dc's Island Sweet Skunk F2's and AK47 F4's from seed!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
so how many actually make it to the cloneable stage. basically what i am saying is. your not going to keep 50 clones of 50 seedlings. what is your cut line to the plants you will be working with.

you are cloning a certain number of plants that you are putting your faith in. you then bud out the seedling plants and refer back to notes for which to breed with. what is this certain number YOU deal with?
OK, I think what you're asking is how do I figure out which seedlings/plants to clone and how many clones do I then take?

First off I don't start with 50 seedlings, I wish I could but I just don't have the room for that. For now I'm stuck with having to germ much smaller quantities of seeds and then pick the best of what I get.

One of the big deciding factors on what gets cloned and what doesn't for me at least is sex. Unless a male is something super special that I want to breed with again I just ditch the males and clone the females, so that right there thins about 60% of the numbers out. You're left with about 40% of your original seedlings as females if you give them good conditions to grow up in (at least this is what I bank on, if you get more girls then it's just a pleasant surprise). If you started with 50 seedlings then this would leave you with about 20 girls roughly, which I would take at least 5 cuts from each pheno. This equals 100 clones. Not too bad for 20 phenos.

I just start with less. I started with 15 seedlings total. If I get 40% females then that will leave me with 6 plants that need to be cloned. If I take 5 clones of each then that's a total of 30 clones which is about exactly what I like to take each time. I stagger the clones to every other hole in the tray usually so that they're not packed in too closely. The big difference is that I get to choose from 6 phenos and someone starting with 50 seedlings would get to choose from about 20, so there's 333% larger pool to choose from with the latter.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well I watered the seedlings last night, and while I was doing so I decided to pull all of the plants out of the tent and inspect them to see if I could spot some more girls since I already saw 2 so far.

Yessir so far we have 2 beautiful AK47 females with excellent structure and 2 ISS females as well. One ISS female is looking pretty good, about a 50/50 sativa/indica hybrid I would say in appearance (leaf and structure). The other ISS girl is the second tallest plant in the lot, with the widest internodes and is obviously almost pure sativa. I'm still going to clone every female and flower them all out, so we'll see what happens with that one. I used to not clone the taller phenos, but the last time I didn't I passed up a really high-yielding sativa pheno Super Skunk that I should have kept, at least for a while. So this time, everything gets cloned!

Here's a few pics that I snapped last night after watering. First is a group shot of all but 2 of the plants, and the 3 to the far right in the main group are all females (2 AK's and 1 ISS). The other 10, well, keep em crossed!

Second is a pic of the tall sativa pheno ISS. It's the tall seedling in the foreground, not the little one in the back.

Last is one of the little one in the back behind the sativa pheno female. It hasn't sexed yet, but I'm really hoping that it turns out to be a girl because it's the shortest seedling of all. It has 9 nodes and it's still under 8 inches. If it's a male I may be tempted to breed with it if it flowers well due to the tight spacing and the short stature that I love.


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Damn up to 6 girls now and the rest haven't even sexed yet! There's a couple sure to be males in there, but about 6 of the remaining 9 just haven't popped anything out yet. FYI all 3 non-mutant AK47's ended up being female, so no chance of breeding with that one.

Looks like I'll be doing a lot more cloning that I had planned on...


Well-Known Member
cool man, who wouldve know all females could be a problem! HA! a very rare occurence, but maybe it was for a reason, maybe im stoned!


Well-Known Member
hah right on! just got back from vegas, i was there all week. my plants are all hella big now a week later. i am going to LST using scrog method with these plants now...ive been training them. seedlings are doing good. stems are a little long and i am wondering if they will be able to suport themselves a few already look to be wanting to fall over. im thinking when i transplant i can just bury the stem a ways down. what you think?

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Two nights ago I pulled out all the unsexed seedlings, inspected them, and identified 7 males that got cut up into tiny pieces and buried in a shallow grave. hehehe

That left 6 guaranteed females (3 AK47 and 3 ISS's) and 2 seedlings that still haven't shown sex yet. One I put into the flower room to try to 'force flower' it. I never do this, and so far I've not seen any positive results from doing so. But I'm going to keep it there and see how long it takes to show, and next time I'll probably just go back to keeping everything on either 24/0 or 18/6 until they sex.

First up is a group shot of all the males that got culled. All were very homogeneous, with the exception of the one in the front-left that looks like some crazy Hashberry plant. The leaves look totally different on this one, and the growth structure is unique as well. Not good enough to breed with though so it still got culled with the rest.

Next is a pic of a nice ISS male, and then a top-down shot of it.

Next is a pic of that HB looking male, and then a top-down shot of that (see the difference?).

Then a group shot of the 6 girls plus 1 of the unsexed plants in the veg tent (much more space now that the males are gone!).

Last a nice ISS plant after watering.



