DEA Agent Growing Weed


my other account has over 500 posts, should I use that one to show you how retarted you are?
no because i really don't give a fuck if you had a million post it still wouldn't change my mind about u needing to go to
and just to let u know i don't live with my parents
i didn't post this to see how many people could talk shit


Undercover Mod
so your saying anyone who works for the government should never smoke bud or grow because its breaking the law but its fine for us to do so? you have no idea of her situation and what she does and how she acts. I guess you are just like the people who say all stoners are bad and should be persecuted for it after all. Hypocrite

Bullshit. Her job is to enforce all of the laws, not just the ones that she chooses. She is a servant of the people.

Anyone who enforces laws should not break them. Then what does the fucking law mean. Nothing.

By the way thanks for putting a bunch of words in my mouth. You did not do anything but try to redeem yourself by making it seem like I said a bunch of stuff I didn't.

I clearly explained myself.


Well-Known Member
Them to. I am just not kosher with a transformer being considered one of "us". Im going on thirty and have dealt with OPPOSING TEAM for many accounts in my short life. And hands down there a scandalous breed they are.


Active Member
not trying to be an asshole, regardless of her job, it would be wrong to steal someone else's hard work. put yourself in their place you spent x amount of months and some "bandit" steals your shit. i know countless outdoor people that will tell you that is the worst feelin in the world, to walk up and see a plot of chopped stalks were your garden used to be.

as for your other gun, i like the double nuts, but they look better on the ar.

so , yea i don't give a fuck cop or not, she is a grower. i know 4 cops in my town who sell cocaine, two that smoke weed, and one pedophile, i only say that because he hooks up wit 16 yo and takes them to night clubs. one county sherif who snorts cocaine, and i smoke with a state trooper, when i go to the bar. contrary to popular belief they are good people. so i dont want to hear shit about a cop is a cop and nothing else.


Well-Known Member
I seriously doubt a DEA agent would be growing weed without a medical card...better not fuck with it.
even if she had a med card...her job would not allow her to can have a med card and get weed...they have those fancy little stores if you said she was a night manager at ihop...i would buy this


Well-Known Member
DEA is Fed they don't play nice with state law really. I just signed a ballot to drop FED scheduling from a class 1, yes thats right federally marijuana is a schedule 1 with mdma, crack, coke, meth, heroine and many many more.