Dealer problems


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this isn't allowed. I wasn't sure.

I recently picked up around 25G. Well thats what I paid for. He told me he had to eyeball it this time so just let him know how much is missing and he'll give me that. So I get home, find out 3.5G is gone from it. No biggy, I shoot him a text and he says he can get it for me the next day. This has happened before let me just say (with under 1G though) and everytime hes gotten me whats missing.

Says he couldn't get it that night. So for the past 4 days, every night is a new excuse. I'm getting fucking sick of waiting around at home all evening everynight to get another excuse. I don't want to mess anything up with him, but I do want my dam weed. What would you guys do in my case? I feel like an ass always asking him now.


Well-Known Member
If that much weed means that much to you then go to his house and get some money back or wait it out .. Buy a scale for $20 and bring it with you that way you will not have this problem


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a predicament. You don't have anybody else to get it from? If so, go to someone else for a while and he'll start missing your business. If he's your only option... then you should just forget about it until the next time you buy something from him. Like korvette said, get a scale and take it with you from now on.


Well-Known Member
I have a scale its just we don't meet at good places to weigh it out you know? Like, usually we go behind an old factory. Just a quick hand off with some simple conversation :P

I don't know where he lives. But 2 days ago I asked him if I could just have the money back instead and then the whole night he was telling me he's waiting to pick up. So he said later tonight he'll have it. If not, my only option is to wait until next pickup or something. I lost all my other contacts when I started to only buy from this guy because he's got good prices. But dam I need to find some more!

In all honestly, the weed itself I don't care too much about. It's the POINT. Like, if he's dealing he should keep ontop of things.


Well-Known Member
In all honestly, the weed itself I don't care too much about. It's the POINT. Like, if he's dealing he should keep ontop of things.
Ok then, if you don't care about the weed... then call him up and say "I'm not buying anything from you anymore... unless you settle up with me like a man."


New Member
so y did u pay for the whole ounce and only got 25 grams??? that what i dont understand y could u just give him the money for 25 grams worth instead of a oz???


Well-Known Member
so y did u pay for the whole ounce and only got 25 grams??? that what i dont understand y could u just give him the money for 25 grams worth instead of a oz???
I asked to get 25G, I show up with the money for 25G, then he says it might not be exactly 25G because he didn't have a scale. So I only got 21.5G and paid for 25.

Ok then, if you don't care about the weed... then call him up and say "I'm not buying anything from you anymore... unless you settle up with me like a man."
My luck I would do that and end up loosing my only source :-( I usually pick up around 20G every 2 weeks. So just SAY you were in the dealing business. Would you care if you lost me as a contact?


Well-Known Member
osing my only source :-( I usually pick up around 20G every 2 weeks. So just SAY you were in the dealing business. Would you care if you lost me as a contact?
No I guess I wouldn't... but you said that you don't care about the weed. Its the POINT... remember? Are you gonna swallow your pride?


Well-Known Member
When I buy I ALWAYS have my didgy with me. If its short you have bartering power. I was under the impression that an oz. should be 28g w/o the bag. That would mean 3g short? But thats just my $0.02. Re-read thread, you asked for 25g and got 21.5g. What does anyone weigh their stuff out at? Without a baggie?


New Member
I asked to get 25G, I show up with the money for 25G, then he says it might not be exactly 25G because he didn't have a scale. So I only got 21.5G and paid for 25.

My luck I would do that and end up loosing my only source :-( I usually pick up around 20G every 2 weeks. So just SAY you were in the dealing business. Would you care if you lost me as a contact?
this guy ur getting it from does not seem to be a dealer more like the middle man since he dont have a scale so maybe u need a new connect im sure u can find one... its called networking


Well-Known Member
Ok heres what you do. Next time you buy from him, be sure not to have ALL of the money. Make sure you're shy however much 3 grams would cost. Tell him you'll pay him back the next day and never do it. When he asks you about the money you owe him... tell him he owes you weed of the same value.

If your response to that is "if I don't have all of the money, he won't sell me a bag"... then you're being treated like a punkboy. You'll be flexible but he won't? I wouldn't be putting up with that. I'd tell him to fuck off and just do without until I found a new dealer.


Well-Known Member
....short and simple: grow!

The dude ripped you off and your worried about cutting ties?
....was he worried when he ripped you off?
I don't own a scale either, so when someone calls me to tell me that I shorted them, if not the same day then the very latest is the next day I will meet up and sq up.

More then likely he is buying a bag and thumbing a few grams for himself.
and that's kool as long as he told you before hand and you agreed.

Find a gangster, I'm 100% sure he can hook you up with nickles and dime bags.


Well-Known Member
No I guess I wouldn't... but you said that you don't care about the weed. Its the POINT... remember? Are you gonna swallow your pride?
Its the point that he keeps blowing me off. Its not that I don't WANT the weed. Obviously I do and I hope to get it. I'm just getting angry about being blown off.

