I lost my Dad in 07', I feel you completely.
We are never prepared to lose a Loved One No Matter how Strong we think we are.
I though I was light steel but my heart crumpled like Dust during that time.
I am not religious, more spiritual and not the silly crap.
I was born a Jew, I am Non Practising.
I don't know what religion you are and it's not what matters.
As a Jew we have strict rules to follow during mourning, it's called "sitting Shiva".
for 7 days We Jews are supposed to Mourn then when Shiva ends we are to return to our lives and move on.
We gather together with loved ones, family and Friends as most all do under the circumstance.
there are other customs that don't matter, it's the people and the attitudes that make Shiva.
To honor the Lost Loved one and to care for each other deeply while our souls are raw from pain and loss is a job shared by all.
The reality of your loss is a heavy weight Shiva simply tells you when to let go the weight of the loss.
Not all people can let go so quickly of the pain and emotion, specially younger people who have never thought about Mortality and it's Part in Life.
The point I am trying to make is you need the support of others, friends, family, loved ones.
Death is a great burden, it is a little easier when carried on many shoulders and not just yours.
PM me at any time should you need to.
I am sure many people here will reach out to you and we all mean it.
If you want to drink be careful as it can make depression overwhelming.
The best "high" you can get right now is Love.
Pot helps too!
Bless you and your Family,