Darkness b4 flipping


Hey guys the darkness period before flipping is it necessary or just set timer for 12/12 no darkness.
From post on here most say no darkness because it puts unnecessary stress on plants.
Any info would be great
I'm not certain what you're talking about. The only thing I've done that seems related was I experimented with incrementally reducing lights on hours from 18/6 to 12/12 over the course of 2 weeks to see if it helped speed up the beginning of flower. Didn't notice any benefits and haven't done it since. Maybe someone else will know more about what you're referring to.
I’ve tried 24 and 48 hours dark before flipping to 12/12 on a couple runs, couldn’t tell a difference.
I'm not certain what you're talking about. The only thing I've done that seems related was I experimented with incrementally reducing lights on hours from 18/6 to 12/12 over the course of 2 weeks to see if it helped speed up the beginning of flower. Didn't notice any benefits and haven't done it since. Maybe someone else will know more about what you're referring to.
Some people put there plants in 24hrs dark before they turn it to bud,do you really need to do that to make them turn
When I’m ready to flip.. I turn the lights off, unplug, and don’t turn them on until I want the cycle to start. Setting the timer before plugging it back in of course.
How many hours darkness do you usually give them
I only leave them in the dark until the time I want them to come on.

Example: My veg schedule is 3am-9pm
I want to Flower from 10pm-10am

I will unplug the light, and set the timer (10pm on/10am off) as soon as lights go out on the last day of 18/6.

I keep the light unplugged til it’s til to come back on.
Edit: Light is plugged back in at 10pm the next day to clarify.