Olive Drab Green
Well-Known Member
What the fuck..
You haven't passed the bar, but that doesn't mean you can't practice good law.
Everyone is a critic, especially those who aren't doing it for themselves.
You keep it up, reverend.
If I were going to try to be a lawyer I would probably at least do some online classes or something, I wouldn't just go take the bar. But I don't want to be a lawyer. If I were going to do anything lawyer like, it would be being counsel for Religious cases.
But I don't practice law, the closest thing I have done to practicing law is help people with their cases in jail (when I was there winning the Religious Marijuana case), and that is completely legal because they can't ban jailhouse lawyers (it keeps it fair for illiterate people). I just teach people about court cases and laws and do my own cases, and I am ok with just doing that. I don't want to be a lawyer.
More people should have the courage to bring their cases to be heard in court.
And btw, once the Lawsuit is finished, tons of people can collect from it. It's not just me, it's class action, and there is a huge class. And it can go up to like $400,000,000 and that is just for the Monopoly, it can go way higher with people collecting on Religious Rights.
And anyone else that wants to can bring a lawsuit based on this lawsuit. It will act as prima facie evidence.
How do I determine if I'm a member of the class?
Does this describe you at all?How do I determine if I'm a member of the class?
Does this describe you at all?
All United States Persons who practice Hinduism (or similarly barred Religion) or who are or wish to become Sadhus (Hindu Priests), or who have been barred from doing so for fear of the Controlled Substances Act, as well as any Hindu (or similar Religious Practitioner) who has been jailed or imprisoned as a result of this Act. As well as anyone who has lost the life of a family member due to this Act; and
All United States Persons who have been financially affected by the Monopoly enforced and operated by Defendants. As well as anyone who was jailed or imprisoned in the course of the enforcement of this Monopoly, family members of those killed in the process of that enforcement and anyone who has been in fear for their life or safety as a result of the enforcement of the Monopoly and overbroad enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act in general.
That looks like me.
Cannabis is one of the specified drugs, yes?
Yes. It's really the whole Controlled Substances Act. In this case the court will have to decide if the CSA can exist anymore.
I will let everyone know when the ruling is over (it will also most likely be in newspapers, as that is the law), and at the very least a lot of people will be able to collect money, at the very most the whole law will be overturned.
That looks like me.
Cannabis is one of the specified drugs, yes?
Fins cut and paste lawsuit hasn't even been served on any Defendant. And it will be thrown out and never go to trial.
Moreover, it is not a "class action". Federal Rules of Civil Procedure require that a class action must 1st be "certified". Fins joke of a lawsuit has not been certified. Don't believe me? Google it.
Lol. I just had to write the Summons and wait for the judge to accept the case, I have them written up now, and I just have to print them out and take them up there and they will get served. I haven't even been back up to the court house since the day I filed, because they told me I have 120 days. I am going up there on the 27th probably.
It is certified. I literally quote 23(a) in the Jurisdiction section. And the overall argument is that the CSA is invalid due to the way it is being used, so everyone's claims would be validated at once.
I like how you assume I don't know how to file things though. It shows that they probably think the same thing and most likely won't even be ready for me.
Wrong. Certification is a lengthy process. There will be a ruling, and an Order by the court. That hasn't hapoened in your case, and wont happen. Counsel must be appointed to represent the class. You found a lawyer to handle this? Nope.
I just have to motion. And it will be accepted, as, as I said, I already added it to the Jurisdiction part of the case, and it fits the criteria. The only thing left to do is motion. And again, I haven't been up to the courthouse since before the judge accepted the case.
I am the counsel. I worded it right and everything. I filed it on behalf of myself and all others similarly situated. I didn't just randomly do this, or do this based on some Sovereign Citizen advice or something, I researched the law for 6 years and have even been winning cases.
Do you think I am a Sovereign Citizen or something? I have a case, with merits. The judge isn't going to deny it.
I have a case, with merits. The judge isn't going to deny it.