Dark energy theory wrong? Is nickel the key to understanding the fate of the universe

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I have been doing a lot of reading on Quantum theory .... string theory .... spooky action .... and I have come to conclusion that our existing theories on dark matter seem very speculative. I enjoy learning and have come to observe that the more I think I know .... the more there is to know.
Taking this into consideration as also all the information about the universe known to us ...... I believe .... all the factors ... involved in understanding the function of the universe are not know yet. We simply do not know enough about the universe from looking through our telescopes ..... to deduce ....what dark matter really is.


We simply dont know much about the universe.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
how insignificant we are...

cant wait to become part of the force lol
True dat ... that was my view as I watched this video as well ......also D to build on your speculation.
Humans see in 3D only ..... thus .... seeing should not lead one to believing.
Perhaps in order to understand the universe .... we must figure out how to ..... tap into other dimensions .... and then observe
the universe expanding and contracting on itself ..... just as you have described it.
What if we are a part of a multiuniverse .....and with our .... basic 3D we are only gazing at what we perceive to be the whole thing .... hmmm ... but in reality ... it is only a side view .... hmmm

D .... you are a part of the force ....

Also .... this is going back to one of your posts ..... please allow me to ask you a question.
As I think you might have an idea of what I am talking about as per.

Have you ever seen yourself through the eyes of someone-else you have become ....


Well-Known Member
I should of said gravitation instead of gravity, gravitation is the natural phenomena of two objects with mass to be attracted to each other. if inflation/dark energy is the force causing everything to expand(including the fabric of spacetime) wouldnt gravitation causing them to come together/contract be the opposite of it?

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I should of said gravitation instead of gravity, gravitation is the natural phenomena of two objects with mass to be attracted to each other. if inflation/dark energy is the force causing everything to expand(including the fabric of spacetime) wouldnt gravitation causing them to come together/contract be the opposite of it?
Ya but there is a distinct differential bwn fixed gravity (holding objects so to speak)..... and a power of a warm hole .... pulling on objects .... that is a huge difference. Once the object enters the Event Horizon .... the pull is so strong .... there is no turning back ...... one is sucked into the vortex.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Harking back on basically what someone has already said, this is the basis for everything I believe.
Well would that lead me to believe that you think of yourself as finite ....
Taking ..... any religion aside ..... I am excited about transforming from my current state into the next one. You and I in this current state ... are made up of matter (mass) ... if you know anything about Physics ... and I suspect you do Crypt ..... then it should be understood .... that matter is nothing more than frozen light. :)

So before ..... before we can think that we are made of stars ..... in fact we are made out of light .... which is infinite.


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I surely do think of myself as finite, and most everything else is finite. The question is, what ever the universe is 'made of', whatever led to the Big Bang, whatever strange undiscovered yet bulding block subatomic particles... are THESE things infinite. We may suspect they are, bet we wil never truly understand them. It's beyond our limited understanding.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I have had numerous encounters with higher powers ... as per my Ketamine adventures .... and am certain .... that this body I live in .... is a mere vehicle given to me to navigate through this particular part of the cycle .... but this cycle does not stop at death ... that I am certain. As a traveler passing by ... I am excited about the next chapter.
Limits are imposed by people and for people .... a limit is an anchor to a given system in its fixed environment. If one is to understand beyond a given system .... this anchor must be freed. Some people have done this ... and are certainly tapped and understand these systems beyond the current ..... imposed limitations of the flesh.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LOL. I have done ALOT of hallucinogens, dozens, maybe hundreds. Yet I am not a spiritual man in the least. I don't feign an understanding of the 'afterlife'. I'll just wait and see. I like suprises. :p

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
LOL. I have done ALOT of hallucinogens, dozens, maybe hundreds. Yet I am not a spiritual man in the least. I don't feign an understanding of the 'afterlife'. I'll just wait and see. I like suprises. :p
There is nothing more powerful than ... words spoken by a humble man ... especially when these involve the contemplation on afterlife. Hats off to you sir for sharing your thoughts on the subject with us all.

In every way you are right sir ... your reality as it seems is more grounded than ... the version running through the circuits of my brain. But we all are a product of the environment around us and the programming of everyday life.

Man, I also love surprises ..... I already got my boarding pass and all ... it will be a blast.


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
There is nothing more powerful than ... words spoken by a humble man ... especially when these involve the contemplation on afterlife. Hats off to you sir for sharing your thoughts on the subject with us all.

In every way you are right sir ... your reality as it seems is more grounded than ... the version running through the circuits of my brain. But we all are a product of the environment around us and the programming of everyday life.

Man, I also love surprises ..... I already got my boarding pass and all ... it will be a blast.

See you on the other side buddy. ;)


New Member
LOL. I have done ALOT of hallucinogens, dozens, maybe hundreds. Yet I am not a spiritual man in the least. I don't feign an understanding of the 'afterlife'. I'll just wait and see. I like suprises. :p
Don't contemplate the afterlife and you won't be disappointed for that brief instant when you die and fade to black.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Don't contemplate the afterlife and you won't be disappointed for that brief instant when you die and fade to black.
I doubt you just fade to black. At least not initially. Every single neurotransmitter and the like will flood you. Serotonin, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, some even say DMT. It'll be crazy. :D Then we fade to black. :D

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Hmmmm ..... perhaps we should start another thread and contemplate this further .... lol
Then again ..... black ..... black matter ......afterlife .... are we getting off topic ... :0

I love our collective thought process in there though :)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
So does a black hole in this universe create a big bang in another universe withing the multiverse? LMAO That's sorta on topic. Now just fit Dark Energy into that quandry and we're golden. :)