dead dallas cops: eat shit and die, scumbags

You know buck is just trolling in response to thr continued character assassination of police brutality and murder victims.

The REALLY fucked up thing about it is that he shot at random and endEd up hitting a shitty racist cop. What does that say about the cops? They must be lousy with them.
Well there is that. 1 out of five was a nationalist scumbag. 20% supremacist presence on that force? Random sample, so sampling error means it could be higher.
well buck, I guess this answers my questions before that you were so hesitant to answer and reply to for the past several days :)

I am glad you mustered up the courage and bravery to speak your right mind, cheers to you for using your free speech!

i never hesitated to answer your questions though. you are just blind, or dumb, or ignorant. perhaps you are blind and retarded and have a nanny that reads internet posts to you, but she failed to read my clear replies to you to spare your feelings or something. or maybe she is a bad nanny. i can't say how you missed my obvious answers though.

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well, welcome to the "smear the dead cops" thread.

so far, we know that one of the cops was a homicidal white nationalist who was just waiting for an excuse to kill. so we know that micah johnson quite possibly saved future lives by taking this guy out. so i would say at least 20% justified at this point.

i bet if we keep digging some more we will find out a whole bunch more dirt on the other 4 dead cops and we can smear those assholes as well.

even if all that we find out is that one of them had some pot on them in high school, that to me is enough to justify their deaths, since it was so readily used as justification in the death of trayvon martin.

ain't it a bitch how those double standards work?

awwwww, poor little white guy had a meltdown.
Why would I have a melt down? Don't flatter yourself. You're a nobody, that's all you and people like you will be. That's not anger it's fact. You and your loyal followers will find any reason to blame others for your situation. You won't do anything about, but hide behind a keyboard making ignorant racist statements. There are a hundred threads with you and your's crying, pissing, and moaning about what other's do. Try your best to portray an image and cry if you get treated that way. If you disagree or say something negative about obama it's because he's black, according to you and your boys. It's a losers mentality, to look for reasons to be a failure. Why would you expect to be treated differently. If you're gonna call names at least come up with something better than "poor little white guy" that's your mentality, I don't feel sorry for myself.
Why would I have a melt down? Don't flatter yourself. You're a nobody, that's all you and people like you will be. That's not anger it's fact. You and your loyal followers will find any reason to blame others for your situation. You won't do anything about, but hide behind a keyboard making ignorant racist statements. There are a hundred threads with you and your's crying, pissing, and moaning about what other's do. Try your best to portray an image and cry if you get treated that way. If you disagree or say something negative about obama it's because he's black, according to you and your boys. It's a losers mentality, to look for reasons to be a failure. Why would you expect to be treated differently. If you're gonna call names at least come up with something better than "poor little white guy" that's your mentality, I don't feel sorry for myself.

poor little white guy had another meltdown.
This thread is an inexcusable attack on all the police officers who were killed by a racist. It is a disgrace to even the filthy nature of the Politics section on RIU to leave it displayed.

Yet I'd wager my post will be deleted, and this thread will become a legend on this web site.
This thread is an inexcusable attack on all the police officers who were killed by a racist. It is a disgrace to even the filthy nature of the Politics section on RIU to leave it displayed.

Yet I'd wager my post will be deleted, and this thread will become a legend on this web site.

oh, tbonejack. i remember back when you were dehumanizing trayvon martin on a pot growing website because he was a stoner. you very explicitly stated he was a no-good gangster in the making thug whose death was a good thing, and simply because he liked to smoke pot and was black.

now here we are, celebrating the death of a neo-nazi cop who was waiting for his excuse to kill a minority, and you whine and cry and pout like a little bitch.

goddamn, i really do enjoy mocking this double standard. this really is golden. it never occurred to me that mocking a cop's death and smearing the victim could be so fun, but hey, it really is fun.
You're an idiot. And a liar. Or just plain mistaken. Or all of these.

I have NEVER downed Trayvon Martin in any way.

If the cop was really a neo-nazi, I would applaud his death myself. But a simple tatoo does not make him a neo-nazi.

mutliple tattoos, actually. not to mention he liked a whole bunch of facebook pages that outright advocate for shooting muslims, immigrants, and blacks.

and yes, tbonejack, you said some real nasty shit about trayvon martin.

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I had no idea the cop had a history of white supremacist activities online. If he was a white supremacist, then he got what he deserved I guess.

Your original post fixated on his tatoo. Andy.

lololol, yep. it's t(iny)bonerjack alright.

my original post showed his facebook page, tbone.
You're an idiot. And a liar. Or just plain mistaken. Or all of these.

I have NEVER downed Trayvon Martin in any way.

If the cop was really a neo-nazi, I would applaud his death myself. But a simple tatoo does not make him a neo-nazi.
It's all idiots need for an excuse to point fingers, Trayvon Martin wasn't killed by a cop either.
It's people like that him are the problem, just to ignorant to realize it. Fuckin loser.
This thread is an inexcusable attack on all the police officers who were killed by a racist. It is a disgrace to even the filthy nature of the Politics section on RIU to leave it displayed.

Yet I'd wager my post will be deleted, and this thread will become a legend on this web site.
Don't be such a pussy cops are supposed to put their lives on the line. Do I respect them? Fuck no! Cops don't deserve respect only closed caskets.
It's all idiots need for an excuse to point fingers, Trayvon Martin wasn't killed by a cop either.
It's people like that him are the problem, just to ignorant to realize it. Fuckin loser.
Fuck Trayvon Martin what about Manning and Snowden? What about that brain damaged white kid? They are the enemy not black not brown not white but blue. Free Leonard Pelletier! Free Manning and give Snowden his rights back! And free cocaine for all!! :)

I am no racist. Just because the nazi's misused our sacred symbols and twisted them to their nonsense doesnt make us that way.

Nazi's came to our people in the north during WW2, invaded, raped, stole and committed sacrilege of our spirituality to adorn their flags and medals. Ours is not theirs, theirs is not of ours.

dont be spreading hate my way. I wear Mjollnir. I am heathen. I judge men according to their actions. My brothers are of soul and consciousness; not defined by local, worldly, cultural or physical attributes.

Hail Odin.

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Your post pulled a like from a racist maggot. Wunder why.