outdoor.
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