DEA at it again...


Well-Known Member
Here in San Diego, dispensaries, delivery services, and other marijuana businesses, are being raided every week! This has been going on for many years. To say that the pigs cannot harass us is idiotic, as actual happenings say otherwise.

These are local pigs, and they get one DEA shit to go with them so they can say that they are enforcing federal laws.

Marijuana legal for medical use? These pigs don't care. Marijuana legal for Adult use? These pigs don't care.

They are still waging their corrupt war against us!



Well-Known Member
Here in San Diego, dispensaries, delivery services, and other marijuana businesses, are being raided every week! This has been going on for many years. To say that the pigs cannot harass us is idiotic, as actual happenings say otherwise.

These are local pigs, and they get one DEA shit to go with them so they can say that they are enforcing federal laws.

Marijuana legal for medical use? These pigs don't care. Marijuana legal for Adult use? These pigs don't care.

They are still waging their corrupt war against us!

And I'm sure they'll get a big budget increase Jan. 21st while some of these guys are reading their favorite fake news site, telling them how America is becoming great again.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
This doesn't bode well...

I like how they wrote it using the spelling "marihuana" to avoid searches...

Do you think this maybe one of these "fake" stories?

Cheers and Merry Christmas
I read a different artical. Same thing making cbd a schedule 1. If its fake im getting sick of this fake news bullshit. I responded to this as if it was real, saying that the gov should have no right to regulate medicine useing crimanal law.(to protect and serve what?) I am not going to rewrite that essay here but i will comment on the fake news thing. I heard a guy on npr that writes fake news he says he tryes to write outrageous shit that people will believe based on their biases ect. Makes money at it and has a harder time getting the left to buy the rummurs.

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
And I'm sure they'll get a big budget increase Jan. 21st while some of these guys are reading their favorite fake news site, telling them how America is becoming great again.
My favorite news site I can post about 30 sources to cite my statement that it's been blocked by Congress as long as all state laws are being followed. If the state is fuckin with you you aren't following their laws or they don't think you do. How many of these raids are on places that aren't doing anything illegal under all state laws. Look up latest federal raids here's articles from all over showing the laws have changed if they still doing it shitty but again the laws did change like I stated and here in Colorado only raids are on illegal grows or ones shipping out of state


Well-Known Member
My favorite news site I can post about 30 sources to cite my statement that it's been blocked by Congress as long as all state laws are being followed. If the state is fuckin with you you aren't following their laws or they don't think you do. How many of these raids are on places that aren't doing anything illegal under all state laws. Look up latest federal raids here's articles from all over showing the laws have changed if they still doing it shitty but again the laws did change like I stated and here in Colorado only raids are on illegal grows or ones shipping out of state
If a cop follows you in your car for 500 miles, eventually he will find some law you're breaking.

I hope you get the analogy.


Well-Known Member
Here in San Diego, dispensaries, delivery services, and other marijuana businesses, are being raided every week! This has been going on for many years. To say that the pigs cannot harass us is idiotic, as actual happenings say otherwise.

These are local pigs, and they get one DEA shit to go with them so they can say that they are enforcing federal laws.

Marijuana legal for medical use? These pigs don't care. Marijuana legal for Adult use? These pigs don't care.

They are still waging their corrupt war against us!

Addiction to the low hanging fruit. You will never see them do this with methheads, heroine distribution or cartel business because that is dangerous...

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
If a cop follows you in your car for 500 miles, eventually he will find some law you're breaking.

I hope you get the analogy.
I get it again we all walk a grey line but those truly staying in their plant counts here don't get fucked with at all the cops could care less about weed I wreak never get hassled actually had some of the best encounters with cops here with weed on me and even slightly high. But Colorado is different from anything I've seen anywhere. If you got a med card here they won't prosecute just fine you cut down to your plant count or take what u got and give back legal amount. Shit have heard many stories of cops giving a week to show ur at plant count not even fine anyone just say they better be gone next week


Well-Known Member
I read a different artical. Same thing making cbd a schedule 1. If its fake im getting sick of this fake news bullshit. I responded to this as if it was real, saying that the gov should have no right to regulate medicine useing crimanal law.(to protect and serve what?) I am not going to rewrite that essay here but i will comment on the fake news thing. I heard a guy on npr that writes fake news he says he tryes to write outrageous shit that people will believe based on their biases ect. Makes money at it and has a harder time getting the left to buy the rummurs.
Because "the left" is better educated. But education has been widely discredited.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
lol man! Look up the supremacy clause, article 6 of the constitution. When state law conflict with federal law, the Feds win. Cut and dry.

If you wish to test this theory be my guest, but you're not going to like the outcome.

The feds have the same right to control what a peaceful person can or cannot ingest as a state does. Zero.

Fuck the feds. Forcibly preventing a person from controlling their own body is criminal.