dc's Island Sweet Skunk F2's and AK47 F4's from seed!


Well-Known Member
for you, i hope it is a micro nute def, im sure you'll figure it out. its ok bro, just a hiccup. they really look like theyre thriving though bro.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Yeah, good advice Aev, and thanks Drella I think they'll pull through. ; )

Gonna take some new pics tomo and post them if all goes well. :peace:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well it's snowing big fat flakes down here in the middle of Texas, and I have a few pics to post of the younguns. There's just something special about seeing your plants bask under their artificial sun while it's snowing like crazy outside. I love it. Man I miss the snow!

So pic #1 is of the ISS crosses, #2 is of the AK47's. The new growth is not showing any signs of distress so far, so I think they're pulling out of their slump. Hope everyone is well.



Well-Known Member
Looks like they are coming around just fine, but I think you're right about transplanting them..do that and they should be happy :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Them ISS are surely taking advantage of the so called hybrid vigor. What are the plants in the background?


Well-Known Member
Well it's snowing big fat flakes down here in the middle of Texas, and I have a few pics to post of the younguns. There's just something special about seeing your plants bask under their artificial sun while it's snowing like crazy outside. I love it. Man I miss the snow!

So pic #1 is of the ISS crosses, #2 is of the AK47's. The new growth is not showing any signs of distress so far, so I think they're pulling out of their slump. Hope everyone is well.

Nice! im really looking forward to seeing the AK-4 grow out. The ISS looks like its really coming along well. How long does the AK-47 take in comparison to its autoflower variant? According to the AK-47 information card it states the autos take 70 days.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Nice! im really looking forward to seeing the AK-4 grow out. The ISS looks like its really coming along well. How long does the AK-47 take in comparison to its autoflower variant? According to the AK-47 information card it states the autos take 70 days.
Well AK47 is a hybrid leaning on the sativa side, so I'd say 9-10 weeks for full maturity.

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
My AK took around 8 weeks, but it wasn't a sativa pheno.

My buddy has a sativa pheno and it takes 9-10 weeks... long
lanky bitch with big nuggets at the end of her branches.


Well-Known Member
dude i just topped my ogkgc sativa, 8 week plant! i know, im so stoked, it actually showed amber, and swollen calyx's first out of the other's! cant wait to see how ur turn out!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
i think i might of harvested ssh a little too early.
It'll still be good, but it's prob going to really racy, cause I've noticed that about the SSH if you don't let it go long enough. It's really strong in a real scatter-brained sort of way.


Well-Known Member
Dood you nailed that right on the head. Everytime i smoke it i get this super head rush type of high. Its like im on cocaine. i have these lower nugs on the plants to get the late harvest feel tho. when did you grow ssh?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Dood you nailed that right on the head. Everytime i smoke it i get this super head rush type of high. Its like im on cocaine. i have these lower nugs on the plants to get the late harvest feel tho. when did you grow ssh?
I never did but one of my best friends does now. That was what I thought about it the first time I tried it, and it was harvested just a bit too early I thought.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, hope life is treating you all well. I finally got off of my lazy ass and transplanted the all the good seedlings yesterday. They really needed it. All of the ISS seedlings are doing great, and all 12 lived and got re-potted. I potted up the 3 AK's that were normal also, leaving the mutants or retards as I call them haha where they are for now as I plan on making a thread just about mutants since I have such a nice collection going at the moment.

So anyway, it was truly a barrel of monkees yesterday and now my back and neck is killing me in response to all the excitement. I'll post pics of the transplants tomm after they've had a chance to get comfortable for a day or so. Here are a few pics I snapped during the process just to have something to post for you guys to look at. Enjoy.