Just so people know, I wasn't buying an OUNCE. I was buying 25G and that was short 3.5.

KushKing, I think you are correct about the middle man. It would be very nice to start buying from his source but he keeps quiet about all that kind of stuff. Plus, the good weed is all tied in with the gangsta' type people.

GrowSpecialist, that's what I was thinking of doing. If I don't get it tonight I will probably try again tomorrow or the next. After that I'll just come short a bit and tell him why haha.


Well-Known Member
I have a scale its just we don't meet at good places to weigh it out you know? Like, usually we go behind an old factory. Just a quick hand off with some simple conversation :P

I don't know where he lives. But 2 days ago I asked him if I could just have the money back instead and then the whole night he was telling me he's waiting to pick up. So he said later tonight he'll have it. If not, my only option is to wait until next pickup or something. I lost all my other contacts when I started to only buy from this guy because he's got good prices. But dam I need to find some more!

In all honestly, the weed itself I don't care too much about. It's the POINT. Like, if he's dealing he should keep ontop of things.
damn sounds like he tryin to G you to me bruh. if it were me i'd set up a deal for like a quo (quarter ounce) or higher and bring my boys through and tighen his ass up and take his shit, and find a new dealer. but uh, i mean thats just what i would do. but if u aint gunna take that road den u should get another dealer and forget it. or ask for more weed the next time he hook u up. but i'd get a new dealer anyway cuz he really tryin to run game on you. and in the bud world, because the government dosen't controll it, we govern ourselves and there are certian rules that apply. and what he did was a no no. and even if he gave u the money, or the bud back eventually, you shouldnt trust anyone like that ever again. i used to push, and if i was short when i eye balled it then i'd set up a time and place where i could give that amount to that person. but a good dealer knows that if somebody is askin for a big amount like 25 grams den that dealer should of weighed it out befor giving it to you. it should of been scaled and bagged and ready to go . i understand that u guys might not have spoken over the phone and met up at a spot that he is normally around, and if not then he should of told u to come back at a certian time so he could have it ready for u. i kno im rambling on but u have to understand that commin' from an ex dealer, i hate when ppl try to get over on other ppl, its fucked up, and he is gunna loose alot of clientel over that cuz word gets around and he is gunna be broke. but anyway im sorry bout what happend and i hope everything works out for you



Well-Known Member
Altright so I made some progress haha. Heres how the convo went today.

Me: Hey man. So any news on that 3.5?
Him: I don't know. I need to grab but everyones dry
Me: Alright. I'll hold off on any more then for now until whenever
Him: True well I just gotta convince my buddy I can prob get 4 ounces on spot
Me: Oh nice. Well let me know if you convince him
Him: Yeah for sure I can hook up cheap
Me: You know if its indoor/outdoor?
Him: Some indoor
Me: Alright well just text me sometime if you can get some

And then he didn't send anything else. He did say a few days ago its harder to pick up this month too.

Any comments? Advice? Thanks :P


Well-Known Member
damn sounds like he tryin to G you to me bruh. if it were me i'd set up a deal for like a quo (quarter ounce) or higher and bring my boys through and tighen his ass up and take his shit, and find a new dealer. but uh, i mean thats just what i would do. but if u aint gunna take that road den u should get another dealer and forget it. or ask for more weed the next time he hook u up. but i'd get a new dealer anyway cuz he really tryin to run game on you. and in the bud world, because the government dosen't controll it, we govern ourselves and there are certian rules that apply. and what he did was a no no. and even if he gave u the money, or the bud back eventually, you shouldnt trust anyone like that ever again. i used to push, and if i was short when i eye balled it then i'd set up a time and place where i could give that amount to that person. but a good dealer knows that if somebody is askin for a big amount like 25 grams den that dealer should of weighed it out befor giving it to you. it should of been scaled and bagged and ready to go . i understand that u guys might not have spoken over the phone and met up at a spot that he is normally around, and if not then he should of told u to come back at a certian time so he could have it ready for u. i kno im rambling on but u have to understand that commin' from an ex dealer, i hate when ppl try to get over on other ppl, its fucked up, and he is gunna loose alot of clientel over that cuz word gets around and he is gunna be broke. but anyway im sorry bout what happend and i hope everything works out for you

It's people that think like you that give stoners a bad name. Violence isn't the answer and pussys jump people. It's about an 8th I'm sure he will fix you up straight if not that's why I deal with my boys, never shorted usually more.


Well-Known Member
You should just avoid him if he insists on selling you something bunk, fuck that shit really.. You should get a scale for these preventive measures, so you could weigh the shit yourself. If you think hes ripping you off, you can also give him the intent that you want the exact amount that you've asked for, if you detect that it has been cut short, you should tell him to weigh it.

Im actually pretty fucking high right now to tell you the truth.. haha :D I finally managed to smoke a bowl today, after 4 days :P :D :D :D