Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Polls during primary revealed Sanders +13 over Trump, with Clinton +2 (within margin of error) Trump.
So how close was that verifiable prediction?
Psst.....Bernie lost.
Get over it.
Polls during primary revealed Sanders +13 over Trump, with Clinton +2 (within margin of error) Trump.
So how close was that verifiable prediction?
I'm not saying I agree with Possum-master, but even a broken clock is correct twice a day; any step away from mandatory minimums is a positive step IMO.
looky here, another jew-hater. big fucking surprise.
i'll be sure to tell my kid i am a fake jew after i raise them jewish and celebrate all the jewish holidays after having a jewish wedding.
at some point you anti-semitic retards just have to accept that people can convert to judaism, and that you retards are just jew-hating anti-semite retards.
No, I'm not the racist sort, I also don't blame black voters for Trump's election.
just because some one believes in Judaism dosnt make them a Semite
unless you are actually which case.....yeah then you might be a Semite
I find it appalling that people actually use that phrase as the Germans in the 1850's coined that when they first began to tap into the occult and started blaming the Jews for all of the non Jewish misfortunes..... by the 1880's the Anti-Semite phrase was wide used by the So-Called "German Aryans" in which a League was formed for them to be able to discuss all things anti Jew
By definition your bloodline would be directly descendant of order to be an actual Semite
I suppose you have the Bloodline DNA documentation hanging above your bed
I also dont understand why you constantly throw words like Racist/Anti-Semite etc. around at leisure
If I dont see your color....and only see you as the piece of shit waste of O2 how am I Racist
If I dont see you for your religion .....If I dont even believe in Christianity/Judaism
If I dont even recognize your belief system enough to make it a point to not like it
How can one be considered Anti-Semitic
if one is not against but rather dosnt recognize it completely?
Oh....I get it
it's the Liberal Attack
Step 1. Project your beliefs onto others you are against
Step 2. Don't stop pushing your false propaganda even if it's completely Exposed as fraudulent
Step 3. Rinse and Repeat
Historically I think the 1 party 2 head sysyem is a little more convoluted than that but I agreeIt's the way of BOTH polItical parties in America..
Not after Citizens United. That simplified things nicely indeed- for the donor class.Historically I think the 1 party 2 head sysyem is a little more convoluted than that but I agree
just because some one believes in Judaism dosnt make them a Semite
unless you are actually which case.....yeah then you might be a Semite
I find it appalling that people actually use that phrase as the Germans in the 1850's coined that when they first began to tap into the occult and started blaming the Jews for all of the non Jewish misfortunes..... by the 1880's the Anti-Semite phrase was wide used by the So-Called "German Aryans" in which a League was formed for them to be able to discuss all things anti Jew
By definition your bloodline would be directly descendant of order to be an actual Semite
I suppose you have the Bloodline DNA documentation hanging above your bed
I also dont understand why you constantly throw words like Racist/Anti-Semite etc. around at leisure
If I dont see your color....and only see you as the piece of shit waste of O2 how am I Racist
If I dont see you for your religion .....If I dont even believe in Christianity/Judaism
If I dont even recognize your belief system enough to make it a point to not like it
How can one be considered Anti-Semitic
if one is not against but rather dosnt recognize it completely?
Oh....I get it
it's the Liberal Attack
Step 1. Project your beliefs onto others you are against
Step 2. Don't stop pushing your false propaganda even if it's completely Exposed as fraudulent
Step 3. Rinse and Repeat
seems a little Aggressiveshut the fuck up, retard.
you are ON NOTICE now
seems a little Aggressive
and maybe THREATENING???
I am on notice because I disavow anyone whom judges people by the color of skin/ethneticity/religious beliefs/sexual orientation...etc??
I disagree with anyone whom has hate in their heart!!
which I am guessing you have extreme hate in your heart?
Every human being should be treated with equal respect and kindness......
Judge people only by their actions
Truth Hurts....
I have been trying to figure out why you continually spew ignorance and vulgarity towards people on a cannabis message board
constantly talking down to individuals
do you believe that you are superior to others?
Makes no sense
you are what gives Cannabis growers a bad name
you are the very reason why our community is looked down upon
because you are ignorant
or maybe your programming is faulty
short circuiting?
or maybe you are the product of Facist/Socialist propaganda "everyone is equal unless you disagree with me" mindset
with your comments of racism and vulgarity
consistantly calling people names
I believe you are intellectually inferior to this entire forum
and to reiterate my belief in the phrase Anti-Semite
I am repulsed by the fact that society keeps alive the very atrocities the National Socialist Party did to millions of people because of their ethneticity/religious beliefs
those acts were some of the most evil in human history and will never be forgotten
but consistently using a phrase coined by the very party that committed those unthinkable acts is disgusting
and using your faith/race as a crutch to villify people who may disagree with your political/life viewpoints as either racist or anti-semitic is morally ambiguous at best
you dont know me
you dont know my beliefs
you dont know my background
you dont know my knowledge
but according to you I am a Retard
I am a Retard
I am glad you hold a disdain for intelligenceAlso: Congrats -- you've won the coveted 'Meltdown of the Week' Award with that last wall of whiny blather!
I am glad you hold a disdain for intelligence
I am glad you hold a disdain for intelligence
I am a Retard
who supports trump?the KKK and the american nazi party supported trump.
who supports trump?
I surely dont
Judging by his Family
I would say he reached support from both sides seeing as his Son-in-law is Jewish
Kushner also has ties to George Soros in business loans
the same George Soros that Backed Hillary Clinton?
Seems odd
I also think it is odd that Both families daughters are besties
what is even more odd is the fact that both parties Paid Bernie to take a dive
seeing as Hillary surely couldnt beat him and I think he would have givin Trump a run if not beat him
but he wasnt there to win
he was there as a ploy
really dosnt matter who our Head is
matters who is behind the scene pulling the strings
and our President hasnt had much pull since 1918
you really are dumb arent youthat's it, i have to officially put you ON NOTICE for abject stupidity.
I find it odd Fascist/Socialist turn on true liberals....because Facist cant handle allowing others to control their own livesthat's it, i have to officially put you ON NOTICE for abject stupidity.