Well-Known Member
And a great Saturday to you all, almost spring so that means two things some smoked drunk'n brats and ribs to go with that some of D.C's finest greens!!lol hey they look very good bro nice and green always best to go into flowering as healthy as possible and you have it down pat..keep it up bro RIU is watching..Peace

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
And a great Saturday to you all, almost spring so that means two things some smoked drunk'n brats and ribs to go with that some of D.C's finest greens!!lol hey they look very good bro nice and green always best to go into flowering as healthy as possible and you have it down pat..keep it up bro RIU is watching..Peace
Thanks man, and how'd you know that ribs are like my favorite thing?! I grill all the time, and ribs is it a lot. Might just pull these beef ribs out the freezer now... lol

You should shoot me your Drunken Brats recipe. :-P


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, and how'd you know that ribs are like my favorite thing?! I grill all the time, and ribs is it a lot. Might just pull these beef ribs out the freezer now... lol

You should shoot me your Drunken Brats recipe. :-P
you got it im on my way out with my best man and groomsmen to get fitted for our tux getting hitched on the 8th of may and who say's growing good pot has no benifits?lol lil papaya and she said yes.lol but as soon as i get back ill shoot you the recipe for the drunk'ns and ill throw you a rub for those beefies! from my catering days...Peace:fire:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Shoot I completely forgot to include a pic of this beautiful AK47 girl. This is so far looking to be the best pheno. It's truly gorgeous, and has an intriguing smell to it, a little skunky and a lotta spicy.

And please keep in mind, all of these plants would not be quite as stretched out if they were under HIDs rather than T5s as they are. For T5s I think these seedlings look pretty good. :weed:


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
you got it im on my way out with my best man and groomsmen to get fitted for our tux getting hitched on the 8th of may and who say's growing good pot has no benifits?lol lil papaya and she said yes.lol but as soon as i get back ill shoot you the recipe for the drunk'ns and ill throw you a rub for those beefies! from my catering days...Peace:fire:
You are the man, I can't wait! Congrats! :clap:


Well-Known Member
You are the man, I can't wait! Congrats! :clap:
damn, that makes me hungry! looks nice and roomy in that veg tent!
Yeah i just finished doing some sirloin burgers W blue cheese not the dank real cheese lol..Look get you a nice sized zip lock bag and heres what you do i use jack becouse thats what i drink but ytou can use what ever rum or whisky you prefer. About 4ounces will do just fine:lol: add 1/2 teaspoon of hickory smoke 1 lemon 2 table spoons olive oil 1 tablespoon of whoreshire sauce tp this you add about 12 sweat italian brawts let them babies marinate for at least 6 hours the longer the better grill on medium heat and dont be turning and turning and messing with them man lol let those babies go..enjoy with some pasta salad and baked beans and you are good to go...:bigjoint:

Quick rub for any occasion...Very simple Ribs no sauce needed..
cumin ,cayanne,paprika,garlic powder,chili poder, onion powder,brown sugar, salt pepper... Rub real well and then let sit over night..as for me i smoke mine but you can slow grill those babies over low coals and they come out great to finish take 1/4 cup of mollasses and and 1/4 cup of OJ mix and baste for the last 1/2 hour......Im sure you have some mollasses around the house somewhere?lol hope you enjoy Warning eat before you smoke:lol: these ribs and the munchies will put you on overload..

By the way that girl you say is stretched looks good to me nice pheno..Peace Sup drella lol

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
damn, that makes me hungry! looks nice and roomy in that veg tent!
Yeah, now it is! lol

Thanks Stink, that sounds incredible. I'm DEF going to try this out! You sound like you really know how to cook man, wish I was closer to ya we'd have to hook up and grill. And drink and schwill. :eyesmoke:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Great news guys, the really short and stocky plant that was taking forever to sex turned out to be a girl! It just pushed out a couple of pistils at the very top node. I'm excited, this is the best looking plant out of the 10 ISS's, and even out of the 8 AK plants too really. As long as it has potency this is going to be a keeper pheno for sure. The only thing that could mess this girl up is if it's weak in potency or if it somehow had a hermie trait. So let's hope that's not the case!

2 pics of the beautiful ISS girl, one side shot, and one top-down shot. :-P


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well I'm breaking my 'Everything gets cloned this time' rule already, but this should be the only exception. The tallest AK47 plant was really tall and stretchy, and I have the other 2 that look a lot better, so I decided to lollipop it and throw it in the flower tent in the last empty spot. Now the tent is basically full, I could fit one more row of 4 big pots in there for a total of 28, but I think I'll just let it ride at 24 for now. :twisted:

1 side shot of the lanky AK after getting lollipopped, and then 1 top-down shot.


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
man she is lengthy...was this evident in the parent plants?
I don't know, I got the beans from a friend. I made the ISS cross, this was something he made a while back but I know it was AK47xAK47. AK47 is 3/4 sativa, with only a quarter Afghani in it. So it's pretty stretched-out in general I guess.