New additional edit: After reading the whole thread.....You overfeed them and they burned, Lockout was caused and that was pH related! The way to have fixed that better would be to water with plain Ca/Mged water for 7-10 days and begin feeding AND reduce feeding by 50%. If you feed every watering - STOP - alternate feed and plain water!
Hmmmm,,,Lets cover a few things here ok?
First off...shLUby is correct on the Ca/Mg issue. He is also correct on the High N. I see both of those here too. BUT, do not lower your N to be lower then P or K as that will cause bigger troubles down the road! NPK ratio for Canna is good at a 3-1-2 ratio...3 parts N to 1 part P to 2 parts K.....There is leeway here, but don't get the N lower then P or K....BTW,,,,Canna can use more N in bloom then many synthetic companies put in their products! Don't and I mean do not switch to "bloom" foods till week 3 AFTER the flip to 11/13 (I never run 12/12 - 11/13 is better - try it)
Now then. He does do correcting that will help and in the long term too. BUT, I would approach this problem a little differently.
Lets start with the FF soil.....They work and work well. I would still, if using them, add about a good handful (1/2C) of OYSTER shell and maybe a little Dolomite....When I use Dolomite I don't get the prilled, I use a powdered AG Dolomite too (I farm). You see Dolomite contains a lot of Mg....You could over do it and get Mg tox......Buy the bag of FF and add the OYSTER shell and the bit of Dolo and go from there....You CAN manage Ca/Mg problems with a liquid bottle supplement if you want to......THAT has to do with the folllowing!
Now then, lets talk about pH in soil a bit. When you pH the run off. All you get is the pH of the run off! That can be effected by all sorts of things in the soil going on, or that you put in it. Now this is very important to remember....
Properly cared for soil will self pH!!! What happens in nature is that when you water. The pH of the soil swings one way and it swings more then most think. As the plant sits and dries out again. That pH swings back the other way. That is natures way of being sure that nutrient compounds IN the soil are up taken at their best available levels......
Self pHing in soil depends heavily upon the living things IN the soil - The microbes! Using synthetic nutrition does not completely kill off the bio's. It sure does put a hard spank on them! When transplanting at any stage - add some! Powdered or liquid, I don't care but USE them! Periodic reintroduction works wonders too, even with synthetic nutrition. In fact, in testing I've done in my own grow. I find that when using synthetics, keeping the bio heard viable and working helps across the board....
You can make simple bio teas for cheap and use say, every other week or buy (expensive) bio's and supplement with that....
To make a simple bio tea for small scale home use......Try this.
For 3 gallons of Bio tea
5 gallon bucket
Unsulfured Molasses or Blackstrap
Earthworm Castings
2.5 gallons of water (NO -RO, distilled or city/tap) Believe it or not but, river, creak, stream or even puddle water is GREAT!
Alfalfa meal *optional*
Air pump (two outlet minimum)
air stones and lines ...(It would be best to get a flexible air stone and bend it into a circle)
Now set the air stones connected to the air pump in the bottom of the bucket on either side.....
Add the water
1/3 cup of EWC
1 1/2 - 2 Tbl of Molasses
1 1/2 Tbl of alfalfa meal
I don't "bag" my ingr. You don't have too and I don't mind pouring them into my soil.....Some folks put them into their worm bins. I feed my worms enough, so the plants get it...
Bubble this for 36 hrs and use! Be sure to clean the bucket and air equipment after every use.
Store bought bottled bios work too. Use as directed!
Back to soil pH
If you meter soil at anytime other them EXACTLY the same time after watering.....Your going to get different readings! Remember how the soil acts to watering.....the moisture content of the soil will be a factor in just what the pH is.....This begins to make pHing soil an interesting proposal.....Not to mention that "home style/priced" pH "pens" are not as accurate or dependable as lab grade soil equipment...By thousands of dollars!
I would ask this
How much and how often do you feed?
Every watering? = Not good! Feed every other!
Net pots = I don't like them, never have.....You get a root mass in the middle of the pot and water simply runs around it and out the side too.....This is called an "umbrella" effect......You have to water to too much run off or let the pots sit in the run off.....I don't like either of those things - at all.....If you have to employ run off - you feed too much! If the maker says to use run off - their padding their wallet from you buying more nutrients then you should really be using!
OK, We have amended the soil before we planted in it. Now we have been controlling the bio heard.
SO - we can simply forget about pHing the soil! It's taking care of it's self as we take care if it.....
Lastly. When using Distilled or RO water you MUST use a Ca/Mg. If in Coco, you MUST use a Ca/Mg!
I suspect the suppression of your bio's and minor overfeeding to be the root cause here....
N value in Ca/Mg is really not the issue and I would rather have it then not. But do buy the lowest N value that you can find.
Bottled Ca/Mg with a bit of Ir (iron) is a good thing!
I always liked GH CALi MAGic...
For you, don't pH the in going solution down before use - just use it! That could have made all the difference here...The Distilled has no buffer untill you add the Ca/Mg and it still isn't "stable".